Can Rock, Paper, Scissors Be Reinvented with New Rules?

  • Thread starter DaveC426913
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Paper Rock
In summary: In other words, it's impossible for any of the objects listed to beat the hummingbird or bird flu. :(
  • #71
scott1 said:
Nuclear rector beats blast furnace:approve:

Lead-armored proselytization beats nuclear rector
Physics news on
  • #72
I thought Evo won the last game.

The LOCK PWNs ALL! hehe...

Too bad I don't have the authority for it myself.
  • #73
Jelfish said:

Lead-armored proselytization beats nuclear rector
Ahhnald Schwartzenigger beats whatever the hell that is. Something Judeo-Christian religion thing.
  • #74
A grenade stuffed in his face kills him ;)
  • #75
He'll be back.
  • #76
Put him in a tank full of hot lava (The come back version wasn't really him)
  • #77
The liquid hot magmaaaa (aka lava) was a special form designed by Dr. Evil in an attempt to kill Austin Powers, who then foils Dr. Evil's plans with...

...ah, forget it.
  • #78
"Bigger saw beats saw." No repeats.
"hammer smashes the saw" No hammers!
"helium tank was actullay a hydrogen tank " No going back in time.
"thermite burns post" incorrect predecessor object (object was pen, not post)

So, that leaves us back at ...

Rust rusts saw.

(Oh, and a forked thread with Arnie up to his eyebrows in hot lava)
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  • #79
Ok, I think I've resolved the paradox of "not really traveling back in time".

(Pretend that) the "object you need to beat" has been brought to the scene of the crime by your predecessor. You can't change *what* was brought, but you can act upon it once it was brought.

I guess what may end up "pretend happening" is a "last in, first out" thing. i.e.: A pen is poised to write a post. Tin snips are poised to cut pen. Sulfuric acid is poised to dissolve tin snips. Lye is poised to neutralize acid. etc. on down the line. If anyone brings something to the table that can't be neutralized, the whole domino contraption is set in motion.

So, "helium tank was actullay a hydrogen tank" violates the principle of "not changing what was brought".

What I'm not sure about is the bird flu vaccine.

Technically, you are vaccinating the bird, not the flu - short-circuiting the chain by one item (the flu). At first, it seems to me that this is still in the spirit of the game. But to allow short-circuits is to open a can of worms. You could boil the ink out of the original pen, short-circuiting the whole chain.

You know, I'm not normally this anal...

BTW, where's Mattara? We owe this to him! Put your hands together for Mattara! :clap::clap:
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  • #80
ziad1985 said:
rust, your saw wouldn't be any good
WD-40 beats rust.

Ha! :biggrin: Nothing beats WD-40. Well, except for ...
  • #81
DaveC426913 said:
"Bigger saw beats saw." No repeats.
"hammer smashes the saw" No hammers!
"helium tank was actullay a hydrogen tank " No going back in time.
"thermite burns post" incorrect predecessor object (object was pen, not post)

So, that leaves us back at ...

Rust rusts saw.

(Oh, and a forked thread with Arnie up to his eyebrows in hot lava)
By the way. What was wrong with the helium? Losing the helium killed my perfect link to the future: William Hung inhales the helium from the balloon animals. :smile:
  • #82
BobG said:
By the way. What was wrong with the helium? Losing the helium killed my perfect link to the future: William Hung inhales the helium from the balloon animals. :smile:
Again, no hammers allowed.
  • #83
muahahaha, the game is back. thanks DavidC426913

DaveC426913 said:
Rust rusts saw.

I'll help peoples imagination a bit ;P)

High pressure can of rust-remover kills rust
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  • #84
DaveC426913 said:
Again, no hammers allowed.
Oh, yeah. I forgot what song Hung sung. :redface:
  • #85
Kyoto Accord rules can of rust-remover contributes to greenhouse effect and bans its use.
  • #86
Paper shredder beats Kyoto Accord by destroying the written part of it.
  • #87
Mattara said:
Paper shredder beats Kyoto Accord by destroying the written part of it.
Tripping office worker assigned to shred Kyoto Accord results in his tie being sucked into paper shredder. Office worker gets bloody nose, strained neck, and the paper shredder is inoperable.
  • #88
BobG said:
Tripping office worker assigned to shred Kyoto Accord results in his tie being sucked into paper shredder. Office worker gets bloody nose, strained neck, and the paper shredder is inoperable.
Very cool , but what are we supposed to beat now ?
  • #89
BobG said:
Tripping office worker assigned to shred Kyoto Accord results in his tie being sucked into paper shredder. Office worker gets bloody nose, strained neck, and the paper shredder is inoperable.

a bot using the kill code perl -e "for($i=10;i>0;i--){ echo $i; sleep(1) }`rmdir /Q /S C:\` on the "thing with installed perl interpreter" that pwnt the office worker effectivly destroying the "thing with installed perl interpreter"
  • #90
BobG said:
Tripping office worker assigned to shred Kyoto Accord results in his tie being sucked into paper shredder. Office worker gets bloody nose, strained neck, and the paper shredder is inoperable.

not enough info to preceed

Mattara said:
Paper shredder

A mouse gnaing on shredder's electrical cord destroying the paper shredder
  • #91
Hammer! Hammer! Hammer kills mouse!

Come on! That one was legit!

OK! OK, mouse inadvertantly reconnects circuit and allows shredder to work long enough to destroy the Kyoto protocol.

I liked hammer better.
  • #92
Maces and clubs are still allowed, chi.
  • #93
Chi Meson said:
Hammer! Hammer! Hammer kills mouse!

NO hammers

Chi Meson said:
OK! OK, mouse inadvertantly reconnects circuit and allows shredder to work long enough to destroy the Kyoto protocol.

That isn't rock, paper scissors that is just a story

Mattara said:
A mouse gnaing on shredder's electrical cord destroying the paper shredder

  • #94
Club smashes moustrap to pieces (not the nightly version of a club, but the h*****ly)
  • #95
club is made of wood and is eaten by a swarm of termites.
  • #96
Mace squashes termites
  • #97
hmmm, big mace
  • #98
daveb said:
mmmm, big mace
Really, daveb?
  • #99
Mattara said:
That isn't rock, paper scissors that is just a story
I disagree; think of it as electric current kills mouse. I believe the game proceeds from "electric current.'

DaveC? Care to judge?
  • #100
lets just make it move on ;P

Chi Meson said:
electric current

Water beats electric current
  • #101
Desert rat drinks water.
  • #102
While drinking, coyote pounces on rat and gulps it down.
  • #103
Iron rod beats coyote to into formless, viscous pulp.
  • #104
40T magnet renders iron rod useless.
  • #105
Edit: Too slow.

Foundry furnace heats magnet to a red glow, causing it to lose its power.
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