Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #491
just use what we have written and try to figure things out yourself. what's the point of doing the riddle if you're just going to ask for all the answers? where's everyone who originally was in this thread?
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  • #492
Gale said:
just use what we have written and try to figure things out yourself. what's the point of doing the riddle if you're just going to ask for all the answers?

where's everyone who originally was in this thread?

Yeah, this whole thread has gotten out of hand...I feel like it is ruining the "riddler's" riddle.
  • #493
The source code of the druidlands changed, *thdthfg sfaz or whatever it was was changed to * ex r g on.

Edit: looks like *nextregion, with some letters missing
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  • #494
Omega_6 said:
Yeah, this whole thread has gotten out of hand...I feel like it is ruining the "riddler's" riddle.

yeah i feel really bad for ruining things. we were just working together and having fun. and now no one's doing the riddle for themselves...
  • #495
Davorac...Then try it. I got it...

Gale, we can still play the game...We would just have to nix posting the answers...If a member asks, one can say to PM (yourself) and decide whether or not to give the answer...

Me, I am going back to that riddle...I am going to try a new perspective...
  • #496
How do you answer? I'm on level 1 and it says
"When you find the answer, type youranswer.htm in the address-bar instead of "darkforest.htm"."
But when I do I get a broken link.
  • #497
take the answer you get and write it into the adress bar as http://draculasriddle.co.uk/veros/*youranswer*.htm
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  • #498
LeonhardEuler said:
How do you answer? I'm on level 1 and it says
"When you find the answer, type youranswer.htm in the address-bar instead of "darkforest.htm"."
But when I do I get a broken link.

Maybe your answer is wrong...

If not then I'm not really sure, the answer to #1 is back in the thread.
  • #499
Omega_6 said:
Maybe your answer is wrong...

If not then I'm not really sure, the answer to #1 is back in the thread.
Oh, I get it! I thought they literally meant type "youranswer.htm" into the adress bar to bring you to some page where you could give the answer, but they meant to actually type in your answer. Stupid!
  • #500
LeonhardEuler said:
Oh, I get it! I thought they literally meant type "youranswer.htm" into the adress bar to bring you to some page where you could give the answer, but they meant to actually type in your answer. Stupid!

:smile: I was wondering if you actually typed that in...I was like no, no way.:-p
  • #501
  • #502
Damn this Marsh!

The letters don't unscramble to anything. it looks like winner, but too many r's not enough ns...

Turn two into three; add another R to the mess? add a whole set of letters? Turn W (Double U) into UUU? VV into VVV?

and what's with the superimposed arrow? Follow the directions? arrow points east?

Maybe boxcutter hasn't finished the riddle yet?
  • #503
Woohoo! I made it to Denis Marsh! :D
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  • #504
Gale said:
i sort of got ghostlyopaquesky when i moved all the letters around according to the charts. zero's mean a letter stays still, otherwise you move it where the arrows say.
I don't get it? Can you (or someone who knows) explain how you did that ??
(Riddle 13)
  • #505
a_moron: its kind of confusing but start with the first grid, then super impose the second. if there's a zero, leave the letter alone. if there's an arrow, move the letter to the square indicated. if it points off the edge, imagine it loops around to the other side. double arrows mean move it two squares in the direction indicated. this worked for everything until the last grid, there was some overlap on like 3 letters. I'm not sure if i messed up or not. for those i just made educated guesses.
  • #506
Ok. Tekk and I worked together, and found out that you need to use riddle #17, and the answer has to be three words. That is as far as I got. I think Tekk got a tad farther...lol
  • #507
Gale said:
a_moron: *******
OK, a few more questions.. (on riddle 13)

1) What square in the grid should I start on?
2) When I move that letter to another square containing a new letter, should I then overwrite that letter?
3) When I have moved the first letter from the first square, where should I go from there? continue to square to the right/left/up/down? or should I continue to move the first letter in the direction the new square points to?
4) I guess that the first grid with directions is the first word, and the second grid the second word.. so on.. right?
5) Zero = Leave the letter alone, if that is so, the 3:rd grid (the one to the left) would contain the letters "SKOQHLYSYUA" since they are marked as Zero.
or is it viceversa? remove all those letters since they are marked with zero? Then the letters "TPGEA" will be the letters left to move... and that won't give me any of the words in the solution..
  • #508
no, you have it quite wrong. have you tried doing it? start with the first grid, and move ALL the letter according to the second. then take the new arrangement and move them according to the third, and yes, most stay still. you don't overwrite letters, they all should move out of each others way. so start with the first grid. create an empty grid. fill the empty grid with the placements given in the second grid. now repeat the process with the third grid. you just have to try it and keep trying till it works.
  • #509
hi everybody!:biggrin: do any of you no chris J. he is my brother and I am stuck on the river level help me out!:bugeye: i am only 12! please i beg of u!
  • #510
heather J. said:
hi everybody!:biggrin: do any of you no chris J. he is my brother and I am stuck on the river level help me out!:bugeye: i am only 12! please i beg of u!
The riddle asks how long the silent curse lasts. Look up the river Styx on google and it will tell you how long. That is the answer.
  • #511
Heather...Talk to me when I am available...That and the answer is in this thread somewhere...

Chris J.

PS: ANyone work on teh riddle? I'm going to catch some :zzz: before I die..
  • #512
Gale said:
no, you have it quite wrong. have you tried doing it? start with the first grid, and move ALL the letter according to the second. then take the new arrangement and move them according to the third, and yes, most stay still. you don't overwrite letters, they all should move out of each others way. so start with the first grid. create an empty grid. fill the empty grid with the placements given in the second grid. now repeat the process with the third grid. you just have to try it and keep trying till it works.
Thank you! I almost got it the first time now, the only confusion was the the arrows that where split into two arrows pointing at diffrent directions, but then I realized that they should be moved in two steps, and got them all right! :smile:

Now to the next problem.. riddle 16.. I got "...THE.cordinates.by.overlapping.tha.map.and.the.cordinates..."[/URL] from that??
Anyone knows ??
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  • #513
a_moron can u help me out with some of the lower level riddles??
  • #514
heather J. said:
a_moron can u help me out with some of the lower level riddles??
Sure, what level are you stuck on?
  • #515
Heather...I am your brother...I can help you...duh?!
  • #516
is anybody on here that is working on denis marsh??
  • #517
some what of clues:

in the source there r odd words including:

center, body, and head

mayb it has something to do with the answer
  • #518
I am praying to any greater power that you are kidding heather...
  • #519
Keats, I have tried "printing" l in one language already, i'll try for some more. Although that wouldn't make any sense unless it comes up with a strange syntax error lol...
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  • #520
Sigh, I lose internet frequently, the idiots at adelphia don't understand how to provide cable internet...

So, anyone have any ideas on Denis Marsh? We played with the letters given and riddle 17's answer and spelled out "wanted murder" and some others but nothing worked. I'm stumped though. Anyone else have any ideas, or have you all given up on this?
  • #521
Actually, we've moved on (or some of us). But I simply can not just tell you the answer. The key to this riddle is that it is simple. Much simpler than you are making it out to be.
  • #522
Hint for 28: look down.

Omega, you notice that if you take the first letter of each word on the picture you can spell "value"? Not sure how to use it, but it fits the theme of the level.
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  • #523
doh, Jumped to 32, still stuck on 29.
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  • #524
Omega_6 said:
Actually, we've moved on (or some of us). But I simply can not just tell you the answer. The key to this riddle is that it is simple. Much simpler than you are making it out to be.
well maybe a hint or two, youve helped in the past.
  • #525
Omega, ignore my sister (HEather). She doesn't know anything about source code and programming... And she can be annoying...

And can you pretty please give a hint? :shy: Please :wink: lol.

Tekk...I'm with you on the adelphia thing. THey suck major @$$...lol.

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