Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #1,646
It isn't Pink Floyd is it? :)
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  • #1,647
pye said:
It isn't Pink Floyd is it? :)

You read my mind...:-p Not quite.:smile:

God d***it! Even though this seems to fit it is not so.:devil:

Oh well...:smile:
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  • #1,648
From Lovecraft to Pink Floyd?! o_O That really would be a jump!
  • #1,649
Going to sleep. Good night and good luck.
  • #1,650
yea same..ive been tired for 2 hours straight now...hope someone will have some luck with this one
  • #1,651
michaelkenji, are you already in 56 as well?
  • #1,652
i think this riddle is much harder than I thought it would be. I guess there are too many clues that don't seem to fit together. hence i removed the "it is their creation"-clue, because i think that one is the most misleading right now. You could probably solve the riddle without that clue, and that clue is not what you need to focus on right now.
i guess why this riddle came out to be so hard is because it is made a little different than the other riddles.
  • #1,653
whew! now i have to reset my mind. honestly, the "something missing" clue is still at the back of my head. got to set all those clues free.
  • #1,654
this is funny -- i still find myself googling for dark and the he with three names. totally opposite of what my mind tells me to do. I've been addicted to google! i need an antidote. help me! :eek:
  • #1,655
@speedy yeah i am.. I've followed the leads on your discussions but still can't come up with anything..

this has nothing to do with lovecraft anymore, right?
  • #1,656
no lovecraft hasn't been ruled out yet.. infact it is something to do with one small fact out of EVERYTHING we know bout this riddle till now! Something which we have already used.. something we don't have to google for (oh my head aches even when i say 'google').. geez
  • #1,657
i believe so. and we've all been googling for more than 24 hours now but none of us have hit the right spot. :biggrin:

i just went back to vlad the impaler, with him having 3 names (or more) and being the dark prince but don't know what to search about him at this point. :frown:

maybe i'll go back to the dark wall later and then my list goes on & on.

at least your mind is still fresh, mine's a mess. :frown: :confused:
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  • #1,658
i just tried satan, lucifer, beelzebub.. even their latin names.. still nada
  • #1,659
skimming through lovecraft's writings.. i haven't found any reference to a he with three names yet.. hmmm

are we certain that one of the "names" have been used as an answer before? or just part of a clue or reference?
  • #1,660
that we have to discover. but i have backtracked all the names that had been used but still no success. and believe me, I've read all the articles you are on right now. don't waste your energy on that.

im exhausted. but i shall not stop until i see #57.
  • #1,661
reggie: what are you working on now? right or wrong I am going to concentrate on dracula alone. tough but I am using trial & errror until i hit it. we've been working on this for ages. :-p
  • #1,662
i'm just backtracking a bit.. tired of mulling over the same clues.. I'm surprised that all of us are still working so hard on this for almost two days now! I mean if nobody got it after so much trying..

I'm not against challenges or anything.. i thrive them too.. but this is more of a dead end! U don't even know ur close or far..
  • #1,663
hey speedy.. what's the scene? any luck? any hunch?
  • #1,664
@ reggie

nada. our evil strategy didn't work ei. :biggrin:
  • #1,665
Omega_6 said:
Wow. What hurts the most is that you stayed up this late and we have not really done anything. Good night.:smile:

Don't fret though...I will probably do the same...and I have to leave for work at 5:30.:smile:
haha, I slept a bit longer than i intended xD
but now I'm back.. so what we've got?
  • #1,666
I got something! But it says 55! But it's definitely not the 55 we've seen before!
  • #1,667
where is everybody??

Boxcutter, why does the riddle say 55 again?
  • #1,668
reggiewaters: you figure it out ;)
  • #1,669

Vlad the impaler/Dracula/Vlad Tepes

Howard Phillips Lovecraft

I can't really think of anything else that really fits into this.. but none of the names above works if you just write them in like that.

I wonder what "dark" is implying to.
  • #1,670
reggiewaters said:
I got something! But it says 55! But it's definitely not the 55 we've seen before!
what now?:bugeye:
  • #1,671
got it boxcutter! not completely though.. but this is turning out to be brilliant! clues starting to make sense...
  • #1,672
Reggie don't u die on me now :devil:
  • #1,673
*yawns* Heading to work.. will see everyone when I hit the office.. I hope... *sighs*

Any luck?
  • #1,674
hey zarii! think hard on this... 'he had three names, and we've used one somewhere'. Don't google!
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  • #1,675
reggiewaters said:
hey zarii! think hard on this... 'he had three names, and we've used one'. Don't google!
I'm not.. I'm just temporarily stupid.. okey.. I'm still thinking about lovecraft but I'm not sure if that's the correct one. And if he is.. what to do next because his name ain't the answer.

55 don't say much to me >.<
  • #1,676
reggiewaters said:
hey zarii! think hard on this... 'he had three names, and we've used one somewhere'. Don't google!

Does that mean the answer is a name we haven't used then? :zzz:

Too early in the morning... *grumbles as she gets ready for work*
  • #1,677
ok guys.. u may have the answers but ur just not using it in the right place! think how u used one in the first place..
  • #1,678
OH! o.o wait.. I think I understand...
  • #1,679
Seriously.. I don't get it..
Now you're just confusing me

55-Howard phillips lovecraft-what is missing-right place-first place

Conclusion: I'm an idiot
  • #1,680
AH Gotta get to work dangit!

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