Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #1,261
I'm asking for assistance for number 49 x.x

What follows is what I have so far.

<Ok. So it was pretty easy to get where I was right now. I use firefox, so I opened the entire Dracula's Riddle bookmark folder in tabs, and clicked through, keeping open the ones that matched the pictures in 49. I then used the clues to get the answers to each of the riddles listed: c from crucifix, o from shadow, ? from ?, a from chainreaction, r from neveragain, and d from deatheverywhere. Giving me co?ard. Pretty obvious what word that is pointing to -> coWard. I tried that, and several synonyms, but that didn't work. I then looked back at the question. "Find the missing piece of the puzzle". So I went back through the entire series, looking for an answer that started with W. I found it: riddle 10, Sadam Woods answer: werewolves. So I tried sadam, sadamwoods, riddle10, riddleten, numberten, number10, and werewolves as answers. Still no luck. I then tried entering 'coward' into the decrpyt tool from way back in bag.zip that was used to solve riddle 10. Still no luck. I must be missing something OBVIOUS here.>
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  • #1,262
ffutahw said:
I found it: riddle 10, Sadam Woods answer: werewolves. So I tried sadam, sadamwoods, riddle10, riddleten, numberten, number10, and werewolves as answers. Still no luck. I then tried entering 'coward' into the decrpyt tool from way back in bag.zip that was used to solve riddle 10. Still no luck. I must be missing something OBVIOUS here.[/color]>

you have already got the right answer, you must just have typed it in wrong.
  • #1,263
ffutahw, you have the answer in your post! Retry, probably you misspelled it :smile:
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  • #1,264
My lights are on, but noones home apparently.

A word of advice: When you highlight your answer to overwrite it and try another, make sure you don't have the period before htm selected as well.


And this isn't the first time I've done this either.
  • #1,265
is 53 suppose 2 be a trick question? like really..im not even knwo what I am looking for..all i have is look beyond the pixels, and so dark yet so much info...is that all of it because I am seriously missing something?
  • #1,266
50. Ow. My poor eyes. @.@ I need to take a break before I can even begin here. Not stuck, just need to rest my eyes before I begin.
  • #1,267
iggy_killer said:
is 53 suppose 2 be a trick question? like really..im not even knwo what I am looking for..all i have is look beyond the pixels, and so dark yet so much info...is that all of it because I am seriously missing something?
You're missing something. You haven't got the full riddle yet, just think about it, you do it on every riddle, but you have to do it differently this time...

As for having the entire riddle on 53, I have no answer, and no where to look, literally...
  • #1,268
Nevermind. Saw it right as I was about to close the window. Don't focus is right. 51 now.
  • #1,269
Now on 52, I'm on a roll!

This ones tough...

Anyone else stuck here?
<So we need a map, and the image is ,.jpg There was a ,.zip in #42, with a ,.avi inside of it. I thought I was on to something when I noted that the hint for 42 was "? is the answer" (referring to the ? from the movie and opposites and whatnot). Of course, trying to pull up ?.jpg or ?.htm doesn't work, and shouldn't really, and I'm silly for trying :-p So back to the drawing board for now.>
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  • #1,270
ffutahw said:
Anyone else stuck here?
Yep. And I've exausted all my ideas for now. :confused:
  • #1,271
Gregulator said:
You're missing something. You haven't got the full riddle yet, just think about it, you do it on every riddle, but you have to do it differently this time...

As for having the entire riddle on 53, I have no answer, and no where to look, literally...

I'm still on 52, so I can't be certain about this, but something rung a bell in my mind. If you recall from riddle 30, part of the process of finding the answer was attributes on the file forming the date to look up. Have you looked at the file attributes on whatever image is in 53?
  • #1,272
ffutahw said:
Now on 52, I'm on a roll!

This ones tough...

Anyone else stuck here?

Yeah i could use some help on this... :S
  • #1,273
seraphcode said:
Yeah i could use some help on this... :S

Do you have any possible leads? I've already posted what I've tried
  • #1,274
Well, the imagination of what is a possible lead is endless. =\
  • #1,275
ravenxii said:
Well, the imagination of what is a possible lead is endless. =\

touche. Everything I have so far turns up zilch.
  • #1,276
Same, I hate back tracking, please tell me there is not a lot of back tracking in riddles to come =\
  • #1,277
ravenxii: there is none or close to none, from now on. i have gotten complaints about it before, so I'm cutting down on it, but remember: a good memory is also a virtue
  • #1,278
ravenxii said:
Same, I hate back tracking, please tell me there is not a lot of back tracking in riddles to come =\

I actually like the backtracking riddles. It makes the whole thing seem more cohesive. It also makes them trickier, and as frustrated as I get, I love challenges.
  • #1,279
Boxcutter said:
ravenxii: there is none or close to none, from now on. i have gotten complaints about it before, so I'm cutting down on it, but remember: a good memory is also a virtue

you're awesome Boxcutter.
and sometimes memory isn't something you can work on... :P
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  • #1,280
still on 52 utah?
cause I am :S
  • #1,281
Boxcutter said:
a good memory is also a virtue
Is this a clue for 52? :confused:
  • #1,282
Still working on 52. Theres something I'm overlooking, and I know I'm going to get it if I keep at it.
  • #1,283
Kaya: no that was more of a statement about life. hehe
  • #1,284
/salute Boxcutter I got ownd. lol
  • #1,285
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  • #1,286
52 is not going very welll for me either.. and I'm all exhausted.. working at a gas station is very demanding.. especially if you're a girl.. puh
  • #1,287
Well, trying getting off early from work...only to be called back to play softball later.:cry:
  • #1,288
Well, still no headway on 52. Heres some of what I've done.

<I tried map, themap, and the_map with both jpg and htm extensions. None of these worked. I then tried superimposing themap.jpg from #16 overtop of the ,.jpg. The coordinate (67,126) was close to the words "Where are you?" on the image; in fact directly under the word 'where'. this prompted me to try where.htm, where.jpg, whereami.htm, and whereami.jpg. None of this worked so far, and it's likely just a coincidence with themap.jpg happening to nearly line up. Back to the drawing board again.

I've even gone so far as to look up maps of the actual transylvania area, but you can guess how successful THAT endeavour was. it's another one of those so simple its complicated ones...
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  • #1,289
And I'm calling it quits for the day. Later!
  • #1,290
*giggles* Omega, take the chance! Leave the insanity behind you and let out frustration by whacking a ball!

*stares at 53 and boggles her mind alongside Iggy*
  • #1,291
*Brings Melody back to 52*

  • #1,292
yeay.. 53 now xD
  • #1,293
Zarii said:
yeay.. 53 now xD

Check PM's ... lol if you missspelt PM's that would be bad

"Check PMS" >.>
  • #1,294
*gets dragged backwards*

Nooo not that one agaaaain!

*snickers* Okay, wait, that was the better of the ones I had to slog through >.>;

All right Zarii, now you got to help me with 53 ^^
  • #1,295
On 53 now!

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