Can PF Random Thoughts be Split to Help with Server Load?

In summary: Knew". It's a really great game.In summary, Irrational Games has released a new game called "God Only...Knew". It is a great game that is sure to please players.
  • #2,871
I hate sherlockians.
Physics news on
  • #2,872
Enigman said:
I hate sherlockians.

I discovered differential Galois theory yesterday. I think I'm in love with this concept. It's really beautiful.
  • #2,873
Mandelbroth said:

Shoot yourself and then fall.
P.S. S4 either Jim has cracked p vs np or Mrs Norton's interfering or Jims's brother's back in London.
  • #2,874
Enigman said:
Shoot yourself and then fall.
:eek: :-p
  • #2,875
  • #2,876
OmCheeto said:
Google is broken...

All I get are TED videos... :mad:

Does anyone remember the song, with the premise:

"If (in your opinion) I'm so messed up, then why are you following me?"

Ah ha!

Band: Collective Soul
Song: December
Lyrics I was thinking of: "Why follow me to higher ground, lost as you swear I am."
  • #2,877
Enigman said:
Hope you are feeling better now?

Yeah, I am feeling well! Thank you!:smile:

Gad said:
Congrats! :D

Thank you!:smile:
  • #2,878
Enigman said:
Evil Math
Pi is evil.


Surreal numbers - do they exist or not?


"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
  • #2,880
  • #2,881
DennisN said:
Shakespeare's Insult Generator:
..."Thou art a crooked butt"? What is that even supposed to mean? :smile:

"Thou art a foul toad."

A toad, madame?

...perhaps it is you who are the toad!

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  • #2,884
dlgoff said:
Rock Chalk, Jayhawk

It's game time here.

In my neck of the woods, everyone is talking about some Superb Owl.

(shamelessly stolen from Colbert :biggrin:)
  • #2,885
Dad: "Hey. What are you up to?"

Me: "Nothing. Just Killing vector fields."

Dad: "Vector fields die?"

Me: "...yes. They die and go to heaven. They have a weird connection with God."

Dad: "..."

I've been rolling on the floor crying with laughter on and off for about an hour now. :smile:
  • #2,886
lisab said:
In my neck of the woods, everyone is talking about some Superb Owl.

(shamelessly stolen from Colbert :biggrin:)
OMG, he stole "Superb Owl' from me! I've been blogging for at least a decade that I was writing an e-mail and the Microsoft editor came back with the suggestion that the correct wording of "Superbowl' was "Superb Owl". I've written about it here several times. :devil:
  • #2,887
Evo said:
OMG, he stole "Superb Owl' from me! I've been blogging for at least a decade that I was writing an e-mail and the Microsoft editor came back with the suggestion that the correct wording of "Superbowl' was "Superb Owl". I've written about it here several times. :devil:

Nice :thumbs:!
  • #2,888
lisab said:
Nice :thumbs:!
I want money! I'm suing! How much should I ask for? (I'll split it with you).
  • #2,889
Mandelbroth said:
Dad: "Hey. What are you up to?"

Me: "Nothing. Just Killing vector fields."

Dad: "Vector fields die?"

Me: "...yes. They die and go to heaven. They have a weird connection with God."

Dad: "..."

I've been rolling on the floor crying with laughter on and off for about an hour now. :smile:

You have got some serious screw sense...

"What's one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and
one and one and one and one?"
"I don't know" said Alice. "I lost count."
"She can't do addition." said the Red Queen.
-Through the looking glass.
Answer of course is 1...thank the holey socks for logic operators.
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  • #2,890
Enigman said:
You have got some serious screw sense...

"What's one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and
one and one and one and one?"
"I don't know" said Alice. "I lost count."
"She can't do addition." said the Red Queen.
-Through the looking glass.
Answer of course is 1...thank the holey socks for logic operators.
Actually since the Riemann zeta function at 0 is -1/2 [itex] \left( \text{i.e.,} \ \ \zeta(0) = - \frac{1}{2} \right) [/itex], that tells me that 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +... = -1/2.

[Edit: I'll go with your logic operators though. I like those better. :smile:]
  • #2,891
collinsmark said:
Actually since the Riemann zeta function at 0 is -1/2 [itex] \left( \text{i.e.,} \ \ \zeta(0) = - \frac{1}{2} \right) [/itex], that tells me that 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +... = -1/2.
I would usually laugh at that, but I've gone through that ridiculous thread about the sum of all natural numbers one too many times. It's beginning to get annoying.
  • #2,892
When I was consulting for a paper mill in WV, I happened to be in the control room when a senior operator started raging about Lesbian Tourists. I headed out of the control room and an engineer followed me and explained that the operator was hollering about Lebanese Terrorists. So much for English being a universal language.
  • #2,893
The last few days have been "foggy"- for the lack of a better word. I had been pretty much going on like a zombie imitating life. Today's clarity on the other hand is in a frightening contrast to the past few days. It is amazing what a good book and some strong tea (spiked with coffee) can do for you.
  • #2,894
Enigman said:
Evil Math
Pi is evil.

By the way, thinking about fun math stuff, I just remembered a PF chat where we talked about silly names in science/math. Micromass came up with a link to a page thread which was hilarious:

Most memorable titles (MathOverflow, 4 pages)

Some gems from page 1:

"A minus sign that used to annoy me but now I know why it is there"

"Making the most out of zero branes and a weak background"

"How not to prove the Poincare Conjecture"

"Is the null-graph a pointless concept?"

"On what I do not understand (and have something to say): Part I"

"Holey Sheets"

"There are not exactly five objects"
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  • #2,895
Latest trailer for new Cosmos:
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  • #2,898
turbo said:
When I was consulting for a paper mill in WV, I happened to be in the control room when a senior operator started raging about Lesbian Tourists. I headed out of the control room and an engineer followed me and explained that the operator was hollering about Lebanese Terrorists. So much for English being a universal language.

I overheard yesterday that Beyonce had died from licking poisonous envelope flap glue.

I was like; "What?"
  • #2,899
OmCheeto said:
I overheard yesterday that Beyonce had died from licking poisonous envelope flap glue.

I was like; "What?"

...and now I'm like, "What?"
  • #2,900
lisab said:
...and now I'm like, "What?"

They explained to me, that I'd overheard the synopsis to an old Seinfeld episode.
  • #2,901
Although I loved Seinfeld, I was never obsessed with it enough to watch each and every episode.

Apparently, "fiancé" kinda rhymes with "Beyonce".

Or something like that.​

Do not, lick the glue...
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  • #2,902
It's -38 F at the South Pole. Wind chill: -61 F.
  • #2,903
zoobyshoe said:
It's -38 F at the South Pole. Wind chill: -61 F.

My nephew in law spent a summer in the antarctic.

He posted pictures to prove it.

I should probably envy him, as I'm somewhat old, and nowadays, just sit on my couch, and fart.

But I don't.
  • #2,904
Black coffee can clean whiteboards...
  • #2,905
Enigman said:
Black coffee can clean whiteboards...

and blackboards

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