Can Rock, Paper, Scissors Be Reinvented with New Rules?

  • Thread starter DaveC426913
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Paper Rock
In summary: In other words, it's impossible for any of the objects listed to beat the hummingbird or bird flu. :(
  • #211
Russ_watters beats MK in post
Physics news on
  • #212
hammer beats russ waters
  • #213
Scerwdriver beats hammer
  • #214
chainsaw beats screwdriver
  • #215
Weilder beats chainsaw
  • #216
Nonmetals beat weilder.
  • #217
Dual-weilder beats weilder.
  • #218
scott_alexsk said:
Nonmetals beat weilder.
semi-conductors beats Nonmetals
  • #219
Hm. A little late to disqualify some things now...

Technically, post 87:
"...Tripping office worker assigned to shred Kyoto Accord results in his tie being sucked into paper shredder. Office worker gets bloody nose, strained neck, and the paper shredder is inoperable..."
violates rule b] :
" people or actions..."
but that was 10 pages ago!

The next one I found was post #110:
"...Basilisk outstares the paltry HEL rays..."
which violates rule c] :
" fictional objects or half-baked theoretical objects..."
(Ok, I'm not deliberately picking on Arildno).

If I wanted to be a strict hard-ass, I could keep yanking it back into line, but I think that might actually knock the fun out of it.

So I guess this thread continues on its slow progress towards silliness...
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  • #220
Cold beats semi-conductors.
  • #221
Sex beats cold.
  • #222
" fictional objects or half-baked theoretical objects..."
I think this rule should be changed to allow mythical objects and organisms.
  • #223
scott_alexsk said:
Cold beats semi-conductors.
Super nova beats cold
  • #224
scott1 said:
Super nova beats cold
Too late; sex beats cold.
You must find something that beats sex.
  • #225
Being alive beats sex.
  • #226
H***** beats being alive..
  • #227
arildno said:
H***** beats being alive..
censorship beats H*****
  • #228
Teens revolting against censorship coz they won't get teh göd stuff beats censorship (or atleast make the people who work with it out of a job, but that is beating i guess :D)
  • #229
Mattara said:
Teens revolting against censorship coz they won't get teh göd stuff beats censorship (or atleast make the people who work with it out of a job, but that is beating i guess :D)
Draft beats teens revolting

I'am scott1 and I approve this message :approve:
  • #230
Drought beats draft.
  • #231
Raining beats drought!
  • #232
Leidenfrost effect beats rain.
  • #233
The lake effect beats the Leidenfrost effect
  • #234
El Nino beats lake effect.

(edit: post kills fun?)
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  • #235
La Niña beats El Nino
  • #236
Ll Transvestite beats La Niña AND El Niño!
  • #237
A kick in the balls beats transvestite.
  • #238
wearing a titanium alloy cup beats a kick in the balls
  • #239
Howitzer beats titanium alloy cup.
  • #240
thermonuclear missile beats Howitzer
  • #241
Missile sheild beats thermonuclear missile
  • #242
EMP weapon distroys missile's electronic arming and guidance systems
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  • #243
Yes, but how does it beat the missile shield?
  • #244
EMP weapon distroys missile's shields electronics
  • #245
Faraday cage beats EMP.

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