Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #2,066
morning guys...ok i see everyone is still kinda on 61 and ffut isn't far behind...im going to figure out what this mini-grid is for 1st then ill see what i can do
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  • #2,067
Iggy to the rescue xD
  • #2,068
ffutahw said:
I'm not quite to 61. I'm on 59 and I'm trying to find the map I used before :-p

Forget about it. It won't be of any help :smile:
  • #2,069
haha yea idk if I am going to rescue anyone...idk what to do
  • #2,070
iggy_killer said:
morning guys...ok i see everyone is still kinda on 61 and ffut isn't far behind...im going to figure out what this mini-grid is for 1st then ill see what i can do

heyya iggy, we're friends right? :!) :wink:

*gives iggy a soft massage on his shoulders*
:devil: :biggrin:

pm me your theory when its done
  • #2,071
haha we are all friends!
  • #2,072
iggy_killer said:
haha we are all friends!

just making sure in case you get the answer...:smile: :smile:
  • #2,073
yea i think for this one we all need 2 brainstorm
  • #2,074
Maybe the small grid is a pattern trying to show us the method to apply on the large grid (the path to follow). But... what are those capital letters in the source? :confused:

Just thinking out loud... I'm sure you have already thought about that.
  • #2,075
Zarii said:
the captial W and I since yesterday are small letters now.. or am I just weird

Are you saying that the capital letters in the source have been changed after you started this level? :confused: The "w" from "what", and the "i" from the first "is"?
  • #2,076
Kaya said:
Forget about it. It won't be of any help :smile:

lol. Hmm. So I guess I should just try and find a windy spot then. Red Herrings FTW
  • #2,077
ffutahw: the map could be of use, because you know your target
  • #2,078
Boxcutter said:
ffutahw: the map could be of use, because you know your target

Maybe you're right, but the map didn't help me at all on that level.
  • #2,079
((The map that Ffhut and Zarii let me borrow really helped me.. without those two, I'd still be mucking around lost in transylvania!))

*spreads her wings and yawns and finds a whole group of folks bent over, moving pieces of the puzzle on the floor...

Iggy is mumbling about threatning to find that elephant gun again...

Omi is turning around the smaller grid...

Zarii is pushing letters all over the place...

Speedy is.. massaging Iggy's shoulders?!

She puts a hand to her eyes and rubs them*

Maan.. the things you wake up to...

*crawls over next to Omi and Zarii*

Soo.. what've we got?
  • #2,080
this riddle needs a fresh mind to start with so i better be off. I am too exhausted to think well now. i need some decent sleep. :zzz:
  • #2,081
For 59,

<I've looked into the locations we've passed so far. Of those, the Town of Alba, Laruba Mansion, and Aljiba Cemetery have mention of wind, but not of the 'biting' variety.

I'm assuming one of these is where I need to go, and I'm looking at the map now. Of those, Laruba Mansion and Aljiba Cemetery don't appear to have a path east of them, so I'm assuming I need to poke around the Town of Alba.

That being said, unless I'm off in that assumption, I just need to figure out how to take the east path from there.

Edit: Wait. Looking at the map... ,the mansion we have left to go to is the Brahm mansion... so where do I go east from to get closer to that? hmm...>
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  • #2,082
Got it, on 60! :D
  • #2,083


i reckon this could be Kaya? i got your IP now, so i can see all your guesses, bad move ;)
  • #2,084
*hugs Ffutahw*

I knew you could do it ^^
  • #2,085

Talk about not messing with the Ferryman, let's not mess with The Riddler either!

  • #2,086
ffutahw said:
Got it, on 60! :D

Well done! I solved it somehow different, using that "wind bites" clue. That is why I told you that you don't need the map. I didn't want to confuse you :smile:
  • #2,087
Wow, lots of letters on 60. Now to decipher them...
  • #2,088
yea..i memorize this game so the wind bites was what gave it away..i still remember a few things that might come in handy that ppl may have forgot
  • #2,089
iggy_killer said:
yea..i memorize this game so the wind bites was what gave it away..i still remember a few things that might come in handy that ppl may have forgot

Thats what I'm not getting. There isn't any reference to wind in that area, after all. Unless I'm missing it big time.
  • #2,090
*stares at #60*

*gradually tilts head sideways*

hmm. well, I could try all 2500 possible combinations of letters until I got one that worked... Theres a trick to this. I'll get it.
  • #2,091
*uses her wings and flies up to the ceiling and sits on the rafters, swinging her legs and staring at everyone and the puzzle*

This is a toughy...
  • #2,092
I'll be on 61 to help soon, hopefully.
  • #2,093
Ffut... chances are, we'll be here *grins and waves through the broken window*
  • #2,094
I've still got nothing on 61.. how's it going for everybody else?
  • #2,095
Someone come pants this old man so I can get by him while he's distracted!
  • #2,096
Nu uh! He'll recognize me as soon as I come near!

I already nearly skewered him with a stake *glares at Omi* and kicked him in the shins. I'll be Ferryman food if I get anywhere near him!


So.. eight letter word to get us in...
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  • #2,097
if only..we did have to 2 deal with this mini-grid then it would be easy...everything i do works with the minigrid but i forget to use the x or its visa verse...idk how to use them together

  • #2,098
Zarii said:
the captial W and I since yesterday are small letters now.. or am I just weird
Kaya said:
Are you saying that the capital letters in the source have been changed after you started this level? :confused: The "w" from "what", and the "i" from the first "is"?

@Zarii - or someone else - can you please answer my question? Thanks :smile:
  • #2,099
iggy_killer said:
if only..we did have to 2 deal with this mini-grid then it would be easy...everything i do works with the minigrid but i forget to use the x or its visa verse...idk how to use them together

what now?

... :rolleyes:
  • #2,100
Yep, it used to be that W and I (the first letters of the sentences) were also capitalized (grammar and all, he probably just didn't realize it)... so they were made into the lower case letters, and that's the change.

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