Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #316
Gale said:
yeah, that's funny that he changed it. but at least we can move on. i don't know what he wanted before, i tried typing in library, and locallibrary, i even tried hint.. not help though. he also changed the source code.

anyway, so i typed in >help and got a program that gives letters for 3 digit numbers. it gives different letters everytime though, (when you do the same number twice, it changes) except for R, A and T. but its not rat, and its not tar nor art. i even tried rodere which is rat in latin... soo..

Yeah the program basically does crap except for those 3 numbers...and I've done the same thing ... but what is significant about r,a, and t. Maybe it has to do with the dewey decimal code? I've been looking at the list that was posted earlier but I'm still not quite sure.
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  • #317
i would doubt it has anything to do with that or he'd have left something about the library. I'm really bored of this picture though... must be something... the tongue of the dead clue seems to point to latin for something... or maybe some other dead language?
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  • #318
Now the source has "now where have I heard that before..." This changing this is getting pretty annoying.

I started going through some of the other riddles and there are more changes as well...
  • #319
ahahahaha, man i love this. boxcutter is on right now, reading this, and the puzzle changes... anyway...

the source code just changed. it wants us to go back to that level in the grave yard i guess. there's a clue or something there? I'm going to have to start from the beginning to get back there because of when my browser closed before. any ideas anyone?
  • #320
Boxcutter...if you want us to test your game then come clean!:biggrin:

Even if it isn't your game you definitely have some explaining to do...

If you're not back yet gale...the link is http://www.draculasriddle.co.uk/sadam/werewolves.htm"
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  • #321
well its obvious enough that the creator is reading the thread. i also went back through all the puzzles, the second level changed too. apparently we're like beta testing. hehe.

anyway, so i got all the way back to the graveyard, and I'm not sure what I'm looking for, you? we never did anything with the symbols on the top left before so i was checking those out.. not that i have any more clue about them now than i did before. i was looking maybe for a rat in the scene... but i don't see one of those either.

haha, you were a bit late... i went through it all from the begining. but thanks
  • #322
well anyway, the symbols at the top left look like avestan from what google brought up. or something similar at least. maybe some form of sanskrit? aramaic? i think i may give this a rest till the others get back.
  • #323
Hey boxcutter, mind making the program cross platform (i.e. javascript or flash). I only have Linux and Mac running and I don't want to setup the old windows machine in the garage.

Also, I think we've reached the threshold where we are answering the questions faster then he can add them.
  • #324
well whatever it is. we're playing a game that develops itself as we go.

anyway dduardo, if he doesn't change the program anytime soon, it just accepts three numbers, and outputs a letter. you can put in the same number over and over and get different letters except when you put in 289 (R) 959 (T) and 117 (A).
  • #325
you guys have any clues?
  • #326
Boxcutter said:
alright i'll come clean. I thought everything would be a bit more mysterious and fun when you didn't know who the creator was and what was happening. the reason I've been changing the clues etc is because i realize some of the riddles might need more clues, or that some clues don't make sense at all.
i hope my coming clean doesn't ruin the game atmosphere/feel for you. it has been great fun watching you solving everything up till now. i must admit that i am very very impressed by your achievments.
as for the current riddle, it is not something i have made to stall your progress. keep searching for the answer, and thou shall find it!

No, it won't ruin the game. If I may ask, what possessed you to make such a game?
  • #327
Are you Daniel then? are you from sweeden?
  • #328
Boxcutter said:
I played online riddles as zestriddle and notpron and i enjoyed them but i realized there were things in both games that I did not like at all.
zestriddle became (to me) very illogical after a while and the answers could pretty much only be found by guessing at some points. The good thing about zest was that it had this creepy atmosphere over it. I loved shutting the door to my room, turning out the lights and playing zest all night. But then, as I said, the riddles got more and more weird and I lost faith in the game and quit.
Notpron is much more logical but the layout and the whole notpron-spirit is very unsatisfying. you kept getting pictures with the author without a shirt and pornopictures etc. and everything was so witty and straight out gay.
neither zest or notpron had any story, so I said to myself "perhaps I'm too dumb to create challenging and entertaining riddles, but at least I can make the game the way I want it. I will include a story and I will try to achieve a mysterious atmosphere (which i have kind of ruined now, at least for you guys hehe)".
i guess it's all a way to express my creative

Yes I am. Now you are making ME scared... how do you know my name?

lol, you didn't see earlier about that? But yeah, basically, we know where you live and if we find any riddles unfair then you'll know about it...:smile:...Daniel Jansson
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  • #329
hehehehe. yeah, now its a big conspiracy. i'll tell how i know your name and where you live if you give me a hint!

honestly though, i don't know what you all have, but I'm pretty stuck. I've tried translating those symbols into every dead language i can think of. most of the characters resembled phoenician or aramaic, but it doesn't spell anything. the letters turn, so i was turning the picture, but that helped little. sooooo...
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  • #330
Gale said:
hehehehe. yeah, now its a big conspiracy. i'll tell how i know your name and where you live if you give me a hint!

I just want to know one thing Daniel...is the game complete yet? Or are you still thinking up new levels?
  • #331
i'm sure he wouldn't've given it to us if it wasn't complete. he's just working out the bugs. i seriously want to move to the next riddle though. i found your name because last night i was so bored of being stuck that i started looking around for clues to who you were. that entertained me for a while, but we're still stuck on this puzzle! arg!
  • #333
hehehe, nice gokul. that's not even how i did it. i went to his paypal donation site and noticed his email there.

we're all in doina still

he should've known that if we could solve these riddles we'd be able to get other sorts of info. there's a couple people with his name from sweeden online from what i found last night. i couldn't tell if they were all the same, but it didn't seem so. just must be a popular name over there. either way, they all were into digital art, soo yep.
  • #334
Gokul43201, we are here:


Then Gale found this:



Boxcutter, you never replied to my previous request:

Can you convert the program in help.htm to a flash or javascript so no matter what operating system you're using everyone can play along. I don't like sites that just cater to windows users. Mac users might be interested in playing your game and when they get to this point they might get discouraged after all their hard work.
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  • #335
Boxcutter said:
[EDIT] dduardo: i am sorry but i have no knowledge of how to convert or reprogramme it in javascript nor in flash. Thank you for pointing it out though. I will work hard to learn how to do it, so that our fellow linux users can solve this riddle as well. For now, you will have to rely on your friends. I can tell you one thing: When you find a way to figure out the combinations of 3 numbers that you need, you will know immediately that that is the right way. So you can put all your energy in trying to find a way to obtain these three digit numbers, and then give them to your windows-using friends for them to convert them!

Perhaps I have said too much now? If so, I am sorry.

Goku: Indeed it is Uppsala. I suppose you are in Sweden as well since you knew of the city?

Gale: I am sorry for not completing the riddle before I put it up on the web. As I said I was not expecting this quick advancement.
First I thought I had made the riddles too easy, but now I realize it is you 4 - 6 people who have brilliant minds (this is because all other people whom I have talked to who is playing the riddle, seem to be having huge problems with each new riddle they come to). You reason in very logical ways and it has been very interesting to follow your journey.

There's just one thing I would like to tell you guys.
Remember back in Bodley Mansion when things got a little confusing? You reached the 666.htm and the demon.htm before you were "supposed to". This is how it really goes:
you come to hall1.htm. you change boldey to bodley and come to hall2. if you look in the sourcode it says <bgsuond instead of <bgsound at one point. if you download the mp3file which is mentioned there you will hear a voice telling you how to get to hall3.

Concerning the Haunted Woods (the 9 mb zip file) which' code dduardo so elegantly broke:
the first riddle talks about the golden number Phi. if you go to 161/80 (which are the first digits of Phi if you skip the comma) you will find a txt file saying /moveon. You go there and you get an image which says "go to the room of your worst fears, from there go to the room of errors split in half". The room of your worst fears is according to the great novel 1984, room 101. The room of errors split in half would be 404/2 = 202.
there it says something about the beast again and from there you go to "666" where you are set free.

Now, good luck on solving the rest of the riddles! I challenge you to race me. Will I complete the game before you catch up with me?
I promise I will not make any "stall-riddles" just to keep you hanging.

Yeah, I knew the first one due to Phi but I just didn't think that you were referring to 1984, so I just used what dduardo did to solve it.

FINALLY...I am on to something. The symbols at the top left of the graveyard SHOW you what to do to the other numbers...
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  • #336
how do you mean?
  • #337
Gale said:
how do you mean?


237 the first symbol says to place the bottom middle between the top two outside numbers. So you get 831...which is G...now begin using the other symbols on the other pairs[/color]>>

WOOHOO! I finally got it all. Here it is if you want to know...<<[color="#black"]greatflame[/color]>>
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  • #338
Is there any way I can do this without downloading the helper ? I'd rather not, if I didn't have to...
  • #339
The helper is key...but if you want the answer then it is above. The helper just gives you the letter the corresponds to the 3 numbers you get.
  • #340
The numbers (for something to double-check against) :

831 289 652 117 959
821 (or 216?) 371 734 882 671

Do the corresponding letters come from the helper ?

Edit : Omega, got it...I'll just wait for you/Gale/dd to get the letters.
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  • #341
Yes they do...I didn't write the numbers down but <<[color="#black"]greatflame[/color]>> Each letter corresponds to a set of 3 numbers from the helper, so yeah...and hey I already got it...
  • #342
>> the numers were 831, 289, 652, 734, 959 for the first row and 826, 371, 734, 882, 671. which spells greatflame like omega said. nice one omega.
  • #343
Any thoughts, anyone ? And did you notice the different operators (+, *, -, /) straddling each of the first 4 hint lines in the source ?
  • #344
any ideas anyone?
  • #345
Could elite mean 1337? I don't think so...just asking
  • #346
So everyone left?
  • #347
hey yomamma, i'll give it an other go. i haven't been very good at the last few though.

also, boxcutter, I'm just curious, but i don't know how we got past the map part. that didn't make sense to me.
  • #348
Perhaps something to do with astrology; fire, water, Earth and air are how the zodiac signs are classified. I'm looking into birth charts right now.

edit: Just now I think the picture changed. It looks like there's another line of numbers underneath the cards now. Maybe I just missed it before but I'm pretty sure I didn't.
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  • #349
Well I'm just about sick of this one. But here's my thinking for others anyways.

The cards have values, and the operators are given by what suit they are (from the source file). The source file also says read it in the x direction first, and then in the negative y.

I'm thinking start at zero means start in the top left corner where the purple zero is. I'm not sure about 'elite', but perhaps it refers to the kings and queens?

I have no idea what the numbers in the background mean, but if I was right and boxcutter just recently added the '25 5 4 8 2' and I didn't just miss it earlier then its probably important.

I've tried looking up all sorts of different points systems for the cards, but I get all sorts of funny results, none of which has helped. Hopefully someone else can figure this out.
  • #350
i did not add any numbers.

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