Is Anyone Truly in Control Amidst the Ukrainian Crisis?

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In summary, there is violence in Kiev and other parts of Ukraine. The US seems to be mostly silent, and there is concern that the violence will spread. There is a lack of information on the situation, and it is unclear what will happen next.
  • #736
Borg said:
So, as I said before - What's the difference?

This is a question you should address to nikkkom, and, probably, to US policy makers. It was not I who suggested a policy which defeats its own purpose.

Borg said:
I am also aware through my many associations in the U.S. Russian community how unpopular he is with people who aren't under the sphere of his media control.

Oh, you mean there are first-class Russians, and second-class Russians, and the second-class Russians matter very little?

Borg said:
Russia's actions in Ukraine will just push them further toward the West.

Please do not mix these two issues. This little branch of discussion is about the developments since the fall of the Iron Curtain. It was your statement that the people in the US embraced Russia, yet Russia is somehow distrustful and isolationistic (and imperialistic at the same time, what a nice combo). What was Russia's aggression toward its neighbours prior to 1997, when three countries, east of the then-current Nato block, were invited to join Nato?
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  • #737
voko said:
This is a question you should address to nikkkom, and, probably, to US policy makers. It was not I who suggested a policy which defeats its own purpose.
What's the difference was in reply to your post.
voko said:
Oh, you mean there are first-class Russians, and second-class Russians, and the second-class Russians matter very little?
How did you come up with that from my post? :oldconfused:
voko said:
Please do not mix these two issues. This little branch of discussion is about the developments since the fall of the Iron Curtain. It was your statement that the people in the US embraced Russia, yet Russia is somehow distrustful and isolationistic (and imperialistic at the same time, what a nice combo). What was Russia's aggression toward its neighbours prior to 1997, when three countries, east of then-current Nato black, were invited to join Nato?
OK, they were invited prior to 97. This doesn't really change my statement that Russia's current actions in Ukraine will push countries further toward the West.
  • #739
Borg said:
What's the difference was in reply to your post.
This is why I said it should be addressed elsewhere.
Borg said:
How did you come up with that from my post?
Because, you see, there are millions of Russians supporting Putin, and a handful who have told you they do not. Just mentioning the second group means it is at least as important as the other one, which implies what I wrote.
Borg said:
OK, they were invited but nothing came of it.
You mean they didn't join Nato a couple of years later?
  • #740
Danger said:
Is it really possible that you don't understand the difference between being invited and being invaded? :bugeye:

No. And you could ask a less trivial question.
  • #741
voko said:
No. And you could ask a less trivial question.
Trivial? You have been saying that NATO inviting nations to join them if they want to is the same as Russia sending heavily armed soldiers into the Ukraine in order to make it part of their country by force against the rightful government. Explain how they're identical.
  • #742
Danger said:
Trivial? You have been saying that NATO inviting nations to join them if they want to is the same as Russia sending heavily armed soldiers into the Ukraine in order to make it part of their country by force against the rightful government. Explain how they're identical.
I never said that.
  • #743
  • #744
voko said:
Because, you see, there are millions of Russians supporting Putin, and a handful who have told you they do not. Just mentioning the second group means it is at least as important as the other one, which implies what I wrote.
I disagree with your logic.
  • #745
Danger said:
Then what was this supposed to mean?
Quite obviously, nothing about invasions.
  • #746
NATO is a dangerous, imperial organization that has a long and recent history of attacking its neighbors. Examples include: the NATO invasion of Finland in the Winter War of 1939. Oh wait, never mind. The NATO invasion and annexation of Poland in September 1939. Oh wait, never mind. The NATO invasion and occupation of the the Baltic States in 1940. Oh wait, never mind.

Let us forget the long ago and focus on the modern. After all, it is not as if former Cold War officials are in charge any more, and the days of e are long gone. In the first European war of the 21st century, NATO invaded Georgia in August 2008 and currently remains in occupation by force of the formerly Georgian S. Ossetia region. Oh wait, never mind. NATO annexed The Crimea by force this year ... I'm so confused. ?:)
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  • #747
voko said:
Quite obviously, nothing about invasions.
If you call that "obvious", you need a serious refresher course in logic. It obviously is about invasions because that is the subject that you were responding to.
  • #748
Danger said:
It obviously is about invasions because that is the subject that you were responding to.
That is false. Please stop making things up.
  • #749
voko said:
That is false. Please stop making things up.
Wrong on both counts; you just can't seem to keep track of what's going on.
  • #750
voko said:
> Keeping Russia just poor enough so that it can't attack neighbors may be a good policy.

Splendid. You want to prevent Russian "imperialism" by giving the Russians every reason to embrace it.

I do not want to prevent Russian imperialism. You can't prevent something which already exists, and Russian imperialism definitely exists and flourishes already. If you can't watch Russian domestic news, you probably just don't fully realize how far it progressed. It's bordering on the insanity.

I want Russians to stop being antagonistic towards the West. It's bad for everybody, Russians including. Since Russia is no longer ruled by communists, there are no irreconcilable ideological reasons to wage a war (cold, proxy, or hot one) against each other.

Sadly, it is now impossible to achieve such change in Russia by political dialogue, since Putin created a powerful propaganda apparatus, so ordinary Russians don't even get to hear alternative points of view.

So, other approaches have to be used. There are many. Such as "1945 solution". We did manage to fix a somewhat similar situation (Germany not wanting to be part of the West, and instead trying to antagonistically compete with it) by "simply" defeating the opponent militarily and forcing them to change.

I don't want to use that method in current situation, for several obvious reasons. I'm sure you also don't want that.

So, what else can we do? Well, we can stop trading with Russia. It is entirely legal. It is non-violent. It can easily be calibrated (stick and carrot).

Apparently, you disagree. If yes, what would you do?
  • #751
voko said:
Splendid. You want to prevent Russian "imperialism" by giving the Russians every reason to embrace it.
No, as the best case scenario we want whole region made of not-corrupted, not-militaristic, not-imperialistic, democratic countries. In most of Europe it worked quite well.

For a while some west European politicians tried to pretend that it also applies to Russia. Instead of real actions, some otherwise serious politicians were expressing "serious concern" while you invaded Ukraine.

Now we just want to explain to contemporary Russian regime that imperialism is rather expensive. We hope that either Putin or oligarchs or masses would get the message and change the behaviour accordingly. Or just the oligarchs would sacrifice Putin as Romanian military did with Causescu. Whatever.
In case of regime change presumably the prospective new ruling group would still be presumably militaristic and corrupted, but would be more serious concerning not violating international law.

Because, you see, there are millions of Russians supporting Putin, and a handful who have told you they do not. Just mentioning the second group means it is at least as important as the other one, which implies what I wrote.
I not doubt that. That's the reason I think they have now exactly what they deserve. (or would have when all retailers finally adjust prices)
  • #752
voko said:
Please do not mix these two issues. This little branch of discussion is about the developments since the fall of the Iron Curtain. It was your statement that the people in the US embraced Russia, yet Russia is somehow distrustful and isolationistic (and imperialistic at the same time, what a nice combo). What was Russia's aggression toward its neighbours prior to 1997, when three countries, east of the then-current Nato block, were invited to join Nato?
First Chechen War in years 1994-1996?

Anyway do you consider forming Commonwealth of Belarus and Russia in 1996 as hostile move towards Poland? If not why joining NATO by Poland do you consider as hostile?
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  • #753
nikkkom said:
I want Russians to stop being antagonistic towards the West.

Which no sane person would not applaud to. The method, which you proposed, however, would do exactly that: antagonize them, or keep them antagonized. Because that method is what the "outlandish propaganda" is telling the Russians about the West.

nikkkom said:
Apparently, you disagree. If yes, what would you do?

Yes, I find that method wholly ineffectual for your purpose. I gave examples earlier in the thread of some other things that the West has done to antagonize Russia (and I do not want to debate as to whether it is correct to say they were antagonistic; they are according to Russian official statements, and that it all that matters here). This entire Ukrainian thing, when Yanukovich was ousted despite a deal signed just a day before, was a very, very antagonistic thing (again, I am talking about the views openly presented by Russia's top brass, not what the West thinks about that). How, indeed, can the West de-antagonize Russia?
  • #754
voko said:
"IF"? The Ukrainian Freedom Support Act of 2014", passed by the Senate a few days ago, defines a policy, "to[/PLAIN] deter the Government of the Russian Federation from
further destabilizing and invading Ukraine and other independent countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia
". How is that different from the proposal in #725, which said "so that [Russia] can't attack neighbors"? And how is a policy "" different from "Keeping Russia just poor enough"?
I'm not sure how it could be any clearer: that action was specifically designed to oppose Russia's imperialism and was passed in response to Russia's imperialistic acts.

Are you suggesting that the above is a viable reason for Russia to continue to invade and conquer its neighbors?
Putin is hugely popular in Russia and as far as I can see his current policies are fully supported.
Given Putin's control over the media, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are being tricked, but in this day and age it is tough to accept. If, indeed, the Russian people are in favor of old style imperialism, that would be pretty disurbing and sad.
It was Russian soldiers who all marched away from Europe when the Iron Curtain fell. American soldiers are still there.
American troops in Western Europe is a vastly different animal from Russian troops in Eastern Europe. The Iron Curtain was a real thing.
And Nato has moved eastward, despite promises that it would not.
Are you suggesting that the Ukraine's signing a treaty with the US is a viable reason for Russia to invade Ukraine?
Which no sane person would not applaud to. [Russia to stop being antagonistic toward the west]
Um -- you did just say that Russians support Putin's antigonism toward the West, by a wide margin. Are you saying the vast majority of Russians are insane?
I gave examples earlier in the thread of some other things that the West has done to antagonize Russia (and I do not want to debate as to whether it is correct to say they were antagonistic; they are according to Russian official statements, and that it all that matters here).
Are you suggesting that those things are viable reasons to invade Ukraine? Are you suggesting that Putin is entitled to decide for himself that they were antagonistic enough to jusitfy invading Ukraine?
This entire Ukrainian thing, when Yanukovich was ousted despite a deal signed just a day before, was a very, very antagonistic thing (again, I am talking about the views openly presented by Russia's top brass, not what the West thinks about that). How, indeed, can the West de-antagonize Russia?
Are you suggesting "the West" ousted Yanukovich? Are you suggesting his ouster (by whomever) was a viable reason for Russia to invade Ukraine?
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  • #755
russ_watters said:
I'm not sure how it could be any clearer: that action was specifically designed to oppose Russia's imperialism and was passed in response to Russia's imperialistic acts.

That was not my point. You said something was hypothetical, conditional on a big *IF*. While in fact the thing which you call hypothetical is pretty much in effect now.

russ_watters said:
Are you suggesting

I am not suggesting anything here, not today in this thread at least.

russ_watters said:
American troops in Western Europe is a vastly different animal from Russian troops in Eastern Europe.

Pretty obvious, that. As Vlad said not so long a ago: if Grandma had male genitals, she would have been Grandpa. The fact remains, however: Russians out, Americans still in. What do you think this suggests to the Russians?

russ_watters said:
The Iron Curtain was a real thing.

I do not need to be told. I am old enough to remember that first hand.
  • #756
voko said:
That was not my point. You said something was hypothetical, conditional on a big *IF*. While in fact the thing which you call hypothetical is pretty much in effect now.
No, it really isn't. The fact that those actions are a response to Russia's imperialism is key here. It's like you don't understand the difference between a punishment delivered after a crime and a punishment delivered for no reason. It's bizarre.
I am not suggesting anything here, not today in this thread at least.
Well it certainly seems like it. You are defending the logic, at least.
Pretty obvious, that. As Vlad said not so long a ago: if Grandma had male genitals, she would have been Grandpa.
Too obvious: it is clear you are pretending not to understand what I meant and creating a false equivalency. Russian troops in Eastern Europe were an occupying force for puppet states. American troops in Western Europe are not.
The fact remains, however: Russians out, Americans still in. What do you think this suggests to the Russians?
For Russians who understand that Russia remains imperialistic, it would suggest that the West is taking prudent steps to protect itself from Russia's imperialistic threat.
I do not need to be told. I am old enough to remember that first hand.
It would appear you do need to be told, since you created the false equivalency!
  • #757
russ_watters said:
It's like you don't understand the difference between a punishment delivered after a crime and a punishment delivered for no reason. It's bizarre.

It may be key for something, but not for your invocation of "hypothetical", which is what I am discussing with you here. I never debated that there was (normally) continuity and causality in politics.

russ_watters said:
Well it certainly seems like it. You are defending the logic, at least.

What logic? You and other people keep talking about invasions and ascribing to me something about them, something which I never said. Could you just stop doing that?

russ_watters said:
Russian troops in Eastern Europe were an occupying force for puppet states. American troops in Western Europe are not.

Repeating myself here: your (Western) perception means nothing to the Russians. They perceive it differently. You keep talking about how American troops in Europe are good for Europe, and the Russians keep talking about Western hypocrisy. And, before you say that perhaps the Russians should make an effort and see it the way the West sees it: they actually tried 25 years ago. Mr Putin called the result of that "a greatest geopolitical catastrophe in the 20th century". As far as I can tell, this resonates with a huge lot of Russians. I doubt they will try that again any time soon.
  • #758
voko said:
It may be key for something, but not for your invocation of "hypothetical", which is what I am discussing with you here. I never debated that there was (normally) continuity and causality in politics.
The hypothetical here explicitly includes the continuity/causality. That's the entire point here: you are trying to separate them to turn the punishment for the crime into the provacation for committing it.
What logic? You and other people keep talking about invasions and ascribing to me something about them, something which I never said. Could you just stop doing that?
Well, here's the thing: you are arguing a case for the invasions being justified, you just aren't explicitly saying you believe they are. It's like OJ with his "If I Did It" book. And also, from your previous post:
I am not suggesting anything here, not today in this thread at least.
Those words seem very carefully chosen. They imply to me that the answer to my question is yes, you do support the invasions, you just don't want to overtly state it or have to defend it here (which is fine, by the way). Is my interpretation correct?
Repeating myself here: your (Western) perception means nothing to the Russians.
No one is suggesting they do. In fact, we've discussed in detal the fact that they don't and why. And we're discussing it because it is scary and disturbing that Russians are apparently so disconnected from reality.
You keep talking about how American troops in Europe are good for Europe, and the Russians keep talking about Western hypocrisy.
Yes, but here's the problem: one is a fact and the other is a lie. Again, that's the problem! Putin is lying to the Russian people and the Russian people are accepting it.
And, before you say that perhaps the Russians should make an effort and see it the way the West sees it: they actually tried 25 years ago. Mr Putin called the result of that "a greatest geopolitical catastrophe in the 20th century". As far as I can tell, this resonates with a huge lot of Russians. I doubt they will try that again any time soon.
You are mixing together separate issues in a way that is creating an intentional falsehood. The collapse of the Soviet Union certainly was a disaster for Russians* (as, of course, was the existence of the Soviet Union), but that doesn't make the West an aggressor or make invading your neighbors acceptable. They have nothing at all to do with each other. This isn't about differing perspectives, it is truth and lies; right and wrong.

*Though things worked out better for the Eastern Eurpoeans that Russia was oppressing.
  • #759
voko said:
This entire Ukrainian thing, when Yanukovich was ousted despite a deal signed just a day before, was a very, very antagonistic thing (again, I am talking about the views openly presented by Russia's top brass, not what the West thinks about that).

I am sure West liked anti-Yanukovich side, but I saw no evidence that they helped them in any way more significant than by diplomacy. In other words, West did nothing unacceptable there.

It's obvious Russia thinks that Ukraine is "their turf" and West must not play there. Therefore, they feel that West having an opinion on Ukrainian internal politics and daring to openly speak about that is an infraction. That's what I see as imperialist aspirations: Russia wants to be a superpower, it wants to have vassal buffer states around it.

The West fundamentally disagrees on that point. The West thinks that it (like everybody else) has a right to have opinions on Ukrainian politics. It can say that they like party X there and dislike party Y. It's not a breach of the rules, as West sees it.

How, indeed, can the West de-antagonize Russia?

Sorry. I asked *you*. What is your proposed solution?
  • #760
voko said:
> Russian troops in Eastern Europe were an occupying force for puppet states. American troops in Western Europe are not.

Repeating myself here: your (Western) perception means nothing to the Russians. They perceive it differently. You keep talking about how American troops in Europe are good for Europe, and the Russians keep talking about Western hypocrisy.

The huge difference is that American troops in Europe were, and still are present with the explicit permission of countries they are stationed in.

Soviets were forcing themselves onto Warsaw Pact countries, resorting to actual fighting, with tanks and army, twice when local populations tried to push them out (Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968).

Some ignoramuses claim that Americans are not "really" guests, that they will stay even if host country will ask them to leave. Well, it was empirically tested. There was one case when Americans were asked to leave - in France, by de Gaulle after Suez crisis. Guess what - they *did* leave France.
  • #761
nikkkom said:
Some ignoramuses claim that Americans are not "really" guests, that they will stay even if host country will ask them to leave. Well, it was empirically tested. There was one case when Americans were asked to leave - in France, by de Gaulle after Suez crisis. Guess what - they *did* leave France.
And is still true today, as we left Iraq when asked to leave there.
  • #762
russ_watters said:
Given Putin's control over the media, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are being tricked, but in this day and age it is tough to accept. If, indeed, the Russian people are in favor of old style imperialism, that would be pretty disurbing and sad.

Just a note: I think it's not just Russians. Sadly, I'm sure just about any other nation can be made to support almost any policy, no matter how outrageous, with sufficient amounts of propaganda.

We have several historical examples:
Nazi Germany. I'd be happy to think that it was an exception, and we'd never have anything like it, but...
North Korea.
Serbia in Yugoslavian wars: even knowing about horrors of WWII and nazism, they managed to slide into supporting an extreme form of nationalism which included invading other nations, mass murder of civilians and running concentration camps (!).
And now, Russia.

I'm not saying they are equally bad. I'm saying that each of them had a powerful state-run propaganda machine - and eventually majority of people started to believe it.
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  • #763
As Ukraine truce holds, Russia vows economic pain

Not exactly a good neighbor policy.

"The Ukrainian government has made its choice. And even if our neighbors have a poor understanding of the ultimate price they will have to pay, that is their right," Medvedev said.
Those ominous words came as a renewed truce in east Ukraine called for by President Petro Poroshenko is holding — barring sporadic violations — since it began last week.
Ukraine is entitled to self-determination, just as Russia is, or any other nation.
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  • #764
Astronuc said:
As Ukraine truce holds,
On paper, otherwise not.
  • #765
Astronuc said:

Ukraine is entitled to self-determination, just as Russia is, ...
  • #766
Danger said:
Are there English translations of those available?

youtube search for "captured russian soldiers in ukraine" gives a number of hits. For example, these have translation in subtitles:

  • #767
voko said:
I am of the opinion that many Russians would see this very differently. It was Russian soldiers who all marched away from Europe when the Iron Curtain fell. American soldiers are still there. And Nato has moved eastward, despite promises that it would not.
When did they marched out from Ukraine (Crimea), Belarus (in their case actually there is something like a consent) or Moldova?
(bold mine)

(it's funny to make a fact check of your posts)
  • #768
@nikkkom @russ_watters It looks like I won't have much time today and probably tomorrow to spend on the forum and address your questions. I will eventually, worst case over the weekend. Cheers.
  • #770
russ_watters said:
The hypothetical here explicitly includes the continuity/causality. That's the entire point here: you are trying to separate them to turn the punishment for the crime into the provacation for committing it.

You are fundamentally mistaken here. This distinction does not exist for Russia. As a sovereign state, it won't accept being punished by any other state for whatever reason, but especially if the other state invokes a "crime and punishment" rationalization, as you did, because that adds insult to injury, encroaching on Russia's sovereignty. And this is not just my theory. The recent official comment by Russia's foreign affairs spokesman said just that: "unacceptable; provoking; an attempt of extraterritorial application of US legislation; null and void for Russia; against the principles of international law; US solely and fully accountable for consequences; hostile act by US".

russ_watters said:
Well, here's the thing: you are arguing a case for the invasions being justified, you just aren't explicitly saying you believe they are.

So you admitted I never said that. Which means you misrepresented my argument, and I won't be discussing this further.

russ_watters said:
And we're discussing it because it is scary and disturbing that Russians are apparently so disconnected from reality.

You seem to have missed my whole point. This is what you think about the Russians. The Russians think that you are disconnected, or being a hypocrite.

russ_watters said:
Yes, but here's the problem: one is a fact and the other is a lie.

A statement in a formal theory can be true, false or undecidable, depending on the theory's basic axioms. This has profound implications in real life, to the point that I find your assertion very naïve. We can, with an effort, assign absolute "true" or "false" to simple statements of facts on the ground, such as absence or presence of troops in particular locations; more complicated statements, no way: there will always be differing opinions and lines of thinking.

russ_watters said:
Again, that's the problem!

You made this a problem by trying to apply binary logic where it does not work. Again, as I said, perceptions of one and the same event can be very different in Russia than in the West. And this is not because the Russians are stupid, or brainwashed, which you will inevitably have to infer from your binary logic.

russ_watters said:
You are mixing together separate issues in a way that is creating an intentional falsehood. The collapse of the Soviet Union certainly was a disaster for Russians* (as, of course, was the existence of the Soviet Union), but that doesn't make the West an aggressor or make invading your neighbors acceptable. They have nothing at all to do with each other. This isn't about differing perspectives, it is truth and lies; right and wrong.

You are attacking a straw man here, because my argument did not have anything about "mak[ing] the West an aggressor or mak[ing] invading your neighbors acceptable".

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