Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #1,226
alright, I'm at work, and a good night's sleep didn't help with 53... back to the grindstone.
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  • #1,227
Thanks for the help speedy. 46 was another really easy one. onto 47!
  • #1,228
47 wasn't too tough either. 48 now!
  • #1,229
Greg: what's your idea on 53? I'm completely stumped and about to call it a day.
  • #1,230
stuck forever on 53!

is there a hidden information somewhere cos I am not getting anything "beyond the pixels." I've done some crazy stuff that led nowhere! :cry: :cry: :frown: :cry: :cry:
  • #1,231
same here.. went to the extent of joining those oddly placed windows to see if i get text.. no help.. got to go speedy.. so sorry.. will come back in a few hours..
  • #1,232
that's it for me today. need to recharge.
reggie & greg, send me a pm if you find out anything. :wink: o:)
  • #1,233
yes, Speedy, there is, I can't tell you too much beyond that because it might give it away
  • #1,234
Hmm.. 48 is driving me nuts! This is going to be another one of those "answer is so simple it makes me feel dumb" ones...
  • #1,235
ffutahw said:
Hmm.. 48 is driving me nuts! This is going to be another one of those "answer is so simple it makes me feel dumb" ones...
i agree man i just can't seem to figure it out... its like staring me in the face :S
  • #1,236
seraphcode said:
i agree man i just can't seem to figure it out... its like staring me in the face :S

"The answer is the question" so it looks like a game of figuring out what the question is. Blech.
  • #1,237
ffutahw said:
"The answer is the question" so it looks like a game of figuring out what the question is. Blech.

Yeah i have tried multiple things, and still haven't gotten close at least i don't think i have... Someone left me the clue that the answer is in first person, but I can't think of anything i have tried that could be first person that I haven't already tried... :confused:
  • #1,238
That one is a bit difficult, but I know you'll get through it...
  • #1,239
good afternoon guys...me and melody were up last nite trying 2 figure out 53...i just got up and I am working on it now...

ugh i have no idea what 2 do
  • #1,240
Morning Iggy *hugs*

I'm up too, staring sleepy-eyed at 53. Apart from still trying to reach into my monitor to turn the picture over, I'm stumped.
  • #1,241
haha yea..when i went on that break of mine i feel asleep haha...r u on aim?
  • #1,242
lol, I'm at work on 53, how far have you guys gotten on it? I don't want to give too much of what I have away.
  • #1,243
Gimme a sec Iggy and I'll join you ^^
  • #1,244

@greg: we haven't gotten very far...we have tryed doing photoshop to it..to see if the something is up with the picture but it didnt help...we tryed even googling beyond the pixels...too see if there is some term or something for it but we got nothing
  • #1,245
Let me see, how can I put this, photoshop will be no help to you, you don't need anything else except what's already given to you...
  • #1,246
53 is a "gimmie" ::wink:

Just think about it...
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  • #1,247
really, thanks, I'm going to feel retarded when this hits me
  • #1,248
Damn, still not getting 48! Well at this point the answer can't make me feel any dumber. I'd say I've tried everything, but obviously I haven't since I still don't have it :P I've got a different tact I'm going to try.
  • #1,249
me and seraph have back tracked pretty far ... still no luck
  • #1,250
while me and iggy are at a standstill ^^;
  • #1,251
haha, Melody, no progress at all?
  • #1,252
...im about 2 shoot my computer
  • #1,253
lol, does Iggy's answer answer your question? *giggles*

I do have to ask.. if at all possible.. is the answer a statement or a question?

Also, I need to step out for a bit.. Iggy, don't shoot the screen. If you do, then we'll never get this finished ^^
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  • #1,254
well..luckily i don't have a gun so...

i seriously can't think of anything with these clues
  • #1,255
I honestly don't know, but have seen beyond the pixels?
  • #1,256
Hmm. interesting. I was certain I had the answer to 49, but it still doesn't work. Backtracking...
  • #1,257
riddle 51 ftl
  • #1,258
any hints for 51...?
  • #1,259
Alright, I'm a little irate right now 53, come on 53, get your act together.
  • #1,260
51 - think angles.. got to go.. hope to see some clues on 53 later.. see ya

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