- #1,331
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Did you hear the one about the broken pencil?
Never mind, it is pointless...
Never mind, it is pointless...
cobalt124 said:Lame Shakespeare Quote:
"Tubby, or not tubby. Fat is the question".
jtbell said:Lame landlord joke:
(after showing apartment 2B to a prospective tenant)
"Come on, Mr. Shakespeare, make up your mind! 2B or not 2B, that is the question."
IMP said:Did you hear the one about the broken pencil?
Never mind, it is pointless...
BobG said:Ah, but if 2B or not 2B is the answer, then what is the question?
Did you hear the one about the airplane? Never mind, it's over your head.IMP said:Did you hear the one about the broken pencil?
Never mind, it is pointless...
FtlIsAwesome said:PF SAS - Parrot Freedom Security And Safety
Jimmy Snyder said:TB or not TB. That is congestion. Consuption be done about it?
Ivan Seeking said:After-Birthers movement.
Borek said:[PLAIN]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/227017_10150170088106821_176141556820_7233579_766752_n.jpg[/QUOTE]
3: name.xml
4: ssn.xml
5: password.xml
For those who don't know what this refers to:
FtlIsAwesome said:If a zombie became president how would he travel?
He'd use Scare Force One.
Gansta 1: I interrogate my prisoners, then kill them.
Gansta 2: I kill first ask questions later.
Gansta 3: I kill.
A supervillian president would fly on Lair Force One.
A fruit president would fly on Pear Force One.
A grizzly? Bear Force One.
An uncommon person? Rare Force One.
A stunt actor? Dare Force One.
A Care Bear? Care Force One.
Ok, that's scary. Forget that one.
A president with an unknown location? Where Force One.
Someone furry? Hair Force One.
What does "quit" mean?Isaacsname said:lool, You just don't know when to quit...
FtlIsAwesome said:What does "quit" mean?
Borek said:Aren't they called Educaters now?
FtlIsAwesome said:What does "quit" mean?
What do aerospace and geometry zombies say?
" Plllaaaannneeeesss "
Don't name your horse Charlie.
You'll get a charlie-horse.
Astronaut: I've been to Saturn and back!
Skeptic: What are trying to pull now?
Astronaut: Some more gee's.
Isaacsname said:A Feynman zombie ?
Path Integraaaaaaals
DaveC426913 said:Monty Python zombies?
Wankel Rotary Eeeeeeeeengines
Wait. Maybe there's a limit.
Isaacsname said:A Feynman zombie ?
Path Integraaaaaaals
jtbell said:Or playing the bongos: bonk........bonk........bonk.......bonk........bonk.........
This is Lame Jokes. There is no limit.DaveC426913 said:Wait. Maybe there's a limit.
FtlIsAwesome said:This is Lame Jokes. There is no limit.
micromass said:Sure there is a limit: good jokes
ehehe.Isaacsname said:As we all know, it's just a matter of bad taste...errr...good taste...no...wait...
IMP said:You know, a police officer actually complimented me on my driving today. He left a little note on my windshield, it said "Parking Fine".
So that was nice.