Saying 'I Love You': What's the Best Way?

  • Thread starter Physics is Phun
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In summary: You have been dating for a little while and you are considering whether or not to say "I love you" to your girlfriend. You have been dating for a little while and you are considering whether or not to say "I love you" to your girlfriend. You have been dating for a little while and you are considering whether or not to say "I love you" to your girlfriend.
  • #176
Lisa! said:
I love you, people!
Now could you please tell me what you say to someone when you are very angry at him/her and you are not willing to see him again?(other than that f word and get the hell out of here. o:)
Well, it should be sufficient to say "I do not wish to see you anymore." Whether or not, or how much to elaborate or explain is up to you. On the other hand, the statement is straightforward, and an explanation unnecessary.

Lisa! - Why did you see him in the first place? I presume he approached you. Did you encourage him?
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  • #177
arggg. She called me again last night, with another star wars question I don't know what to think anymore. she told me that she really really liked me and didn't want it to happen this way at all, but she just couldn't do it at the time. and she said she doesn't expect me to wait for her which is kinda implying that she would like it if I waited for her.
but now she's calling me like she just wants to be my friend again and she's not hurt or upset or conflicted by this at all :bugeye: I just don't know what to think.
perhaps though, I mean I act perfectly fine when I'm talking to her. so maybe she's just doing the same thing. but then why is she calling me just to talk like we're dating or something?
Either way. If she's hurt then why is she calling me? and if she's perfectly fine with it then why does she call? she KNOWS I'm upset cause part of why she broke up with me is because she wasn't ready for a relationship and she knew I was.
  • #178
Physics is Phun said:
arggg. She called me again last night, . . .
Well, you could tell her to stop calling for awhile, but that seems drastic.

Physics is Phun said:
she told me that she really really liked me and didn't want it to happen this way at all, but she just couldn't do it at the time.
What did she not what to happen? Better yet - what does she want in terms of a relationship? Really you should ask her face to face - not over the phone.
Physics is Phun said:
and she said she doesn't expect me to wait for her which is kinda implying that she would like it if I waited for her.
Wait for what? What does she expect?
Physics is Phun said:
but now she's calling me like she just wants to be my friend again and she's not hurt or upset or conflicted by this at all.
Can you comfortable with being 'just friends' with this young lady?

Physics is Phun said:
I just don't know what to think.
You need to stop 'guessing' about what she wants - and ask her directly? If she can't give you a straight answer, then that is a big problem.

You also need to decide what it is you want. If your wants and needs are not compatible with hers, then there is no basis for an exclusive relationship, but you could still be friends - IF you can be comfortable with that. (Being redundant - see Moonbear's advice!)
Physics is Phun said:
perhaps though, I mean I act perfectly fine when I'm talking to her. so maybe she's just doing the same thing. but then why is she calling me just to talk like we're dating or something?
Only she can answer that question! Ask her! If she can't give a straight answer, then there is a problem.
Physics is Phun said:
If she's hurt then why is she calling me? and if she's perfectly fine with it then why does she call? she KNOWS I'm upset cause part of why she broke up with me is because she wasn't ready for a relationship and she knew I was.
Well, these are all fine questions - that you should ask her. Only the two of you can work it out - that's part of the dynamic between male-female relationships.

But - you need to decide what you want. And you need to clarify what she wants - stop guessing.

Make some firm decisions - and move on.
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  • #179
Moonbear said:
Regardless of whether she's doing it on purpose to make you jealous (which is pretty mean and hurtful), or if there's nothing to it and your jealousy is completely unfounded, one thing is very clear. You are not going to be able to stay friends with her without torturing yourself.

If she calls you again like that, just tell her that while you wish things had worked out differently, if she's serious about still being friends, the best thing she can do for you, as a friend, is to not talk to you, because you need time apart to work things out for yourself before you can be just friends again.

Physics is Phun, read the above again. and again. and again.

Didn't we have this discussion about being "boyfriend in waiting"? You do not seem capable of just being friends with her without spending most of your time agonizing about the situation. How horrible did you feel when she mentioned being in the same room as her ex, without them even gettin' it on. It will only get worse. It's not at all bad for her though, she knows she could have you in an instant if she wants. Even if she's legitimately 'confused' and not playing you, she'll take comfort in having a fall back plan. It feels good to be wanted, I'm sure she's enjoying that and even if she knows it's not good for you, it's hard to discourage it.

Moonbear said:
You really fell hard this time, because you were just starting to realize you love her just as she was about to dump you. Break-ups don't get much harder than that,...

If the worst break up you have is of this kind, count yourself lucky.
  • #180
shmoe said:
Didn't we have this discussion about being "boyfriend in waiting"? You do not seem capable of just being friends with her without spending most of your time agonizing about the situation. How horrible did you feel when she mentioned being in the same room as her ex, without them even gettin' it on. It will only get worse. It's not at all bad for her though, she knows she could have you in an instant if she wants. Even if she's legitimately 'confused' and not playing you, she'll take comfort in having a fall back plan. It feels good to be wanted, I'm sure she's enjoying that and even if she knows it's not good for you, it's hard to discourage it.
Also good advice.
  • #181
Astronuc said:
Well, it should be sufficient to say "I do not wish to see you anymore." Whether or not, or how much to elaborate or explain is up to you. On the other hand, the statement is straightforward, and an explanation unnecessary.

Lisa! - Why did you see him in the first place? I presume he approached you. Did you encourage him?
OMG! Sorry for the confusion. I just wanted to know the phrase(?) in English. I mean that was only a question regarded to language, and you know I said I love you people since sometimes people tend to act as if they like you a lot when they want you to do something for them.:biggrin: :blushing:
  • #182
Lisa! said:
OMG! Sorry for the confusion. I just wanted to know the phrase(?) in English. I mean that was only a question regarded to language, and you know I said I love you people since sometimes people tend to act as if they like you a lot when they want you to do something for them.:biggrin: :blushing:
So you are looking for the polite way to say "Please, leave me alone. I do not wish to see you any more!"? Well, that's the way to say it.

Of course, when one is flustered or angry, one is likely to use harsh language as you indicated.

Human interaction can be quite dynamic, particularly when strong emotions are involved.

It would be nice if everyone would try to remain thoughtful and considerate all the time. :smile:

Hey, I just have these strange notions about humanity sometimes. Most or all of my friends think I am totally nuts. Well - not totally. :biggrin:
  • #183
Lisa! said:
OMG! Sorry for the confusion. I just wanted to know the phrase(?) in English. I mean that was only a question regarded to language, and you know I said I love you people since sometimes people tend to act as if they like you a lot when they want you to do something for them.:biggrin: :blushing:

You're never nice to me. I take that to mean you don't want something from me and love me for who I am
  • #184
I don't have time for this right now! i have exams in 9 days. and I will fail ALL of them if I don't study my ass off! I just need to push her out of my head for 3 weeks. then I can breakdown or do whatever, but she has to wait! school is more important! i can't lose a whole year over her! I can't I can't I can't
sorry for this raving! but this most accurately describes what I'm feeling right now! i just talked to her on msn and I chickened out again! I HAVE to do it, i have no choice. this is for my career now. this will have cost me one year of my life and roughly $6000 if I don't!
  • #185
Lol.. this is so funny..
O0k so, I’m a girl I can honestly tell you the best time that you can give a girl a complement or say I love you to her is when she least expects it. An example of this : I remember one day I was watching a movie with my ex when I had to get a water from his room on my way back from his room he just kinda looked at me and said “ god do you have any idea how beautiful you are” . Till this day I swear that had to be one of the sweatiest complements that I have ever had. also I really new he meant it just because it was so random and totally unexpected. So, all and all if you really love her then it doesn’t truly matter were or how to tell her just tell her she’s girl she will eat it up.
  • #186
Physics is Phun said:
Just tell her you'll be offline for the week or so, go study and pass the tests. She'll just have to wait.
  • #187
Thanks gaby...bit behind the times though.

well should I tell her I'm just too busy to talk? or the truth, I'm too busy to talk to her.
i can't just stop talking to everyone. I'm not that kinda person, i need breaks when I study. i need some social interaction, just not her at the moment.
Putting school aside. maybe i shouldn't talk to her anyways. if she's ok with going back to being friends just like that then i don't know what to think. but maybe she needs me there as a friend right now. to get over her break-up and our friend dying, and she has a newly developed medical problem (which I won't delve into) she just needs friends to help her out at the moment.

arg. I'm not stupid though. I can see myself getting back into the same pattern as I was the last 6 months. she wasn't available cause she was with someone, and I was just biding my time, and it worked! now she's unavailable emotionally, and I'm doing it all over again!
maybe it'll be easier though. when she leaves. and I'll be around the university and able to meet other people and forget about her.

OK. right now I don't have time for her, or this thread. I'm just going to tell her that I can't talk to anyone until my exams are over, and that it's not her.
then i'll figure it out when I get home. and I'll no doubt be back here to let you all in on the stupid problems of my life:wink:
i'll probably get weak and come read your comments here :redface: but I can't deal anymore with this until after exams.

thanks all
  • #188
Physics is Phun said:
OK. right now I don't have time for her, or this thread. I'm just going to tell her that I can't talk to anyone until my exams are over, and that it's not her.
then i'll figure it out when I get home. and I'll no doubt be back here to let you all in on the stupid problems of my life:wink:
i'll probably get weak and come read your comments here :redface: but I can't deal anymore with this until after exams.

thanks all
Sounds like a good plan. Just focus on your exams for now. Now, get thee out of GD and into the Education Zone to ask your questions while studying! :smile:
  • #189
"Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you."__Kirsten Dunst

hmmm...I feel the same way!o:)

Astronuc said:
So you are looking for the polite way to say "Please, leave me alone. I do not wish to see you any more!"? Well, that's the way to say it.
Not exactly! I look for some phrase that is short like "get the hell" that I don't know. And yeah of course I don't use that f word since that's very impolite. In fact I just feel bad about people who use that.:smile:

cyrus said:
You're never nice to me. I take that to mean you don't want something from me and love me for who I am
But for me who you are depends on what I can get from you!:-p o:)
  • #190
Lisa! said:
I love you, people!
Now could you please tell me what you say to someone when you are very angry at him/her and you are not willing to see him again?(other than that f word and get the hell out of here. o:)
If you're angry and not interested in being polite anymore, you can simply scream at him:
"Go away!"
"Leave me alone!"

Of course, if neither of those work, you can tell him, "I'm training my new attack dog using one of your dirty old t-shirts." :devil: :biggrin:
  • #191
shmoe said:
If the worst break up you have is of this kind, count yourself lucky.
Not necessarily the worst, but a hard one to get over, especially if it's your first break-up.
  • #192
Just don't lie when you say it.

Moonbear said:
Not necessarily the worst, but a hard one to get over, especially if it's your first break-up.

Yes. Even harder if you decided you loved the person after the breakup.

I read Barbara de Angelis' "What Women Want Men to Know" weeks after my first big breakup and it helped explain so many of our problems with these unbelievably simple premises, I was like... "Oh, god! That's what was happening all those times!" And I went to get her back, totally committed, but it was too late. She's not the type to last very long on the open market. Three years on they are still together. It's still pretty wrenching just to think about it. :(Oh, one more thing. Guys? When you and a girl have separated, it doesn't matter how long you've been with her and it certainly doesn't matter how much you love her. Life is not like John Cusack movies or "Friends." If she says she's interested in another guy, that's it. You're not the hero. End of story. If you try to buy her gifts and do the hero thing in real life, she might say thank you, but you're just another creepy piece of stalker trash. :/

If it's that important, it should be worth waiting at least a few decades or two until they're divorced. Go into radical life extension science in the mean time (although, you risk lengthening the span of their marriage by many orders of magnitude, so consider becoming a divorce court lawyer instead).
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