Study Definition and 1000 Threads

A case study involves an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case or cases, within a real-world context. For example, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment; case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time (e.g., a specific political campaign) to an enormous undertaking (e.g., a World War).
Generally, a case study can highlight nearly any individual, group, organization, event, belief system, or action. A case study does not necessarily have to be one observation (N=1), but may include many observations (one or multiple individuals and entities across multiple time periods, all within the same case study). Research projects involving numerous cases are frequently called cross-case research, whereas a study of a single case is called within-case research.Case study research has been extensively practiced in both the social and natural sciences.

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  1. entropy1

    Boas - Mathematical Methods - Solutions to problems in book?

    I started with Mary Boas' book "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences". Now it is stressed in the introduction to make homework and do the problems. However, I would very much like to know if I got the answers right, and I even prefer if the problems are worked-out. So I guess my...
  2. baustin

    I have a High school physics exam study guide? cant solve

    Homework Statement A car moving with an initial velocity of 25 m/sec north has a constant acceleration of 3 m/sec2 south. After 6 seconds its velocity will be? 7 m/sec north 7 m/sec south 43 m/sec north 20 m/sec north 20 m/sec south Homework Equations Im not sure, but X-Xo=0.5( V + Vo)...
  3. M

    References for Self Study in de Rham Cohomology

    I've been trying to self study the section on de Rham cohomology in Guillemin and Pollack's book Differential Topology. The section is in a sense hands on: most of the results are presented as exercises scattered throughout the section, and some hints are given. I've hit a road block in a few of...
  4. H

    Too late for a linguist to study ChemEng at 30?

    Greetings respected engineers, I would really appreciate your advice and experience. I am now approaching 30, and although I have been working as a freelance translator for several years, I'm considering taking a degree in chemical engineering. I have actually been living in Russia for over 5...
  5. N

    How Can I Deepen My Understanding of High School Level Mathematics?

    Hello, I'm studying Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Physics at something roughly slightly less detailed than a-levels (Leaving Certificate). The applied mathematics isn't a problem at all, and the "understanding" clicks properly for me. However, in mathematics I find that it sometimes comes...
  6. CollinsArg

    I want to study Chemistry, What can I do?

    Hi! I need advices for posibilities...I'm from Argentina...I am 21...this is my situation: in my country studying in universities is free in public it is very common to start to study something and then change the I first study music for a year, then I leave it and I...
  7. Samboy

    What are the best elective units for a Physics undergraduate degree?

    Hey everyone, I'm new here but have been following a lot of the threads recently. I just wanted your opinions on what elective units I should study whilst doing a undergraduate degree in Physics. I've been told Computer Science units will be handy as well as more Maths but is there anything...
  8. B

    How to prepare for the Quantum Mechanics course?

    Dear Physics Forum personnel, I am a college student with double majors in the mathematics and computer science. I recently got interested to the art of quantum mechanics course through my current undergraduate research in the theoretical computer science, where my near-future project will...
  9. B

    Study Abroad for Engineering/Physics in Low Cost Countries

    Hello PF, I am currently a first year engineer student, specifically mechanical engineering (BE), in Lebanon. For a while now, I have been thinking about studying abroad either in engineering (continuing my degree) or changing to a BS in physics (not the main point at the moment). My parents and...
  10. micromass

    Insights How to Study Mathematics - Comments

    micromass submitted a new PF Insights post How to Study Mathematics Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  11. vanessa99

    Improve Physics Grade - 16yo Student Study Strategy

    Do you believe that being good at physics depends on study or the intelligence? I mean I'm kinda stupid, as my teacher says but do you believe that even if I'm stupid, if I study I can have a very good grade? PS I'm 16 years old
  12. L

    Advice request good study stats along discrete math

    I study a textbook in Discrete Math 7e Rosen , I am in ch.4 Number Theory Mainly for computer science improvement (cs) Is it ok study same time a Probability & Statistics textbook again for cs...? I have background in Calculus I II and Linear Algebra & web development.
  13. S

    Self study towards quantum mechanics, string theory etc.

    Hello, before I start off, I apologize for asking a question which I am sure has been asked hundreds of times before: but I felt there is just way too much information out there which is a little confusing, so I am here with the hope of getting some personalized suggestions. I am currently a...
  14. Dusty912

    Really need to change my study habits -- Any suggestions?

    So let me start with my high school habits. Basically I never cared about school. Always more concerned with my current girlfriend than getting good grades. I actually dropped out because of one of them, and cashed in my California High School Proficiency Certificate my senior year. One of the...
  15. DaveC426913

    Newest exoplanet close enough to study its potential atmosphere

    GJ 1132b, the new neighbour is a rocky, Earth-sized planet that's located only 39 light-years away - so lcose we could almost hit it with a rock.
  16. Dewgale

    Discrete Independent Study of Discrete Mathematics

    Hi all, Due to a scheduling conflict at my university I can't take Discrete Math, and it's a pre-requisite for all of the math courses I want to take next year. Any recommendations on which textbooks I ought to use to independently study the subject? Thanks!
  17. HeisenbergGER

    Plan for study in the US as an international student

    Hello dear forum community, I am a German student, currently engaged in my last year of high school. I am planning to study in the US after I completed my A-Levels. Since I am very interested in physics and engineering, pursuing a career in those field would appeal to me the most. I managed to...
  18. J

    I love biology and physics but I'm not sure what to study

    Hi, I love biology and want to go into research but I also love physics and want to become a physicist. In the UK you can only study one at degree level and there are no joint or double majors. So, I need some advice. Thanks
  19. SpunkyMonkey

    Fukushima Critiques of Fukushima Thyroid-Cancer Study

    Two weeks ago a study claiming a Fukushima thyroid-cancer epidemic made headline news. The epidemic is being associated with the nuclear disaster. However, the study may be seriously flawed. Here are two informed critiques (please post more if found)...
  20. R

    Cylinder filled with water deflection study

    I am having some problems understanding how to apply a distributed load to a cylinder due to it being filled with water. Attached is an image of the cylinder (placed horizontally). The cylinder is symmetric about the y axis. Water is to be filled from the left through the 1" hole. The cylinder...
  21. A

    France or Belgium for Engineering Studies Abroad?

    I want to study engineering abroad, but i don't speak german (so germany is out of the list) and i have a tight budget ( so many of the countries with large tution fees are off such as UK , switz etc..) After a lot of research i found that the 2 countries suitable for me would be france and...
  22. D

    Possible to Specialize in General Relativity?

    I'm about to start my senior year at university pursuing a double major in physics and electrical engineering. I decided recently that I wanted to go to graduate school for physics so I started thinking about the area I would like to specialize in. My current university does most of its research...
  23. R

    I need advice on material to self-study physics (oscillations and waves)

    I am currently in my second year of a bachelor of science with a major in physics. The class I am taking is notorious for being hard and the professor is very hard to understand (understanding the material, not what she's saying). The class is all about oscillations and waves. The textbook is...
  24. J

    How do I Study and Learn Best in Engineering?

    Hey everyone, I just started an engineering undergrad at a good Canadian University (not McMaster) . I have about 30 course hours per week and spend much time working on interview skills for my coop. I am having trouble with the pace of things, and would like your advice. My problem is that I...
  25. O

    Studying theoretical physics in a creative way

    I have come across a serious problem in my studies. I like to self-study, but I am wrestling between different study methods. I have at least three options on how to read material: Read through it Derive every formula yourself (~6x extra time) Read the title and outline, and re-invent the...
  26. K

    Where can I study (research) Loop Quantum Gravity?

    Thank you for opening this Thread I am kind of new here and this is my first time to post so I apologize if I did something wrong So my question is where can I study/ research Loop Quantum Gravity I have checked fair amount of grad school websites and compared to Super String, I have not yet...
  27. MAAntonius

    Schools How to Use Time Productively - Self Study, Schools, et al

    Ladies and Gentlemen of PhysicsForum, This is an awesome venue filled with great resources. I look forward to expanding my abilities within the realm of sciences by using the resources listed here and occasional consultation with the really generous posters who are far more experienced than I...
  28. H

    Which [Aerospace] subject should I focus on to study for the future?

    Hello everybody, I've registered to the forum to ask for some guidence and this is my first message in the forum so, yeah! Recently, I've earned a government scholarship to study Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering at M.Sc. and Ph.D. level abroad (preferably UK, decided by the Ministry). I have...
  29. S

    Branch of study: geology + chemistry + mathematics

    Dear fellows, I was wondering about what lies inbetween the fields of geology, chemistry and mathematics. I mean, is there a branch of study that uses the three areas? Thanks in advance. JGSeg.
  30. B

    News Working Class Kids Study Too Hard & Can't Get Elite Jobs
  31. Z

    What to study to become a mechatronics engineer?

    Next year I will finish my IGCSEs (High school), and I want to become a mechatronics engineer. Is a mechatronic engineering a branch? Or will I start immediately in studying mechatronics at college? sorry if i sound confusing
  32. rose123456789

    I want to study applied mathematics on my own

    i want to study applied mathematics on my own, but i don't know where to start
  33. Z

    What to study to become an inventor?

    I'm going to be in year 12 next year, and being an inventor was always my dream. I think robotics are a good medium to invent with, and I want to be able to design a whole robot on my own if I need to. I want to have the ability to design the mechanics, do the programming, and design the...
  34. I

    Other Book recommendation to study for the Physics GRE in ~40 days

    I recently took the decision to apply for physics grad school and registered for the GRE test coming up on Oct. 24, a couple of days ago. The thing is I feel I'm vastly under-prepared as my academic background is in engineering. I have had only a freshman course in physics. I've been recently...
  35. emma watson

    What are some current topics in physics research?

    Greetings! My name is Emma Watson. I am From USA. I am Editor at The New Time Magazine. I plan to do some research in Physics. I look forward in participating with this society and share some valuable topics with other members. Thanks Emma Watson
  36. I

    Is There a More Comprehensive Course on Special Relativity?

    I started special relativity course at science world u website Is this course enough? Or is there is more powerful course? I need a book for special relativity from A to Z Thanks
  37. StrangeCharm

    Programs Is Studying Abroad Feasible for Physics Majors?

    I've seen some discussions about studying abroad, but I wanted to post my own to get more recent comments. I'm an undergrad in a US college and looking into studying abroad for a semester. However, I've noticed that it's not as common for STEM majors to study abroad as it is for humanities...
  38. M

    Should I study Computer science or IT with Communication?

    So I am starting College this year. However, I can't decide which programme I should go with. The first option is bachelor in IT and Communication. This programme has deep content of communication (networking), but it doesn't have courses like Algorithms, Database Systems, Digital Circuits...
  39. Scorry

    Study Physics: Strategies & Tips for College Students

    Hello, Is there a proper way to study physics? Such as: 2-4 hours of daily study, specific youtubers I should subscribe to, etc... My college allows a maximum of 2 hours a week of physics tutoring. I take advantage of that, but we typically cover 3 problem in each 1 hour meeting. Which is...
  40. M

    What to study after Quantum Mechanics?

    Hallo everyone! I am studying Physics at University level. This Fall I will enter the third year of my studies. I find the curriculum inadequate and thus try to learn stuff on my own. I have already taken the basic courses in Calculus (single and multivariable), Complex Analysis (analytic...
  41. Willelm

    Engineering What should I study of Aerospace Engineer and applied physics

    [[Moderators note: several similar threads have been merged]] I want to work in the aerospace Industry as someone important and successful, like the administrator of NASA. As I'm 15 years old I'm thinking about my future careers and after a long while, I know that I want to study more than 1...
  42. Armando Valle

    Hey everyone, where can i study astronomy on internet?

    hello everyone, can someone help me know where I can take a course in astronomy / cosmology on the Internet where you get recognition and diploma and to get on with my passion of the universe? This means a lot to me and I want to move on in my passion. thanks
  43. praveena

    Special guide to study about circuits

    Hai pf, Can anyone suggest me what are best referrences to design & study about circuits. In case of designing ICchips also? studying about flipflops,counter. they are still confusing? if anyone had an idea please suggest me easy way to understand their workings? thanks in advance.
  44. B

    LaTeX Where Can I Learn LaTeX and How Efficient Is It for Note-Taking?

    Dear Physics Forum advisers and friends, I am a college junior with major in the mathematics and an aspiring mathematician in the theoretical computer science. Recently, I got very interested in the LaTeX as it seems that it is widely used in the mathematics (research papers, homework, etc.)...
  45. Caolan

    Best subjects to study fusion plasma by.

    Hello, I have been doing software engineering for over 20 years and I feel like it's time for a change before I get too ancient. I have been following and reading about plasma fusion for a number of years now and I would like to study this and be able to do some research in either a Ph.D...
  46. kostoglotov

    Will linear algebra help me in more advanced diff eqs study?

    I just finished up Stewart's Calculus Textbook, and the last section was on solving 2nd Order Non-Homogeneous Diff Eqs using power series. I've looked through Paul's Calculus page in the Differential Sections, and can see that there is still a lot more beyond Stewart's that I'd like to study...
  47. praveena

    Mastering Equations in Electronic Circuits-1: Tips and Tricks

    I become confused & feeling hard to study equations in electronic circuits-1 subject. i am feeling very difficult to derive equations in this subject. I feel there is no practical knowledge in this subject.can anyone suggest me to study this subject in easy way? I have tried my best for a good...
  48. B

    Inquiry about my time management and planning skills

    I am a rising college junior with major in the mathematics and an aspiring mathematician in the theoretical computer science and analysis. I wrote this post because I have been suffering from a problem regarding to my time management and planning skills. I have been using the planner and...
  49. Tibbz

    Just finished my A Levels, maths study advice before uni?

    Hi everyone, So I'm currently in the middle of my summer holiday (waiting for A Level results) and I'm getting pretty bored of not knowing what to do. (I have contacted some charities for volunteer work but still waiting to hear, anyway that's beside the point) At A Level I studied Maths (Core...
  50. S

    Studying Special Features in Metrics: Tensors & Differential Geom.

    I have done relativistic calculations for multiple metrics at this point. I have worked with the exterior Schwarzschild metric, the Godel metric, the Morris-Thorne wormhole metric, and the Friedman Robertson Walker metric. For these metrics I have derived multiple tensors and tensor-like...