Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

  • Thread starter climbhi
  • Start date
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In summary, a group of individuals are discussing a new forum and its purpose of asking and answering "stupid questions." They discuss topics such as how long it takes to reach 1000 posts, the existence of the old forums, the best superpower, an elevator that goes sideways, and the reasons behind posting in this forum. They also explore the question of why they ask questions and the possible theories that have not been invented. Eventually, the conversation turns to the expansion of the universe and the orbit of planets around stars.
  • #36
lol! what a random thread... :)

heya all, just thought id post a random post...and say hi

hope ur all ok *hugs*

Luv TA x x
Physics news on
  • #37
The sun is fueled by star dust.

Will Twisted Angel get crooked wings if a broken bell rings?
  • #38
say, "huh?"
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  • #39
Did twisted angel not read the intro and title to this topic, or is he just trying to piss us off by never posting a question?
  • #40
Twisted Angel posted a question alright. It went 'Huh?' which is probably about as stupid a question as you can get, so no problem there. Unfortunately he/she didn't answer any question before posting.

Do you think TA will read the opening thread now and figure out what they are supposed to do?
  • #41
i think TA shall

if the Earth goes around the sun, what does the sun go around?
  • #42
Twisted Angel asked:
if the Earth goes around the sun, what does the sun go around?

The sun doesn't go around anything. It moves in a pentagram pattern, that's why there are so many demons lurking in the solar system.

How many demons are lurking in the solar system?
  • #43
3554742 + 6/7

Where did my pants go last night?
  • #44
Is that really appropriate for this forum...?

Were you drunk or what, really how could you not know where your pants are?
  • #45
do i look fat in this?
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  • #46
Originally asked by climbhi

Were you drunk or what, really how could you not know where your pants are?

He wants to know where his pants went, because he never left them, and he really wants to know where he actually went, just to shy to ask it that way. (would have to admit to having been that drunk??)

If the Sun goes around the outer edge of the galaxy, then what does Twisted Angel go around?

(Grimmus, YES!)
  • #47
TA goes around a corner.

Actually, I never drink alcohol. I have never taken any drugs illegally, either. I am always 100% sober.

What do you call an undergraduate that is always 100% sober.
  • #48
A liar!

Why is there no such term as 'overgraduate'?
  • #49
cos it probably doesn't have a proper definition - and not enuff ppl use the term...(hence it not being in the dictionary)

Originally posted by Ben-CS
TA goes around a corner.

TA goes around a corner to where...?
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  • #50
Originally posted by Twisted Angel
cos it probably doesn't have a proper definition - and not enuff ppl use the term...(hence it not being in the dictionary)

TA goes around a corner to where...?

To the other side of the corner, duh :wink: .

What does "DUH" stand for?
  • #51
Originally asked by Mentat

What does "DUH" stand for?

Don't Understand, Huh??

What is it that you don't understand?
  • #52
Mr. Robin Parsons asked:
What is it that you don't understand?

Me? oh, you know... life... the universe... everything.

How could I understand?
  • #53
Read Douglas Adams books. They imbue ultimate understanding.

Why does God do bad things to good people? (like killing douglas adams...)
  • #54
Originally asked by 'Another God'

Why does God do bad things to good people? (like killing douglas adams...)

Because you seem to think that all of the Bad people, are already "full up"!

How do we prove that "Another God" is really the center of the Universe??
  • #55
Alter the universe.
And how do you propose we do that?
  • #56
Originally posted by FZ+
Alter the universe.
And how do you propose we do that?

We use Bush's fabled "nucular" weapons.

Why did Bush win the election?
  • #57
The elevtion results were in a quantum superposition. Someone looked at them, causing the superposition to collapse into an observable outcome. In most other alternate universes, Gore won.

Is there anything more popular than mastication latex?
  • #58
Originally posted by Ben-CS
The elevtion results were in a quantum superposition. Someone looked at them, causing the superposition to collapse into an observable outcome. In most other alternate universes, Gore won.

Is there anything more popular than mastication latex?

Sure. e.g., pickin' noses, makin' bubbles in the bathtub...

At what stage in evolution did humans start shaving?
  • #59
Originally posted by Mentat
At what stage in evolution did humans start shaving?
It happened right after we had both fire and alcohol. It went like this, all the guys were drinking alcohol around the fire and eventually they would try to stand up to releive their bladders, but would fall into the fire burning away all of their beard. After awhile it became a "fashion statement" becuase they figured it sounded better than "drunk idiot".

  • #60
Anything you want Buddy...

How can everyone else think of such good questions still?
(by good I mean stupid)
  • #61
Through headstrong determination to keep
this thread going...

How many more pages of this BS are we
gon'na have until the end of next month
(5/10/1000/an unreasonable amount)?
  • #62
How many more pages of this BS are we
gon'na have until the end of next month
(5/10/1000/an unreasonable amount)?
I give up!

How many pancakes can you fit in an elephants ear?
  • #63
Originally asked by mouseman

How many pancakes can you fit in an elephants ear?

More, if you can get the waffles out first!

Where is the elephant's "Birthyard"?
  • #64
Mr. Robin Parsons asked:
Where is the elephant's "Birthyard"?

Well, you start in Hong Kong and travel by boat eastward until you reach the lair of the Giant Sea Mosquito, take a right (South) and keep going until you see the Cave of Remorse, alcohol is cheap here, so I suggest stopping "for a few". Once properly inebriated, continue the voyage Westward to the Secret Government Tidal Wave Generator & Health Spa. Take another right (North) and eventually you'll get back to Hong Kong and get off that stupid boat. As you can see, I have no idea where the elephant's "Birthyard" is located. I'm not even sure what a "Birthyard" is. I'd ask, but it might not be stupid enough.

Would inquiring what the heck a "Birthyard" is be a stupid question?
  • #65
Originally posted by J-Man
Well, you start in Hong Kong and travel by boat eastward until you reach the lair of the Giant Sea Mosquito, take a right (South) and keep going until you see the Cave of Remorse, alcohol is cheap here, so I suggest stopping "for a few". Once properly inebriated, continue the voyage Westward to the Secret Government Tidal Wave Generator & Health Spa. Take another right (North) and eventually you'll get back to Hong Kong and get off that stupid boat. As you can see, I have no idea where the elephant's "Birthyard" is located. I'm not even sure what a "Birthyard" is. I'd ask, but it might not be stupid enough.

Would inquiring what the heck a "Birthyard" is be a stupid question?

Duh, I dunno.

What was the first stupid question ever asked? (I mean the first stupid question asked by a human, not the first asked on this thread.)
  • #66
Originally asked by mentat

What was the first stupid question ever asked? (I mean the first stupid question asked by a human, not the first asked on this thread.)

Where the heck am I??!

What was the first stupid responce?
  • #67
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What was the first stupid responce? [/B]
Watch out! You're smack bang in the middle of the Elephants Birthyard!

Why are elephant birthyards so dangerous?
  • #68
Originally asked by Another God
(You know, the OTHER one...)

Why are elephant birthyards so dangerous?

Because they come out back end first, and if you stand in the wrong place you might just become a 'birthing pad'! (Quick, go boil somewater!...and get a towel, you'll need it!)

In the legend of the 'Elephants Graveyard', where was it?
  • #69
The elephant's graveyard is behind the First Baptist Ele-piscopalian.

What's with all the damn elephants?
  • #70

Why do elephants have four feet?

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