Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #526
Keats gave you a pretty big hint: Look down. I mean physically look down, and then maybe when 2 goes to 3 it will mean something.
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  • #527
Thx for the clue Omega 6...
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  • #528
Omega, and a_moron, does it deal with turning "w" into "e"? I did that and got reiner..But that doesn't work...And I got your hint, sorta..Anything else?
  • #529
Im going bloody crazy this is really getting to me, i alway thought of myself as pretty clever, well very clever. But i can not for the life of me get this.

Look down: no that does not help me at if i look down i see feet, smelly, but feet non the less

as for there being a B missing, well that gives me brien WR, who google does know.
Give me more before I shoot myself, and if this answer turns out to me lame i will kill myself
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  • #530
Chris J. said:
Omega, and a_moron, does it deal with turning "w" into "e"? I did that and got reiner..But that doesn't work...And I got your hint, sorta..Anything else?
Another clue to 28..
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  • #531
a_moron said:
Another clue to 28..
thats not a clue?

why did everyobe become so stand off-ish, earlier everyone was helping each other out, now people are thowing tit-bits. I recall everyone needing help at some point on this "quest"
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  • #532
apj101 said:
thats not a clue?
It's a clue.. not a spoiler...
  • #533
LeonhardEuler said:
The riddle asks how long the silent curse lasts. Look up the river Styx on google and it will tell you how long. That is the answer.
well how about another clue, i seem to recall you getting stuck on 13 and people helping you out, its ok to request substantial help...right

when i get it i;m sure it will compound my frustration of not getting it for so long :(

i'm playing with mirroring the image now... not getting anywhere
  • #534
apj101 has a point. everyone was working together and now they just seem smug to me...Yes, you and others help by giving tidbits, but seriously...I don't get your clue...We're on riddle 28, turn 2 -> 3, you get 38...Then turn rienwr into...ugh...Ok..ON the keyboard:


So...Is it "wi" to "ei"? But I still don't get it! ARG!
  • #535
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  • #536
ok so my monitor is off and I am looking at my keyboard

now what
  • #537
Still doesn't help. You are using a CTX monitor, then It doesn't help me. I have an LCD monitor...But I tried 28 -> wi... and 38-> ei...I still don't get it!
  • #538
You don't even have to click the "links"... just hold pointer over them... and read the statusbar on your browser...


OK.. This you know.. the clue in the Html says "17".. but you are on riddle "28"... and you know that the picture has the letters "RIENWR" on it... and the clue on the page tells you to "Turn two into three"
If you take 17 and turn that into 28..(only looking at your keyboard) what have you done then?
Can you do that with "REINWR" by only looking at your keyboard ??


... If you quote this... remove the spolier.. for those who doesn't want to read it..
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  • #539
well i have the answer, but i have to say that was totally crap, where the hell did the b come from? i am so disappointed at that answer
  • #540
OMFG! I can't believe it was that easy!? GOD...I am stupid!
  • #541
There was a B missing. It is now fixed. My most humble apologies.
  • #542
Boxcutter, what riddle was that for? 29 or a later one? Just wondering...
  • #543
boxcutter, i think the riddler is messing with us some times its hard and some times it is plain easy god damn him lol
  • #544
OMFG!1 people help each other god... the L might stand fo LORD becuz there r crosses on the mansion but I am thinking L is for LIES bcuz of
the "untruth" .the W I am still working on but i think i might b able to crack it will in a couple of years lol
  • #545
found out that venerableness means Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.
Worthy of reverence, especially by religious or historical association: venerable relics.

and attaints means To impart stigma to; disgrace: “No breath of calumny ever attainted the personal purity of Savonarola” (Henry Hart Milman).
To pass a sentence of attainder against.

so yah
  • #546
Everyone needs to calm down. From now on all we should really be doing is giving hints. At the same time, there is nothing stopping anyone from giving the answer. But I'm sure everyone would feel better by figuring it out for themselves, even if it requires a little help.

Word meanings aren't very hard to figure out, especially for attaint and venerableness.

As for some of the riddles being too hard or too easy, that's just the way things are. Almost (and I say almost) every riddle seems pretty solvable (and this means "logically" solvable, not guessing) to me once you solve it, you just need to have your head in the right place.

Just being clever isn't going to solve every riddle, you need perseverance and sometimes luck.

apj101: I don't feel that anybody is being "standoffish", we are just trying to preserve the integrity of the game. Earlier in the thread we were more open because we were all basically doing our part for the good of the group. Now that we have so many newcomers one may get the feeling that they are not willing to actually work for an answer (this may not be true for any, but this way forces all to at least try). And just so you know, if I were to find an answer that I thought was ridiculous, then you would know that answer. But if I think that the answer is fair, then I will give hints. I hope this reasoning is the same for all.
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  • #547
Wow i just got internet back, been down since my last post.

Holy Crap, i just got 28. That was one of the first things i tried, but the B was still missing when i tried it. Never thought to actually place in another letter... Man i feel dumb for that one...
  • #548
Well now that I and another know the answer for 29, we have so far come to the conclusion that the answer is unreasonable (simple and easy to guess but so far unreasonable to deduce logically). So If I can't see a way to come to this answer soon then I will post it and allow some of you to take a look. But I don't have any real hints...I mean, why should it be so hard to enter the mansion?
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  • #549
Hint for 29: W, L, level 2.
  • #550
I also know the answer to riddle 29, and I know where to get the letters for the word, but i haven't yet figured out how to read the clues to get those letters...
  • #551
I'm still waiting on

a_moron said:
Now to the next problem.. riddle 16.. I got "...THE.cordinates.by.overlapping.tha.map.and.the.cordinates..."[/URL] from that??
Anyone knows ??[/QUOTE]
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  • #552
Ultraviper said:
I'm still waiting on

for that problem: use the coordinates back on the page where it says you needed a map. the coordinates match up with letters. which spell the word

anyway, I'm glad you guys are still working on the riddle, and i think you've devised a way to mantain the integrity of the game. I'm still trying to enter the mansion myself, but i guess I'm just too distracted right now.
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  • #553
Mmm.. I also want to know how to solve that one...

Edit: Thanks Gale, tested it.. and got the right word...

Edit 2: Now maybe someone can explain or give a hint how to solve riddle 19 (Hall 2)

Note: Working on riddle 30 myself... I got some numbers and a file... but not sure how to use them.. yet...
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  • #554
For 30:

I've got the britain egg(which is basically spelled out for you) and The Voice egg(from the britain egg hint). Haven't seen any numbers, is there a third egg?
  • #555
keats said:
For 30:

I've got the britain egg(which is basically spelled out for you) and The Voice egg(from the britain egg hint). Haven't seen any numbers, is there a third egg?
The "voice egg" contains four numbers... that's the one I'm trying to figure out right now...
  • #556
can someone give me a link to the level they're on? I left, come back to "thelakeisfar" and it tells me not to cheat...
  • #557
yomamma said:
can someone give me a link to the level they're on? I left, come back to "thelakeisfar" and it tells me not to cheat...

Just redo what you did to come up with "thelakeisfar" in the first place, and you have the answer.

And Gale: It may seem tough to enter the mansion but I assure you its not that tough.
  • #558
So I am on 29, and I am totally lost. I've tried everything.

I just can't figure it out.

i see the int n and w=n then l=n and the print l but i don't know if that is part of a hint or if its just there to throw me off.

Ive gotten through almost all the levels by myself, and now I am stumped...please help!
  • #559
S is to skull what M is to moon, what is W and L?

S and M are the first letters of skull and moon, and I've tried everything, i just can't get W and L.

I just can't contemplate what the answer is.
  • #560
JacobNorton said:
S is to skull what M is to moon, what is W and L?

S and M are the first letters of skull and moon, and I've tried everything, i just can't get W and L.

I just can't contemplate what the answer is.
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