Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

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In summary, a group of individuals are discussing a new forum and its purpose of asking and answering "stupid questions." They discuss topics such as how long it takes to reach 1000 posts, the existence of the old forums, the best superpower, an elevator that goes sideways, and the reasons behind posting in this forum. They also explore the question of why they ask questions and the possible theories that have not been invented. Eventually, the conversation turns to the expansion of the universe and the orbit of planets around stars.
  • #3,186
Count Iblis,I notice that you are a homework helper.Hopefully,you are giving wise and intelligent answers to your students.Does your having a great intellect render you incapable of asking a stupid quetion?
Physics news on
  • #3,187
mmm...more than a day, less than a century!
  • #3,188
MOD NOTE: Rules of This Thread

Please note, this thread is actually an ongoing game.

After answering the stupid "quetion" by the previous poster, you are supposed to ask a stupid quetion yourself to continue the game.
  • #3,189

Redbelly98 said:
Please note, this thread is actually an ongoing game.

After answering the stupid "quetion" by the previous poster, you are supposed to ask a stupid quetion yourself to continue the game.

I see! So, it is now my turn to ask a stupid quetion. Perhaps this question:

Suppose I make an upside down family tree. I appear at the top, my two parents below, their parents are shown below that, etc. etc. Then at the nth place there are 2^(n-1) people. But for n = 34 this exceeds the current World population and 34 generations back there were far fewer people than there are today. So, what is wrong? :confused:
  • #3,190
At some point in the family tree you will have ancestors from West Virginia USA, where inbreeding among family members is common practice. (Note, part of the game is to come up with a stupid answer :smile:)

Why do cats purr?
  • #3,191
They are happy they are not a dog.

What's up in flatland?
  • #3,192
7 UP!
What's google?
  • #3,193
goggles with spelling mistakes
what comes after P ,comes before E and ends up being PH?
  • #3,194
The imaginary element of pi.

How is it all of us are wasting time when none of us think to recycle it?
  • #3,195
Because time doesn't really exist.

Why do we need to conserve energy, given that energy is conserved anyway?
  • #3,196
We need to conserve and use the energy at least for that matter that nobody else gets it.

My class bought computers to learn on them. So, if there are 3 computers on table and you take one pc away, how many computers are left on the table?
  • #3,197
None. The power cord of the one taken away dragged the rest of them off the table top and onto the floor.

What's red?
  • #3,198
Koshi said:
None. The power cord of the one taken away dragged the rest of them off the table top and onto the floor.

What's red?

This isn't the place for questions like that.

Why am I still tired?
  • #3,199
Sorry! said:
This isn't the place for questions like that.

Why am I still tired?

Because your eyes look, wait, nevermind... This isn't the place...

What color is the inside of an orange before you cut it open?
  • #3,200
There is no color, because there is no light.

If you are traveling higher then speed of sound and make a fart, will you hear it first or smell it?
  • #3,201
actually, you will feel it, which is like hear+smell it or aka smear it, it's a common thing.

Why is ice-cream an ice-cream when it's not really a cream?
  • #3,202
For lack of being a potato.

If potatoes have eyes on all sides, why are they so often captured by humans?
  • #3,203
Because their eyes are filled with dirt.

What is filthier than dirt?
  • #3,204
Koshi said:
... What is filthier than dirt?


My turn: How do I create test data? (I have actually been asked this question before)
  • #3,205
Dembadon said:
How do I create test data?

One does not create test data from thin air, of course, since it's subject to the usual conservation laws. One must convert some other form of data into test data. In practice, test data is most frequently harvested from old phone books or outdated dictionaries or from the copy on cereal boxes.

Recently some test data I harvested from an Alka-Seltzer Plus package indicated that if you jump a photon and wrestle it into its back it will go into a sort of hypnotic stupor and won't bite you. I was pleased, because, of course, that's completely consistent with GR.

How, though, do I stop the squishy noise in my left ear when I swallow?
  • #3,206
Stop swallowing!

Who's the greatest historical figure of all time?
  • #3,207
Who's the greatest historical figure of all time?

What if Adam had been gay?
  • #3,208
He wouldn't have eaten that orange he ate because of that girl! and we all now would have a Ferrari.

what if the snake had been gay?
  • #3,209
Then Slytherin House would be very different.

How's the weather up there?
  • #3,210

What if the sun was alive?
  • #3,211
Then it would get sunspots mostly in its teen years.

Is it physically possible to answer your own quetion?
  • #3,212

Shouldn't YOU be helping Russ fix the US energy crisis, instead of wasting your life away reading this?
  • #3,213
I was. Its lunch break.

If time had a gender, what would it be?
  • #3,214

Are dolphins frictionless?

Actually asked in a high school physics class -- civilization is doomed, doomed I say!
  • #3,215
they might be.

k2 - t3 = 4
  • #3,216
rolerbe said:

Are dolphins frictionless?

Actually asked in a high school physics class -- civilization is doomed, doomed I say!

Yes and no. Are they quantum dolphins in a box?
  • #3,217
ZigusZagus said:
they might be.

k2 - t3 = 4

They are.
  • #3,218
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Are they quantum dolphins in a box?
No, but they have quantum boxes inside them existing in the superposed state of being both open and closed at the same time.

2049: The world is rocked by the announcement of the 27Thousand Certainty Principle. After 30 years of dogged effort PF's own 27Thousand finally succeeds in creating his formula to determine for certain whether or not girls are attracted to you. However, the formula requires an unfortunate trade off for those who employ it: certainty over whether a girl is attracted to you or not comes at the cost of certainty over whether or not you are attracted to her. In other words, you can know if a girl is hot, OR, you can know if she's attracted to you, but you can't know both.

Completely misreading this post, many PF members begin slaughtering dolphins to find out if girls like them or not. The result is consistently the same: girls do like dolphins.

Why do dolphins swallow boxes?
  • #3,219
It helps them regurgitate when they have a tummy ache,which they often get after severe partying.What substance do dolphins use to party?
  • #3,220

Why do dolphins party?