Find the Building: Solve the Clues & Show the Map!

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the city is located in France, close to a river and a train station, and it is in the center of the city.
  • #71
collinsmark said:
I believe the image is the Keck telescopes (I think)
Yes that one is Keck, we must be getting closer. :thumbup:
Science news on
  • #72
ProfuselyQuarky said:
Well, at the least the eyes are infra . . . red.
Yeah, I edited my post as soon as I clicked the post button.

It operates at Near Infrared, and that's close enough for me. So I'll call that a "Check."
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  • #73
ProfuselyQuarky said:
Then that's probably the answer. Gah! I can't believe I worked on the riddle for so long yet you found something plausible so quickly. Praise to you, 1oldman2!
Yet Wolram shall tell us if you're officially correct :biggrin:

The praise must be shared equally on this one, never would have gotten it without all of us chipping away at the clues. :partytime:
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  • #74
Wow i am lost now , who's turn is it:biggrin:
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  • #75
wolram said:
Wow i am lost now , who's turn is it:biggrin:
As I was saying, without Profusely Quarky's guess on the Hawaiian volcano and collinsmark's score keeping I wouldn't have been any closer than being in the correct hemisphere, thus PQ should get the next shot at it.
I should mention, your last one was an excellent riddle. :thumbup:
  • #76
Nooo . . . 1oldman2 should do it. I would have never found the answer :-p

Seriously, go ahead!
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  • #77
ProfuselyQuarky said:
Seriously, go ahead!
Well okay, but expect a little lag in my replies while I go to an appointment soon.
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Likes Pepper Mint and ProfuselyQuarky
  • #78
On the way to the "Red Hero" from Beijing, just prior to the plateau of Ghengis's realm.
A "blue marble" sits with a spire. All about, the Cretaceous creatures parade, while the symbol of harmony waits nearby.
Since harmony is not a building and you can't photograph a concept, I'm looking for The marble.

One clue, I recommend G. Earth rather than G. Maps. :wink:
(This is the part where I leave for an appointment be back soon)
  • #79
I'm thinking of the Temple of Heaven (TianTan). My thinking:

It's "on the way" to the center of Beijing.
It's definitely blue (not sure if it's marble, though).
It's conical like a spire.
It's full of ancient tradition (the "Cretaceous creatures parade"?)
It's a religious, peaceful place for prayer (symbol of harmony, perhaps?)

When 1oldman2 said "The marble" I thought to look for something spherical but couldn't find anything. This is a total guess. Won't be surprised if it's wrong. Anyone else have a better idea? :smile:


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  • #80
I'm stumped i know were it should be but can find nothing.
  • #81
It's "on the way" to the center of Beijing.-No its on the way to the "red hero" from Beijing, not in Beijing.
It's definitely blue (not sure if it's marble, though).- Definitely blue looks like a marble, but not made of marble.
It's conical like a spire.- Not so much conical but definitely a spire is in front of this building.
It's full of ancient tradition (the "Cretaceous creatures parade"?) -Think Cretaceous creatures literally.
It's a religious, peaceful place for prayer (symbol of harmony, perhaps?)- Not a religious site, think Niels Bohr's coat of arms.

Remember my 1st clue, also The plateau of Genghis's realm is a good clue.
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Likes Pepper Mint
  • #82
Hi 1oldman2.
I have scoured the road from Beijing to the (red hero) but i can not find any thing.
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  • #83
wolram said:
I have scoured the road from Beijing to the (red hero) but i can not find any thing.
Okay then your on the right track, I assume your using "Earth" rather than "maps". If you leave China your too far from Beijing, The border area is your focus. and it's off the road just a bit.
  • #84
1oldman2 said:
Okay then your on the right track, I assume your using "Earth" rather than "maps". If you leave China your too far from Beijing, The border area is your focus. and it's off the road just a bit.

That is were i am searching but nothing shows up on google earth:mad:
  • #86
collinsmark said:
Is it here?:
Oh man! you are sooooo close, within five miles. remember it's not right on the highway. (That is an interesting pic you posted there by the way)
Your going to find it, I'm sure of that when you do check out some of the photographs in the area.
(When in doubt zoom in a little)
  • #87
1oldman2 said:
Oh man! you are sooooo close, within five miles. remember it's not right on the highway. (That is an interesting pic you posted there by the way)
Your going to find it, I'm sure of that when you do check out some of the photographs in the area.
(When in doubt zoom in a little)
I think this must be it. But I don't know what it's called. I just see it from above.!3m1!1s0x5dfec16f8e43ca85:0xd0c39ac552c596e3

Edit: This might be a picture of it from the ground, but I'm not 100% sure. This places around here do not have "street view," so I'm making an educated guess:,+Xilin+Gol,+Inner+Mongolia,+China/@43.712061,112.001495,3a,75y,193h/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s21415771!2e1!3e10!6s//!7i3504!8i2336!4m2!3m1!1s0x5dfec16f8e43ca85:0xd0c39ac552c596e3!6m1!1e1
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  • #88
collinsmark said:
I think this must be it. But I don't know what it's called. I just see it from above.
You got it! The trick to recognizing the building would be to look at photos posted on G Earth, Very good job considering the view you worked with.:woot:
  • #89
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  • #90
Okay, I'll start the next one within an hour or so. :smile:
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  • #91
Your go Collinsmark.
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  • #92
wolram said:
Your go Collinsmark.
This is getting interesting, I'm already trying to figure the next location I use.(If I get the chance)
Post #89 reminds me of zoobie for some reason.
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  • #93
This should be a fun one.

Consider this song:

I honestly don't know what what the songwriters were thinking when they wrote it. But I think I might. Your job is to guess the locations to where "I" think they were referring, regardless of whether or not that is what they actually meant.

The lyrics start with this:

Gold lion's going to tell me where the light is,
Gold lion's going to tell me where the light is,
Take our hands out of control,
Take our hands out of control
and that's enough. You may ignore the rest of the song as gibberish if you wish. All you need is above, right there.

So my challenge for you is,

Where is the gold lion?
Where is the light?

If I were to leave it at that this challenge would arguably be too hard. And I would be cruel for doing that. So instead I'll supply you with an ample amount of clues to get you going.

Additional clues:
  • Let's start with the hands. If you figure out the hands it might aid you in determining the particular city where the gold lion and the light reside. These are not the sort of hands that are connected to your wrists. It's a different use of the word hand. These hands are usually tangible objects. I say "usually" because a mathematician might argue that they are sometimes not. But we'd both agree that these hands are almost always represented by tangible objects. And they are more tangible than offering someone a "helping hand" (which is yet another use of the word, but doesn't apply here). So ask yourself, what other types of hands are there?
  • The city (more accurately "place" [see below]) where the gold lion and the light reside is very famous for people playing with these sorts of hands. It's a very famous city (technically, "place"), and one of the biggest reasons the city (place) is so famous is for people playing with these sorts of hands. Although there are other reasons the city (place) is famous, these sorts of hands and hand related things are quite a big deal there.
  • The city (place) is also known, in some circles, as a place where people tend to get a bit out of control from time to time. So if you'd like to use that to narrow down the city (place), that's fine too.
  • The building that houses the light is loved by those who appreciate simple, three dimensional shapes.
  • The building that houses the light is inspired by an ancient culture.
  • The light is a real and tangible object. And it's a real light source.
  • The light is very bright. Quite bright. I'd give you the output in candela, but that might give the answer away. Suffice it to say that it is bright.
  • There's little to no chance the light will shine in your face though.
  • The gold lion is a real and tangible object.
  • The gold lion is facing the light.
  • That last hint is quite relevant because if you find yourself a bit out of control, and a bit turned around (easy to do in this city [place]), and you want to get back to the light (for whatever reason) and you happen to find your way to, or stumble upon, the gold lion, the gold lion will "tell you where the light is."
  • The gold lion and the light might not be in line-of-sight of one another, but they are in walking distance of one another.
  • The gold lion is a representation of an actual lion. You have almost certainly seen this real lion before on TV or in the movie theater if you have ever watched more than a handful of movies or so that were made in the United States. You may also have seen this lion if you have watched any episode of an animated cartoon series involving a particular cat and mouse.
  • It is possible (and often encouraged) to stay overnight in the buildings associated with the gold lion and the light. You can even sleep in them, if that's really what you want to do.
  • And lastly, one more hint about the city (place). Almost everything that most people associate with this city is not even in the city that goes by that name. As a matter of fact, the place where the gold lion and the light reside, along with most everything that most people associate with this city, is not even within a city at all (technically speaking that is, in terms of tax collecting, "city" ordinances, relations to county and state government, etc). Instead, some might say that the place where the gold lion and the light reside are in an unincorporated Paradise.
So post links from Google Maps or Earth showing each of the locations of the gold lion and the light.
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  • #94
Oh man, this is gonna' be good! <checks supply of extra patience> yup good to go. :ok:
  • #95
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  • #96
1oldman2 said:
That's a good start. Very nice. :woot:

But you'll still need to post a location for it (or at least an indication of where to find it), as well as another location for the light. :wink:
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  • #97
collinsmark said:
That's a good start. Very nice. :woot:

But you'll still need to post a location for it (or at least an indication of where to find it), as well as another location for the light. :wink:
Okay, I'm looking at the MGM Grande at 3799 Las Vegas Blvd. ... Now about that light, <scratches head and gets back to work> :smile:
  • #98
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  • #99
Correct! :woot: Well done.

The gold lion is a statue just outside the MGM Grand hotel, Las Vegas (sic).,-115.173186,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s48623025!2e1!3e10!6s//!7i3344!8i1872!4m2!3m1!1s0x80c8c5cc93820e25:0x9dd94505bd76107f!6m1!1e1

The light is the Luxor Sky Beam atop the Luxor hotel, a couple of blocks away.,-115.173197,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s399809!2e1!3e10!6s//!7i2304!8i1536!4m2!3m1!1s0x80c8c5ce3e5cb447:0xb5a742eafd00138!6m1!1e1

A fun thing to do go to google Maps (or Earth), and then enter "Street View." Place the initial position on one the street intersection on the southwest corner of the MGM grand. Turn around if you need to and find the gold lion. Look which way the lion is facing and go that way (his head is turned a little bit to the right, so if you get confused go by the direction his body is facing). Take that street down a couple of blocks and bingo! There's the Luxor on your right. The gold lion told you where the light is!

Interesting fact about the light:

At 42.3 billion candela, the Luxor Sky Beam is the strongest beam of light in the world. Using computer-designed, curved mirrors to collect the light from 39 xenon lamps and focus them into one intense, narrow beam, engineers claimed that a newspaper could be read from a distance as far as 10 miles. This however, was later revealed to be a false claim[citation needed]. The light beam, however, was still unarguably bright. On a clear night, the Sky Beam is visible up to 275 miles (443 km) away by aircraft at cruising altitude, such as over Los Angeles.[35][36]

Each of the 39 lamps is a 7,000 watt[37] Xenotech fixture[38] costing about $1,200. When at full power, the system costs $51 an hour to operate, with $20 per hour of that just for its 315,000 watts of electricity.[37] The beam has operated reliably since first enabled on October 15, 1993, and is an FAA designated navigational landmark for aviators.[35]

The lamp room is about 50 feet (15 m) below the top of the building and serviced by a staff of two workers during the day.[39] The room's temperature is about 300 °F (149 °C) while the lights are operating.[40] Since 2008, only half the lamps are lit as a cost and energy saving measure.[41] The light might be the world's best bug attractor, establishing a new ecosystem of moths, bats, and owls.​

Explanation of hints:

The "hands" refer to hands of cards. Gambling is a big deal in Vegas.

It's Las Vegas (sic), and people are known to get out of control there from time to time. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

The gold lion is a reference to MGM's logo, which I'm sure you have seen before:

And for the "Paradise" hint, hee hee, this is the most interesting, I think:

Okay, @1oldman2, you're up. :smile:
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  • #100
Sweet, :dademyday:give me few to think up something new. :partytime:

By the way cool info on the "light" :thumbup:
  • #101
A "Bonnie Scot" was he, but now you will find his grave just south of Perth and Duncraig, (maybe Freemantle?).
Find his memorial gate and final resting place. You can get there direct or by an alternate route. :wink:
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  • #102
  • #103
Folks we have winner (and a new record) :partytime::partytime::partytime::partytime::partytime::partytime::partytime::partytime::partytime::bow:
I have a feeling we could discuss music for a very long time. :smile:
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  • #104
Wonderful! o0) I'm presently out of ideas, so give me a little time to think up a new one.
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  • #105
Here we go. This one might not have as many clues, but I suspect somebody is going to get it nonetheless. I'll leave you with my silly poem.

Was it ten-seven-eight, my first memory?
It was William who commissioned the making of me
I have seen nobels and queens and criminals alike
And even a recent Beefeaters strike
Ravens flutter around me today
How many are there, shall I say?
I count them showing three groups of two
Raven count six is what I must do​
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