Will the Arctic Cold Front Cause Severe Weather and Damage to Crops?

In summary, the weather is gradually changing from cold to warmer temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow predicts that there will be winds between 20 and 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. This will create significant blowing and drifting of snow with near blizzard conditions possible at times. Visibilities will be reduced to below one half mile, making roads near impossible to travel on. The cold wind chill values will be widespread, ranging from 20 to 30 below zero. There is a potential for life-threatening situations due to the dangerously cold temperatures. Additionally, my aunt and uncle own a large strawberry farm and citrus orchard near Tampa, FL and stand to lose the entire crop due to the hard long freeze.
  • #456
Snow is slowing here. I hope it stays that way, or stops entirely soon. Long day of clean-up tomorrow either way, but totals can effect my ability to find places to stow it all. Then, it's time to tractor up and down the road to see if my neighbors want me to cut back their snow-banks for better visibility. I have cut back some areas of lawn for that purpose, but neighbors who rely on plowing don't always plan that far ahead. I'll probably have to cut back snow banks along the road opposite their drives and shove that snow back to make room for the banks that I'll cut back.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #457
Topher925 said:
Me? Go crazy? I don't think snow! I will not tolerate such insnowlence! Maybe its lisab who is the psychsnow, pretending to act all snowrmal.
  • #458
Don't give up hope Chicago.
"[URL spots scores of potentially livable worlds
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  • #459
Evo said:

You have snow idea how bad it is Evsnow. I've been stuck at home all day studying for a math exam on polysnowmials. I went outside but kept running into snowmen I couldn't see because they were all albisnow. I tried going to the taco bell down the street but I ran into snowmen that were latisnow. I then came home to watch TV but the only thing on was Jay Lesnow.
  • #460
Topher925 said:
You have snow idea how bad it is Evsnow. I've been stuck at home all day studying for a math exam on polysnowmials. I went outside but kept running into snowmen I couldn't see because they were all albisnow. I tried going to the taco bell down the street but I ran into snowmen that were latisnow. I then came home to watch TV but the only thing on was Jay Lesnow.

Snow use fighting it...just sit and find snowlutions.
  • #461
D H said:
Texas statewide is suffering rolling blackouts. While the temperature here is not that cold by northern standards, our power plants were not built for these kinds of temperatures.

The blackouts started around 6 AM, the first was twenty minutes off, twenty on. Then twenty off, ten on. Now it is over an hour off, ten minutes on.

It looks like I'm in for a cold day with rather intermittent internet access.

dlgoff said:
Well I knew that there was an island there but there are also DC ties to other parts of the grid.

The Texas Interconnection is tied to the Eastern Interconnection with two DC ties, and has a DC tie and a VFT to non-NERC systems in Mexico.


Mexico comes to the rescue. They're going to be using that tie to Mexico to import some power.

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  • #462
It's cold and windy enough to freeze pipes in a heated water closet in my apartment...

Speaking of which, I'm fortunate that my parents live in town. They've been gracious enough to take me for a few days (beginning Tuesday) while plumbers and other contractors work on my flooded, top-floor apartment.

So long as I cook for them! I've got split pea and ham soup on for this evening.
  • #463
Perfect day today! Sunny, hit 20 deg F as a high, and no wind. It's always a pain cleaning up after a large storm, but it's a lot more pleasant if we don't have to deal with howling winds hauling down below-zero air from the arctic.
  • #464
mugaliens said:
It's cold and windy enough to freeze pipes in a heated water closet in my apartment...

Speaking of which, I'm fortunate that my parents live in town. They've been gracious enough to take me for a few days (beginning Tuesday) while plumbers and other contractors work on my flooded, top-floor apartment.

So long as I cook for them! I've got split pea and ham soup on for this evening.
Sorry to hear about the flood.

Right now I've got a small stream of water going in the Kitchen sink to make sure the pipes don't freeze here tonight. But the temps aren't going to be like this morning; -15°F.
  • #465
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  • #466
D H said:

I've been thinking about moving south since I hate winter so much. Now it appears no place is safe.
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  • #467
dlgoff said:
I've been thinking about moving south since I hate winter so much. Now it appears no place is safe.

I hope MIH sees this, we both lived in Houston.
  • #468
dlgoff said:
I've been thinking about moving south since I hate winter so much. Now it appears no place is safe.
Tucson would be safe from snow. Miami, too, but there are hurricanes and other disincentives.
  • #469
turbo-1 said:
Tucson would be safe from snow.
Arizona or bust. :!)
  • #470
Another balmy winter day here. High temp of 25 deg F with just a light breeze and plenty of sun. Depending on the track of the next little weather-maker, we could get more snow tomorrow.

Father, let this cup pass from me. I could use a couple of weeks of yesterdays and todays.
  • #471
D H said:

Wow, something in spoken English that I was able to understand.

Although the thermometer is out of this world. Here, in Poland, that's not surprising. But in Texas?
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  • #472
Borek said:
Wow, something in spoken English that I was able to understand.

Although the thermometer is out of this world. Here, in Poland, that's not surprising. But in Texas?
It's a comedic montage, Borek. Lots of shots of extreme weather, but not of Houston getting extreme weather. For Houston, "extreme" is an inch of snow or icy roads that will melt the next day.
  • #473
Watching the national news tonight. It seems that Dallas-Fort Worth has gotten several inches of snow just in advance of the Super Bowl. This qualifies as a horrible natural catastrophe, there. I wouldn't bother plowing it.
  • #474
turbo-1 said:
For Houston, "extreme" is an inch of snow or icy roads that will melt the next day.
Even the mention of such weather here is enough to make schools and businesses close (in advance!) and to make everyone go buy a month's worth of groceries the night before the storm hits. I couldn't have gone to work this morning even if I wanted to because of road closure. I didn't want to because I know how Houstonians drive under such conditions.
  • #475
Evo said:

I hope MIH sees this, we both lived in Houston.
Ditto. I remember watching the traffic on 59 when it snowed. I didn't have a problem with snow - but everyone else seemingly did.

Houstonians don't drive well when it rains. Snow is a hardship.
  • #476
These stories are bringing back memories of one time when I was driving in Kentucky. The highway was completely dry and a few medium sized snowflakes began to fall from the sky. It was obvious that it wasn't going to last more than a minute and it wasn't going to affect the road. That didn't stop the guy in front of me from nearly slamming his brakes though. :rolleyes:
  • #477
turbo-1 said:
Watching the national news tonight. It seems that Dallas-Fort Worth has gotten several inches of snow just in advance of the Super Bowl. This qualifies as a horrible natural catastrophe, there. I wouldn't bother plowing it.
You think the "nose bleed seats" prices will drop below $4000? I was shocked at the cost to go the the Super Bowl. Let it snow, let snow.
  • #478
Well, it has warmed up again in Tucson (mid 60s), but half the pipes in the city busted during the freeze. My place of work had to shut some of its buildings down due to flooding (busted pipes). This city is just not made for weather in the teens like we got last week. The various tropical plants have taken it on the shorts too. We will have to watch in see over the next year how many cacti we lose. It has been a rough week for plumbing and flora around here.
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  • #479
Is it rubbing it in if I send texts to my snowed-in sister in Dallas mentioning that I am going to the pool?
  • #480
Evo said:

I hope MIH sees this, we both lived in Houston.

Guffaw! So true! :smile:
  • #481
turbo-1 said:
Tucson would be safe from snow. Miami, too, but there are hurricanes and other disincentives.

Tucson gets a little snow and it was cold here last week (lows in the teens). And Tucson is quite hot in the summer and somewhat humid in August. It is a nice climate but not perfect. Hawaii would be your best bet in the US.

Outside of the US, a number of the Latin American nations have very nice climates. I have spent time in the Andes in South America and the climate there is heavenly all year round.
  • #482
I have a younger female friend that moved to Maui a long time ago. She comes back to the mainland for weddings, funerals, etc, but can't wait to get back home.
  • #483
MathAmateur said:
Tucson gets a little snow and it was cold here last week (lows in the teens). And Tucson is quite hot in the summer and somewhat humid in August. It is a nice climate but not perfect. Hawaii would be your best bet in the US.

Outside of the US, a number of the Latin American nations have very nice climates. I have spent time in the Andes in South America and the climate there is heavenly all year round.
Belize and Costa Rica look really nice at the moment.

Even Nicaragua looks pretty good.

It snowed this morning - about half an inch - which then melted after the temperature rose. Then it rained.

We have about two feet of snow in the back yard, where we haven't shoveled. The top layer is actually mostly ice. I tried to walk up to the back of the property. I stepped on the surface and my leg drop in such my knee reached the surface. My foot was still on about 4-5 inches of ice that I had pushed downward.
  • #484
Snowing heavily now. We could get a foot or so before it tapers off tomorrow morning, and the possibility of the snow changing to rain then back to snow makes me really happy that I have a tractor. Snow-blowing that much wet, heavy snow is a real pain, especially if there is a layer of slush on the bottom. Keep the snow-blower RPMs up and keep the ground-speed down, and you still have to deal with plugged discharge chutes, etc. Yay, tractor!

I have learned to use the bucket "float" feature to avoid ripping up the asphalt drive. Front-end loaders aren't as flexible as plows can be, so it takes a bit of finesse to use them for snow-removal.
  • #485
6 surprise inches today, the forecast was for less then a inch. We are running out of places to put the snow we shovel.
  • #486
Everything melted yesterday. Baby it's hot outside, about 45 deg F. Average for the beginning of February is around 34 deg F.
  • #487
Yes strong stormy south westerlies for days in a row are bringing in subtropical air masses to Europe. It's 11C here / 52F
  • #488
Same mass of warm air.
  • #489
  • #490
A blast of snow -


More on the way




Truck (18-wheeler) hits some ice - car driver avoid serious crash
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