Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

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In summary, a group of individuals are discussing a new forum and its purpose of asking and answering "stupid questions." They discuss topics such as how long it takes to reach 1000 posts, the existence of the old forums, the best superpower, an elevator that goes sideways, and the reasons behind posting in this forum. They also explore the question of why they ask questions and the possible theories that have not been invented. Eventually, the conversation turns to the expansion of the universe and the orbit of planets around stars.
  • #1,366
The Bob said:
Why did the company not make the range 180°?

The Bob (2004 ©)

Not necessary. It gets pretty hot in the Savannah, but the temperatures rarely reach 180°.

What are giant field mice afraid of?
Physics news on
  • #1,367
Math Is Hard said:
Not necessary. It gets pretty hot in the Savannah, but the temperatures rarely reach 180°.

LoL. :smile: I like it. :biggrin:

Math Is Hard said:
What are giant field mice afraid of?


How much cheese will we need to deal with a group of African Giant Field Mice?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,368
The Bob said:
How much cheese will we need to deal with a group of African Giant Field Mice?
The legend that AGFMs (not to be confused with ROUSes) are afraid of cheese arose from an encounter at the Boer village of De Heuvel in the early nineteenth century. The village cheese maker, Matthijs van de Kaas, was known for the exceptionally large wheels of cheese he produced, sometimes over seven feet in diameter. When the alarm was raised that AGFMs were approaching the village, van de Kaas, struck by the idea for a new use for his cheeses, called everyone together and convinced them to roll cheese wheels down the hillside towards the marauding mega-rodents. The AGFMs, when faced with several six foot Goudas rolling down the hill at them, merely did what any sensible being would do at this point and fled in disarray. (Those who claim they would just get out some crackers have apparently never been threatened by a sufficiently large rolling cheese...)

The only cheese that AGFMs actually find threatening in a non-motile state is a little known cheese from Quebec called "Puissant Nectar de Mofette" which is made from skunk's milk. How was the effect of this cheese on the AGFMs discovered?
  • #1,369
plover said:
The only cheese that AGFMs actually find threatening in a non-motile state is a little known cheese from Quebec called "Puissant Nectar de Mofette" which is made from skunk's milk. How was the effect of this cheese on the AGFMs discovered?

By a man.

Which man?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,370
The Bob said:
By a man.

Which man?

The Bob (2004 ©)


We have another problem, how come a African Giant Field Mouse was found inside a K Mart shopping bag, inside a whales stomach? :surprise:
  • #1,371
Rader said:
We have another problem, how come a African Giant Field Mouse was found inside a K Mart shopping bag, inside a whales stomach? :surprise:
Whales have so much trouble getting their purchases out of those tiny K Mart bags, and the lobsters usually employed for this job were on strike.

How did Neanderthals decide it was a good idea to milk skunks?
  • #1,372
Beats the hell out of me since skunks don't moo.

What's the least-dangerous way to go about approaching a skunk to milk it in order to avoid being kicked or trampled by the startled skunk?
  • #1,373
Get on a zip line from a helicopter, reach down and tickle the skunk's belly, then when it rolls over laughing, grab its teats and tug away.

How come skunk milk never became commercially viable?
  • #1,374
jimmy p said:
How come skunk milk never became commercially viable?

Actually, it was on the shelves a few days, and they even gave out free samples. But it suffered what is known in the marketing circles, as the Fairy Tale Effect.

It was cheap as hell - considering how easy it is to milk a skunk (just use one helicopter, one length of rappeling cord, and extreme skill). And it smelled like the sweetest nectar from heaven. It was just too good to be true. Surely, there's got to be a catch !

That just killed its sellability. Even the marketing gurus treated it like it was some foul fluid secretion from a stinky creature.

The other theory is that the brandname, "****" failed to capture the market.

Is it true that long debates with skunks causes a disease known as skunk anser ?
  • #1,375
No one has ever had a very long debate with a skunk. Skunks have a way of ending debates abruptly with their opponents.

:frown: Where did Zooby go? :frown:
  • #1,376
Math Is Hard said:
:frown: Where did Zooby go? :frown:

"Gone to soldiers everyone
when will they ever learn?
when will they ever learn?"

Bigfoot academy? In the middle of the zooby brush... that is where I would look.

Did Zooby contract skunk anser from drinking too much skunk milk?
  • #1,377
jimmy p said:
Did Zooby contract skunk anser from drinking too much skunk milk?
If so, he might be following black and white stripes south for the winter.

Hasn't anyone asked the weird, purple jellyfish where Zooby is?
  • #1,378
I have and jellyfish replied by slapping me.

So how many more post will it take till someone screws up?
  • #1,379
desibrij_1785 said:
So how many more post will it take till someone screws up?

-12 posts.

If a zoobchuck could chuck wood, how much wood could a zoobchuck chuck if a zoobchuck could chuck wood?
  • #1,380
jimmy p said:
If a zoobchuck could chuck wood, how much wood could a zoobchuck chuck if a zoobchuck could chuck wood?

Plenty of wood for a campfire, at least.

How many bubbles are there in an Aero?
  • #1,381
"How many bubbles are there in an Aero?"

All of them.

If I fear nothing, and then :eek: nothing comes after me... what WILL I do then?
  • #1,382
Change your motto.

If 5 cats chased 6 dogs to the pound, what would the cats have for dinner?
  • #1,383
If a century is 100 years, why isn't 1000 years called a decacentury? What is up with that?!?
  • #1,384
sandinmyears said:
If 5 cats chased 6 dogs to the pound, what would the cats have for dinner?

Pea soup on toast.

amwbonfire said:
If a century is 100 years, why isn't 1000 years called a decacentury? What is up with that?!?

Because then you would have to call a decade "10/century" which is a mouthful.

How come you can eat hotdogs, but get arrested for eating any other heated family pets?
  • #1,385
jimmy p said:
How come you can eat hotdogs, but get arrested for eating any other heated family pets?

Because the hotdog is a slang name for a something rude that has nothing to do with pets.

Did anyone miss me?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,386
The Bob said:
Did anyone miss me?

The Bob (2004 ©)

I'm not sure, I didnt know anyone was trying to hit you.

Is this a trick quetion?
  • #1,387
jimmy p said:
Is this a trick quetion?

No it is a trick question.

Why can I not think of anything to type?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,388
The Bob said:
Why can I not think of anything to type?

The Bob (2004 ©)

Cos you have just typed all you can think of then.

Why was the chicken stapled to Sid Vicious?
  • #1,389
jimmy p said:
Why was the chicken stapled to Sid Vicious?

Because the Cheese was cold.

Random, no?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,390
The Bob said:
Because the Cheese was cold.

Random, no?

The Bob (2004 ©)

I'll ask the magic 8-ball.

Outlook not so good

Why did the magic 8-ball never help me with my homework?
  • #1,391
jimmy p said:
Why did the magic 8-ball never help me with my homework?

Because the magic 8-ball was actually an Icosahedron and not a Sphere.

Why are monkeys funny?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,392
The Bob said:
Why are monkeys funny?

The Bob (2004 ©)

Cos if they werent, it would be stupid to laugh at them.

Why is there only one monopoly commission?
  • #1,393
jimmy p said:
Cos if they werent, it would be stupid to laugh at them.

Why is there only one monopoly commission?

Because they can't afford two.

Next question?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,394
Bob, your wish has been granted. Here's a question, or three :approve:

Why is the sky blue, and the ground is green?

Why is my hair orange, but my moustache (it's only just started growing) is more of a blonde colour?!?

Why do trees grow towards the sunlight, not away?

Fire away answers!
  • #1,395
I'm impatient, so I'll answer my own questions and then ask another one (I promise not to answer that one.)

Why is the sky blue, and the ground is green?

Wizards did it. :approve:

Why is my hair orange, but my moustache (it's only just started growing) is more of a blonde colour?!?

It's a conspiracy.

Why do trees grow towards the sunlight, not away?

They don't have eyes. If they did, they'd go blind from looking at the sun, and would instead grow away from it, towards the darker ground, like moles :biggrin: . Moles are nifty. :approve:

My new question:

If I have one apple and I get another one, then decide I'll eat one of them, does that mean I like apples? :-p
  • #1,396
amwbonfire said:
My new question:

If I have one apple and I get another one, then decide I'll eat one of them, does that mean I like apples? :-p

No because you only decided to eat it. You might be every hungry or just foolish to forget you don't like apples.

Music should be banned. Eleaberate?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,397
Ok, I can't let this thread go down. It has a lot of memeories and funny stuff in it.

So why were people not posting here? or has it got too much? :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,398
Ok, I can't let this thread go down.

I said that about the "Girl Trouble" thread, and you saved it! Go Bob! :biggrin:

Now you're at it again, risking your life to save others! :approve: GO BOB!

Anyway, "music shouldn't be banned" is the answer.

Here's the new question:

"Are clouds white, or are they black and we just can't see the black?"
  • #1,399
amwbonfire said:
I said that about the "Girl Trouble" thread, and you saved it! Go Bob! :biggrin:

Now you're at it again, risking your life to save others! :approve: GO BOB!

Cheers Amwbonfire. I do what I can for PF.

Anyway I have made another PF friend. Yay. I was in a tight spot with Monqiue, my PF brother is Jimmy P, so Evo is my PF mom and now I have a nice Amwbonfire of a friend. Oh and Photon and Rathma are joking enemies of Jimmy P so I have to support him. Hehe. I hope you all know I am joking about the enemies. We are all friend really. Just a laugh. :smile:

amwbonfire said:
Anyway, "music shouldn't be banned" is the answer.

Here's the new question:

"Are clouds white, or are they black and we just can't see the black?"

Well clouds are probably like cows, all spotted black and white, so they are both.

My question: Why are women sometimes called cows? It is a silly insult.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,400
Aww, isn't that nice! I'm his friend! :shy: I feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :smile:

You can call me Bonfire, or Andy, or Andrew, or even Silly if you want. It's easier than my username, amwbonfire.

And, seeing as though no one else replies to this topic, I'll answer your question.

Women are called cows because:

Cows are female, and so are women. Noticing that both cows and women could be nasty (ever been charged by a cow?), a young man by the name of... um... his name was... Henry, got the two mixed up. He called a woman a cow.

No wait, here's a more plausible lie:

Cows give milk, and so do women (when they're mothers...) Noticing the similarity, a young man called... Tony decided to call women cows, and the name stuck. It was actually first used as an endearing term that Tony used to call his lover. He called her it so much that it became her nickname. One day she left him for 4 other men (she wanted to quadruple-date), and all her friends called her a sl*t. (Sorry for the naughty word!) Anyway, they used to go around saying "Cow is a s***", and then people started thinking a cow was another name for a woman who sleeps around. Eventually cow became an insult that was said to women (it's common useage today.)

Well, I think we all believe that. :approve:

Here's my new question:

Why does gravity act towards the Earth?