Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

  • Thread starter climbhi
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In summary, a group of individuals are discussing a new forum and its purpose of asking and answering "stupid questions." They discuss topics such as how long it takes to reach 1000 posts, the existence of the old forums, the best superpower, an elevator that goes sideways, and the reasons behind posting in this forum. They also explore the question of why they ask questions and the possible theories that have not been invented. Eventually, the conversation turns to the expansion of the universe and the orbit of planets around stars.
  • #176
Time usually vapors at 25' C but the surface evaporation is always present except at 0' K. Evaporated time will in time turn into clouds and then a time shower somewhere.

Do you think you have a chance to get by on this?
Physics news on
  • #177
Originally posted by Manuel_Silvio
Do you think you have a chance to get by on this?
Given enough time, yes.

What is the difference between saying 'please' and saying 'pretty please'?
  • #178
Both are used at restaurants. You say "please" when you're hungering for a meal. You say "pretty please" when you're hungering for a pretty face around you. Despite this difference, "please" and "pretty please" both can be categorized as hungering for what it pleases.

Pleasure, does it really please you?
  • #179
Originally asked by Manuel Silvio

Pleasure, does it really please you?

Pleasingly Pleasure Presently Pleasures, Partially Paid Per Post/Per-diem, (pleasingly passed) Part Pertaining Pleasures Per Persons Per Passing Par, (Partially) Plus, Pleasantly Pointed Postures Praise Pleasure Pleasantly/Presently, Pushing Pleasure Personally, Presently, Past Prime!

  • #180
Oooooooooooh, deep down to the viscera!

How does pleasure find its way into our bodies?
  • #181
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Pleasingly Pleasure Presently Pleasures, Partially Paid Per Post/Per-diem, (pleasingly passed) Part Pertaining Pleasures Per Persons Per Passing Par, (Partially) Plus, Pleasantly Pointed Postures Praise Pleasure Pleasantly/Presently, Pushing Pleasure Personally, Presently, Past Prime!



Do I exist?
  • #182
Originally asked by Mentat

Do I exist?

Depends upon what your definition of exISt "is"!

If you spend your time, "Running around" what have you circled?
  • #183
The word "insane" in your next national consensus survey form.

Now where did THAT come from?
  • #184
Let's say a priest, a rabbi, and Richard Nixon walk into a bar...wait, I forgot where I was going with this. Anyway, if you carpet the entire state of Florida, how long would it take the Harlem Globetrotters to vacuum it?
  • #185
Originally posted by FZ+

Now where did THAT come from?

Uhmm, the dictionary, an english one, I think!

Why didn't zk4586 answer the quention before asking his quention??

(Eh, eh, let's see you answer that one, eh!?? a reeeeeal toughee!)
  • #186
Why didn't zk4586 answer the quention before asking his quention??

we posted that at about the same time, so I didn't see it until I already posted. I think that counts as a stupid question for you . Does this mean I have to ask another stupid question? How about this: How many stupid questions would a stupid question guy ask if a stupid question guy could ask questions?
  • #187
Not as many stupid questions as a non-stupid (that's sort of beast) one could ask.

What will happen when you run out of stupid questions?
  • #188
When you run out of stupid quetions and stupid ansers, you will be thoroughly stuped.

What kind of bread does traffic jam go good with?
  • #189
Originally posted by Ben-CS
When you run out of stupid quetions and stupid ansers, you will be thoroughly stuped.

What kind of bread does traffic jam go good with?

Probably stale bread.

Do you think that if when cars were first starting to come out the public officials of the time had chosen not to make nice smooth roads for them to drive on but rather chose to invest in research to make very rugged all terain vehicles so that the could go anywhere they wanted and not have to worry about roads, would we still have traffic jams.
  • #190
Originally posted by Climbhi

Do you think that if when cars were first starting to come out the public officials of the time had chosen not to make nice smooth roads for them to drive on but rather chose to invest in research to make very rugged all terain vehicles so that the could go anywhere they wanted and not have to worry about roads, would we still have traffic jams.


(Invest in 'suspension'{SHOCK!) shops)

Is'nt it the manner of knowing that it is a quention, by the indication of a quention mark.

  • #191
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons

(Invest in 'suspension'{SHOCK!) shops)

Is'nt it the manner of knowing that it is a quention, by the indication of a quention mark.


Well yes.

Does Parson's look like an idiot criticizing my bad grammer for not using a question mark when he in fact blatantly misused his apostrophe when he spelled "is'nt?" (note the question mark properly placed inside the quotation marks. suck on that for good grammer!)
  • #192
Originally Posted by Climbhi
Does Parson's look like an idiot criticizing my bad grammer for not using a question mark when he in fact blatantly misused his apostrophe when he spelled "is'nt?" (note the question mark properly placed inside the quotation marks. suck on that for good grammer!)


I had a dream?
  • #193
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons

I had a dream?


What was it about?
  • #194
Originally poste by climbhi

What was it about?


Is this an interview?
  • #195
No your just dreaming that it is.

Who conducted the first interview ever?
  • #196
Originally asked by climbhi

Who conducted the first interview ever?

The first "interviewer", who else!

Was that my first interview?

(I've used that line before, more then once, I might add, and add, and add...)
  • #197
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
The first "interviewer", who else!

Was that my first interview?

(I've used that line before, more then once, I might add, and add, and add...)

No, 'cause climbhi aint the first interviewer. He can't give no "first interviews".

What's the point of using double negatives, like "aint no"?
  • #198
Originally asked by Mentat

What's the point of using double negatives, like "aint no"?

It allows a negative, to be negated, which entails the permitting of the cancelation of the redundancy that is the manner of attempting to negatively state a postitive, in a negative manner, that is negated, as to be postive in it's result!

Does a "double postive" (Is is) result in a negation?

EDIT'TING; Schpeeeelint washct ewreong, sore ta, oooooops, AKA TY'PO
  • #199
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
It allows a negative, to be negated, which entails the permitting of the cancelation of the redundancy that is the manner of attempting to negatively state a postitive, in a negative manner, that is negated, as to be postive in it's result!

Does a "double postive" (Is is) result in a negation?

No, it results in a stutter.

Why didn't Wile E. Coyote just give up on the Road Runner, after facing death so many times?
  • #200
Originally asked by Mentat

Why didn't Wile E. Coyote just give up on the Road Runner, after facing death so many times?

Because he hasn't died yet!
Because road runners are the tastiest of all coyote meals!
Because He is a genius, and geniuses never quit!
Because he he destined to do it!
Because he is Staaaaaaaarrrrrrr'ving for roadrunner MEAT!
Because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because!

That's why!

Why, when the "Earth moves", doesn't it?
  • #201
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Because he hasn't died yet!
Because road runners are the tastiest of all coyote meals!
Because He is a genius, and geniuses never quit!
Because he he destined to do it!
Because he is Staaaaaaaarrrrrrr'ving for roadrunner MEAT!
Because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because!

That's why!

Why, when the "Earth moves", doesn't it?

That there feller, Einsteen, with his Relertivity theory, is sayin' that nothin' moves anyway, ain't he?

Why hasn't science explained everything yet?
  • #202
Originally posted by Mentat

Why hasn't science explained everything yet?

But they have, they just don't know that yet!, cause no ones explained/told them that! (yet)

When DNA splits, does it become D'n A? (or AND?)
  • #203
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
But they have, they just don't know that yet!, cause no ones explained/told them that! (yet)

When DNA splits, does it become D'n A? (or AND?)

Yep, it definitely becomes two strands of AND.

Why aren't people posting many stupid quetions anymore?
  • #204
Originally asked by Mentat

Why aren't people posting many stupid quetions anymore?

Oh! That's because this is the NON humor time of year, season of seriousness for everyone, (Except Extreme Intellectuals of course!) having to do with the Sun having crossed the equator, and the rising tides, on the week during easter, have this peculiar quantum affectation upon the Lobulus Humorosia in the cranial anatomy with the resultant depletion in Humorosiac nerotransmitters to the point that all 'regular' intellect people (Sorry bout that, you know who you are!) suffering something, akin to a 'spring fever', that precludes the emission of anything even remotely funny, for about a couple of days, or until the moons rotates one third of it's monthly circle while the dust is settling.

Is it because 7-8-9, that 6 was actually afraid of 7?
(a septophobic?, no, numerophobic?, no, a triskadecaphobic minus a sextaphobic, no, wait, I didn't go yet, I have to ask a quention? what quention? where is that quention? here?, no there?, no wait? I'll get it?, ugh!?)
  • #205
Basically, Yes.

Squid pro quon?
  • #206
Originally posted by Ben-CS
Basically, Yes.

Squid pro quon?

Saywho de wuttin?

Why do mathematicians use greek letters?
  • #207
They ran out of Roman letters. They ran out of Greek letters, too. They have incorporated Old English/Germanic, Russian, and Middle Eastern letters. They just made up a lot of their symbols.

How long before scientists will start using Oriental symbols?
  • #208
Originally posted by Ben-CS
They ran out of Roman letters. They ran out of Greek letters, too. They have incorporated Old English/Germanic, Russian, and Middle Eastern letters. They just made up a lot of their symbols.

How long before scientists will start using Oriental symbols?

42 years, 42 weeks, 42 minutes, and 42 seconds from now.

Why can't one change the past? (Stupid quetion taken from Alexander Hartegen, of Time Machine - good movie, btw).
  • #209
Because history + science = unstable explosive mixture.

What is the chemical reason for that?
  • #210
Originally asked by Mentat

Why can't one change the past?

Because it is 42 years, 42 weeks, 42 minutes, and 42 seconds to late!

If when you were about to flatulate, you change course, direction, and speed, and eruct, (No-sp?) does that mean that what you have now done is to flatu-early?? HUH??