Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #2,311

so, what you've got? :P
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  • #2,312
Haha, I am not worried about sleep now, my estemated time of departure is sometime between an hour and two hours away. Think we can solve it by then?
  • #2,313
surely! can you give me the directional values of those letters again please. can't find which thread is it on.

hi zarii! go help us!
  • #2,314
So, if our last two posts are good, the whole compas pairing idea still doesn't work very well because it runs over X again when you hit the third letter. If you modify every letter by 3 first, then you get gibberish. Although I am pretty sure that our answers which don't make sense might become sensicle if we apply the rule of 3. Anyone getting anywhere else?
  • #2,315
Any leads in the right direction so I know what to work with here?
  • #2,316

Northwest: A
North: D
Northeast: G
East: J
Southeast: M
South: P
Southwest: S
West: V

That what you wanted?
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  • #2,317
Ain't west a v? :)
  • #2,318
Zarii said:
Any leads in the right direction so I know what to work with here?

We got a message from boxcutter last page saying two of our posts were good, you might want to read them. Oh, and BE CAREFUL about how you treat diagonalls - if you are going diagonally and you go off the page, it isn't always easy to know where you come back on. That messed me up for a while.

Edit: And yeah, yeah, west is a V. Sorry, twenty one hours without sleep sometimes blurs the line between V and U
  • #2,319
yup. that was what i wanted. i'll try to cook something up.

EDIT: Wrong. that wasnt what i wanted. wasn't there a post few hours back re letter equivalent of N, S, E, W? Or was that it? cause i didnt pay too much attention on that.

if that was it then nevermind. I've had that since yesterday. or is it 2 days ago?
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  • #2,320
Did you mean pairing ahrmmtyd to the compass? Because then you get:

NW 1
N 8
NE 18
E 13
SE 13
S 20
SW 25
W 4

Dunno if that helps. Also, remember that it can be rule-of-three'd to add three to all the numbers - but 26 is the highest number, so SW would become 2, not 28.
  • #2,321
FranklinDR said:
Did you mean pairing ahrmmtyd to the compass? Because then you get:

NW 1
N 8
NE 18
E 13
SE 13
S 20
SW 25
W 4

Dunno if that helps. Also, remember that it can be rule-of-three'd to add three to all the numbers - but 26 is the highest number, so SW would become 2, not 28.

nah, that's not it either. anyways, ill TRY to come up with the number of steps needed first cause i'd like to throw all those big numbers away.
  • #2,322
Okey, start at x, should you always start at x or should you start at x at first and then start to use the other coordinations where you landed after x
  • #2,323
"whAt is tHis gRid in front of you? it seeMs soMeone is Trying to confuse You, Doesn't it?"

In the first word the A is 3 letter, H the 2, R the second etc.. which gives us

  • #2,324
SpeedyKupad said:
nah, that's not it either. anyways, ill TRY to come up with the number of steps needed first cause i'd like to throw all those big numbers away.

yes, big numbers are dull ;)
  • #2,325
Btw, zarri, did you catch the modified hint on the first part of 60? Because it changed.
  • #2,326
people: try using the numbers 9-3-8-3-3-5-4-4 or/and 9-4-2-1-3-6-6-2

lets see how it goes.
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  • #2,327
FranklinDR said:
Btw, zarri, did you catch the modified hint on the first part of 60? Because it changed.
Nah, not really ? o_O

Edit: okej, now I saw it
  • #2,328
SpeedyKupad said:
people: try using the numbers 9-3-8-3-3-5-4-4 or/and 9-4-2-1-3-6-6-2

lets see how it goes.
I trust you, but out of curiosity: how those numbers?
  • #2,329
Hey guys,
Is there anywhere I can ask for clues? I'm on 54 at the moment.
  • #2,330
mine didn't go well. :frown:

how did that go to you guys?
  • #2,331
FranklinDR said:
I trust you, but out of curiosity: how those numbers?

sorry i was in a hurry to do it and didnt get to explain how i got it. i counted the no of times AHRMMTYD and ADGJMPSV appeared on the grid. :approve:
  • #2,332
Good idea, but I didnt have any luck. I am still liking the "go around in a circle" idea - I just need to get it to work. In other words, I need 8 numbers, then the first one goes NW, the second N, the third NE, etc. What other sets of 8 numbers haven't we tried?
  • #2,333
when we move by that little grid we move clockwise?, sorry.. Don't get much out of this.
  • #2,334
Yeah, I think so, since that's the way the 3rd alphabet letter sequence works- starts with A and goes clockwise.

I tried 32243111, got iouaiaar which is lrxdlddu by the 3 rule. Shame, I thought I almost had something.
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  • #2,335
Zarii said:
when we move by that little grid we move clockwise?, sorry.. Don't get much out of this.

thats how i do it. but its okay to try on your own but justifiable direction so well have a variety of things going on.

just don't forget to share if you get to the right one. :biggrin:
  • #2,336
aescnt said:
Hey guys,
Is there anywhere I can ask for clues? I'm on 54 at the moment.

Yeah, sure, send one of us a PM and we can probably help. I am leaving civilization for a week (pretty soon), so I wouldn't be the best option, but if you can't find clues in previous posts here, then PM someone.
  • #2,337
We need some other numbers, or something, those we've already got has lead me nowhere
  • #2,338
anyone who can cut down the numbers a little bit more? i hate the idea of going to the other end of the grid although for the NE, E, SE directions it seems needed.
  • #2,339
you will never reach the end of the grid if you do it correctly, so if that happens, you know it's the wrong way to do it
  • #2,340
Yeah, going around the grid seems scetchy. I would normally say to start from X each time, but given the new hint we know now not to do that. Uh, 32243111 is about as small as they get, and they still go through, so I dunno. We know we can't go around... maybe we start from a different direction? But the compass sarts with A, so you think you would start with NW.
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  • #2,341
On 61 (all speculation)

<Working off of the assumption of the small grid as a compass, and the current positions of letters on the grid, here is a possible re-working of the small grid to include the entire alphabet. I've arranged them into groups of three, with the central letter in each grouping being the letter indicated in the small grid on 61. 8 spots x 3 = 24 letters total, leaving two characters as 'extra.' It was a tough call for where to place X, Y, and Z respectively, but I grouped Z with A based on the visual clue that each letter on the small grid was the middle of a group of three letters. As for X and Y, I stuck them in the center of the grid, indicating no movement; this may change. I did this because I thought the clue about x may not only refer to the large grid; it may indicated (the / one of the) letters meant for the 'center' of the small grid. As currently laid out, each grouping points to a simple north, northeast, east, etc. direction.


Possible variation: for the outlying letters in each group, for every three "steps" move two spaces in the groups direction and one in the next direction over, similar to the pattern that a knight moves in chess. Example: D is a given as north, so for every three steps, all three would be north. C is to the west of D, but still in D's group, so for every three steps, move two to the north, and one to the northwest. E, on the other hand, would move two to the north and one to the northeast.

For some reason, I don't think the 'rule of 3' carries as much weight as some of you guys think it does, and I think the skipping of letters may be more relevant when used in this way, to indicate variations on grid movement. However, it's a simple matter to just apply a 'rule of three' to each attempt and compare the results to what you get without the rule of three.
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  • #2,342
Oh don't you go making me sing Zelda again, boxcutter.
  • #2,343
nintendo controller? O.-
  • #2,344
ASUZIEOS is the best i get get. :frown:

so close, yet so far...
  • #2,345
I have to go to work in about 30 minutes (not that it feels that I'm contributing with something yet either, but still) >.<

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