Moving: Pros & Cons of My Dream Place

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary, the woman is considering moving to save money, but her children want to move in with her to save money as well. She's looking at two apartments and one has a steep staircase and large window, while the other has a attached two car garage and kitchen. The problem is that she'll have to pay for the added rent and her children want the one with the bathtub.
  • #106

turbo-1 said:
All is not lost. Forget tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cukes, etc, but there are lots of greens that thrive in shade/partial sun. Kale, chard, lettuce, spinach... You'll at least have the basics for salads, and you can plant most of them over and over again. No need with Black-Seeded Simpson leaf lettuce though. Cut it as you need it and it grows right back all season long, into the fall.
Looks like lettuce it will be.

I'm thinking of getting this non-bolting mix, just incase we get any heat this summer.
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Physics news on
  • #107

Tsu said:
Good Lord, man! Remember who you're talking about! :smile:
Tsu! Yeah, don't forget that the day I moved here I fell within three feet of the back door and broke my arm, and now I've got to move 10 feet carrying boxes.

Just had a nice chat with the neighbor whose place we're moving into. He loves living on the ravine too. I'm going to miss him and his wife, such nice people.

I sure hope that the person thast moves into my place loves squirrels, they've become tame enough to knock on the windows when they're hungry. That might freak them out.
  • #108

Will you have to rent a moving truck?
  • #109

Evo said:
Tsu! Yeah, don't forget that the day I moved here I fell within three feet of the back door and broke my arm, and now I've got to move 10 feet carrying boxes.

and the second of the ten plagues were the fleas
  • #110

waht said:
Will you have to rent a moving truck?
Evo Child will hire movers for her stuff. My upstairs neighbors said to buy some beer and they'd help me move. I will most likely pay her mover's to carry my bulky furniture over to the garage for storage, we're going to be using her furniture.
  • #111

rewebster said:
and the second of the ten plagues were the fleas
Oh, that was awful.
  • #112

Well, having perused this thread I'm glad you lucked out! I hope Evo Child appreciates what momma is doing, not everyone would be this excellent.

EDIT: btw, the squirrels will almost certainly track you down by scent... they may not be geniuses, but they're not dim for small mammals either.
  • #113

Evo said:
My upstairs neighbors said to buy some beer and they'd help me move.
Sounds like a good way to get the new apartment initiated with fresh tobacco smoke and maybe a little beer on the carpet as a bonus.

Anyway. Good luck on the move. Give me a call if you need some help.
  • #114

Best idea for moving day: Tell Evo Child to shrink-wrap you to the couch and then let the movers in. :biggrin:
  • #115

Tsu said:
Best idea for moving day: Tell Evo Child to shrink-wrap you to the couch and then let the movers in. :biggrin:

In your vision, there are air holes... yes? :wink:
  • #116

Frame Dragger said:
In your vision, there are air holes... yes? :wink:

Well, of COURSE!11 She IS my twin separated at birth, you know. :biggrin: Now, I'm not really all that sure what Evo Child's vision might be, tho... :devil:
  • #117

Finally got the Evo Child moved into my place. (she had to move out of hers May 31st) Then the new place will be ready June 15th and we will need to move again.

I don't think my blood pressure can get any higher, this morning at the doctor it was 215/135
  • #118

Evo said:
I don't think my blood pressure can get any higher, this morning at the doctor it was 215/135

Geez :eek: sounds like my Mom 30 years ago, after being called to see my teachers. But she had high bp even without my help.

I have seen my doc last week and she measured my blood pressure - so far, I am going by the book, 120/80 or something like that. I don't even know precisely, she just told me it was perfect. I can take some of your millimeters any time, just let me know where to collect them.
  • #119

Evo said:
I don't think my blood pressure can get any higher, this morning at the doctor it was 215/135
With that kind of a blood pressure you should be in the ER! A diastolic pressure above 120 mm is a hypertensive emergency.
  • #120

Monique said:
With that kind of a blood pressure you should be in the ER! A diastolic pressure above 120 mm is a hypertensive emergency.
He thought his gauge had malfunctioned, so he took it several times with two gauges.

I can tell I don't feel right. I took 2 mg of ativan when I got home in addition to my BP med. This wasn't my normal doctor.
  • #121

Monique said:
With that kind of a blood pressure you should be in the ER! A diastolic pressure above 120 mm is a hypertensive emergency.

I was just about to say this. Wow.:eek:

That is a rediculously high blood pressure to just be walking about.
In fact I thought that hypertension starts at 140 for sys. or 90 for dia. and that's just for stage one. Evo did you make a typo?
  • #122

I don't know what the upper limit is for a blood pressure, but what you are describing is extremely high. The doctor assumed it was equipment malfunction? I think you should take a look at post no. 25 and the replies in this thread: You really should check your blood pressure.
  • #123

Monique said:
I don't know what the upper limit is for a blood pressure, but what you are describing is extremely high. The doctor assumed it was equipment malfunction? I think you should take a look at post no. 25 and the replies in this thread: You really should check your blood pressure.

I know when you are having a stroke your blood pressure will be around 240/210 or something of that sort. I believe with Evo's BP she would be classified as hypertension stage 3. That's a world-scale though and I know Evo lives in USA, I don't know how it works down there. :-p I assume however that Evo's doctor is following procedure for such a patient, but maybe she should see another doctor to get their opinion. Especially with the sense that something is 'wrong' with her. (that she described in her last post)
  • #124

Monique said:
I don't know what the upper limit is for a blood pressure, but what you are describing is extremely high. The doctor assumed it was equipment malfunction? I think you should take a look at post no. 25 and the replies in this thread: You really should check your blood pressure.
After he verified the reading was correct he looked a bit shocked, but he was doing a work physical and not supposed to get involved.
  • #125

  • #126

(stopping alarmist behavior now)
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  • #127

Evo said:
After he verified the reading was correct he looked a bit shocked, but he was doing a work physical and not supposed to get involved.
It is shocking and very dangerous if the reading is correct. Your organs and blood vessels cannot handle high pressure. Anything above 160/95 is hypertensive, above ---/120 is an urgency.
  • #128

Monique said:
It is shocking and very dangerous if the reading is correct. Your organs and blood vessels cannot handle high pressure. Anything above 160/95 is hypertensive, above ---/120 is an urgency.
I'm glad you pointed that out. I'm going to have to go by the clinic.
  • #129

Evo said:
I'm glad you pointed that out. I'm going to have to go by the clinic.
Please do so. Taking a blood pressure only takes a minute, you really need to verify that nothing serious is going on. I hope it really was a wrong reading, but you need to know for sure.
  • #130

And Evo, don't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes for 30 minutes prior to the test! :smile:

How Is Blood Pressure Tested?

A blood pressure test is easy and painless. This test is done at a doctor's office or clinic.

To prepare for the test:

- Don't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes for 30 minutes prior to the test. These actions may cause a short-term rise in your blood pressure.

- Go to the bathroom before the test. Having a full bladder can change your blood pressure reading.

- Sit for 5 minutes before the test. Movement can cause short-term rises in blood pressure.

To measure your blood pressure, your doctor or nurse will use some type of a gauge, a stethoscope (or electronic sensor), and a blood pressure cuff.

Most often, you will sit or lie down with the cuff around your arm as your doctor or nurse checks your blood pressure. If he or she doesn't tell you what your blood pressure numbers are, you should ask.

Don't worry, be happy.:smile: Hey, you look like a relative of mine only she has blonde hair.
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  • #131

Evo said:
I don't think my blood pressure can get any higher, this morning at the doctor it was 215/135
:bugeye: You should buy a bp cuff to keep track of it and report your records to your doctor. You've got to do something Evo.

Evo said:
I'm glad you pointed that out. I'm going to have to go by the clinic.
Do it. Do it now.
  • #132

Borek said:
I have seen my doc last week and she measured my blood pressure - so far, I am going by the book, 120/80 or something like that.
Us skinny guys have similar pressures. I just took mine; 110/80. But I did have a beer which could have relaxed me some.
  • #133

ViewsofMars said:
And Evo, don't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes for 30 minutes prior to the test! :smile:

Don't worry, be happy.:smile: Hey, you look like a relative of mine only she has blonde hair.
I don't smoke, and I had no coffee this morning, only water.
  • #134

Evo said:
I don't smoke, and I had no coffee this morning, only water.

That's good news!:biggrin: How are you feeling? Did you go to the clinic?
  • #135

ViewsofMars said:
That's good news!:biggrin: How are you feeling? Did you go to the clinic?
Thanks for your concern. I just stayed in bed. The excruciating headache finally went away, so I think my BP went down.
  • #136

dlgoff said:
:bugeye: You should buy a bp cuff to keep track of it and report your records to your doctor. You've got to do something Evo.
I am going to buy a home BP unit.
  • #137

Evo said:
Thanks for your concern. I just stayed in bed. The excruciating headache finally went away, so I think my BP went down.

Evo, you are a smart cookie. Only you can decide if you should see a doctor. No one can make you, because you are an adult. :wink: I'm so pleased to learn that your headache is gone. Take it easy.

I'm going to tell you what I am going to do for myself right now, the girly thing. One strawberry bubble bath while indulging in a cup of strawberry sorbet. :biggrin: A subline relaxation. Ahhh to the seventh degree. :biggrin:
  • #138

Nooooo! You cannot feel whether your bloodpressure goes down! And you have a suspected high bp and an escrutiating headache? Please do something, I don't want you suffering a stroke.
  • #139

Evo said:
Actually, my expenses will increase several hundred dollars to pay for the 2 bedroom. The Evo child wants to cut costs by moving in with me, I will be taking on the added rent so that she can cut back on work and concentrate more on school. But then she says when she graduates she will take care of me. :rolleyes:

A Mother's love is the most selfless kind in existence. No bargain was needed, I'm sure.
  • #140

Listen to Monique, Evo. Double check your blood pressure with your doctor. I believe the cuff is supposed to be held at heart-height.

Set aside a couple of hours for relaxation exercises. Treat yourself to some fruit.

Try not to ingest sodium, alcohol and caffeine in excess. Replace cigarettes with gentle physical exercise (like isometrics, which can be done anywhere).

Wishing you a fantastic wonderland for a yard, and a resplendent 2BR, too.

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