Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

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In summary, a group of individuals are discussing a new forum and its purpose of asking and answering "stupid questions." They discuss topics such as how long it takes to reach 1000 posts, the existence of the old forums, the best superpower, an elevator that goes sideways, and the reasons behind posting in this forum. They also explore the question of why they ask questions and the possible theories that have not been invented. Eventually, the conversation turns to the expansion of the universe and the orbit of planets around stars.
  • #876
Originally posted by, a now 'threaded', Firefly
Which are better, string beans or things that have been but have not been strung?
So, "String a song of six beans, pockets in a row, how many beans, been 'beened', by the stringing out, we know,...tell a tale of stringy things, strung out in a thread, and all the while you'll find a 'ditty', in everything you've read!..."

What the heck is a 'ditty'??
Physics news on
  • #877
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What the heck is a 'ditty'??
A ditty serves to dance around a deed, in rhythmic patterns strung is every bead... of dew, that glistens from the starlit lawn, until the Queen moves into take the pawn.

How many beets are in a bar?
  • #878
Originally posted by firefly
How many beets are in a bar?

Dunno. My favorite bars serve booze, not beets.

Will zoobyshoe notice that I am posting in this thread for a third time?
  • #879
Originally posted by Tom
Will zoobyshoe notice that I am posting in this thread for a third time?
It is impossible to predict what a Zooby may or may not notice, but the Quetion itself may interfere with the observable result.

Was it the intent of SuperMentor Tom to test the Heisenberg principle on Zoobyshoe?
  • #880
Originally posted by firefly
Was it the intent of SuperMentor Tom to test the Heisenberg principle on Zoobyshoe?

Yes, it was, and in the process I learned that the eigenstates of firefly span a Hilbert space that overlap with the eigenstates of zoobyshoe, and thus firefly and zoobyshoe are noncommuting observables.

I know what mechanics do for a living, but what sort of cars do quantum mechanics work on?
  • #881
Originally posted by SUPER mentor Tom!
I know what mechanics do for a living, but what sort of cars do quantum mechanics work on?
What a strangely charming quizical quirk of a quarky it is the clearest of things that quantum mechanics work on nanoauto's...or autonano's wait, I didn't go yet, (where the heck is that zoobyshoe,... he should have been answwering this quetion not me! I'm Drunk (really! see *hic* there! that proves it!)...well not really drunk, but i had a beer. ooops did I say that out loud what??/) Uhmm well they work on these really really really really really little cars, I mean autos, I mean...oh I giv e u-p!

If someone is talking to you, and your NoT listening, do they still make noise?
  • #882
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
If someone is talking to you, and your NoT listening, do they still make noise?
It depends on whether or No T you're falling over in the woods at the time. (Caused by stubbing your T.o.E.)

If a Supermentor posts four times in a thread, and there isn't a zooby around to see it, did he really post?
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  • #883
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
If a Supermentor posts four times in a thread, and there isn't a zooby around to see it, did he really post?
Zoob, this is he stupid quention forum thread, you are supposed to ASK A QUENTION!

If someone writes, and there is no one there to read it, is it still legible?
  • #884
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Zoob, this is he stupid quention forum thread, you are supposed to ASK A QUENTION!

Please clean your glasses at least once a month.
If someone writes, and there is no one there to read it, is it still legible?
All writing, no matter how inscrutable, automatically becomes perfectly legible when there is no one there to read it, yes.Will Mr. Robin Parsons be able to read this quetion with his dirty glasses?
  • #885
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Will Mr. Robin Parsons be able to read this quetion with his dirty glasses?
Zoob, this is he stupid quention forum thread, you are supposed to ASK A QUENTION!

When will zoobyshoe begin asking stupid quentions again?
  • #886
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons When will zoobyshoe begin asking stupid quentions again?
Perhaps the quention asked herein
Is not the kind that saw this thread begin
Perhaps our zooby's wonderin'
When Mr. Parsons might rethink his quetionin'

Or... maybe he can only think of real smart questions, and no stupid quetions (let alone quentions or exquinctions or quantumptions...)

(Ok... the truth is, firefly doesn't know. ...boooo hooo hooo ...i have no clooooo hooo hoooo )

Does a quention make one less thirsty (n.b. this however is a quetion)?
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  • #887
Originally posted by firefly
Does a quention make one less thirsty (n.b. this however is a quetion)?
Yes, if answered, it gives the "drink of knowledge"...unless properly answered, then it give the gift of laughter

Why is it a quention, as oppposed to a question?
  • #888
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Why is it a quention, as oppposed to a question?
i supppppose there munt be an ulterior untension to distinguish from the anking of a reqular question ... but more elusive to me is the absence of a quetion when aking one could not be simpler.

What is a threaded thistle used for in bird-watching?
  • #889
Originally posted by firefly
What is a threaded thistle used for in bird-watching?
The threaded thistle is used because no one has found a better, cheaper substitute. That's what for.

Recently when I was repelling down the side of...(insert name of some tall edifice or natural formation), I was was surprised to encounter...(insert something incongruous with the above, preferably surreal), and so I...(insert description of some absurd behaviour or peculiar verbal response). What's your favorite rice dish?
  • #890
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Recently when I was repelling down the side of...(insert name of some tall edifice or natural formation), I was was surprised to encounter...(insert something incongruous with the above, preferably surreal), and so I...(insert description of some absurd behaviour or peculiar verbal response). What's your favorite rice dish?
I most often have it in a bowl, but truly I'm not too preferential and will happily eat it out of any number of receptacles including, but not limited to, cups, flat plates, pots or pans (non-stick or aluminum or stainless steel or...), paper cones, icecream cones, giant oyster or abalone shells, cone shells, pine cones, pine needles, needle threaders, threaded thistles... ok i am exaggerating. indeed, this is a silly sketch. and now for something completely different:

What sort of shells might she/i-conify?
  • #891
Originally posted by a now energetically vortexing fireFly'er(?)
What sort of shells might she/i-conify?

Well, in a nutshell she might just about conidificate just about every conificadation that there is to be conifikiditatted, conically speaking to all those who have the mind to know of the cone, AKA coneheadednesses'alanessie's ("Bar and Grill' I hear) hence we would find the ergo that would lead us to a therefore of unalterable cyclindrical novelty inthertheraftertheeof we proceed into the conifikidation of all conificadationally spoken cones, (Jumps up and down, in salutations) herafter24 we proceeded, cause that's about how many cones are conified by She/i.

So now, what number was that?
  • #892
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So now, what number was that?

Having lost a molar while chewing the nut of an average avocado, how do you derive Avogadro's number?
  • #893
Originally posted by a rhather toothy firefly
Having lost a molar while chewing the nut of an average avocado, how do you derive Avogadro's number?
Well "molarity" must be out of the question, followed by that other thingy there "Grama's Mole" or sumthing liken that, so how many moles does it take to make a molehill, bout a mountains worth, I'da herd, but you should have seen her a chewing that there nut, still in that avocado too just a chompin and a bitein, Ooooops that was the Dog...o.k. what was the answer again, I mean question oh Ya, that Avogadroes guy thing, useing a calculators a good way, I heard...and a scale, a really really accurate one.

So now that you know exactly how many atoms there are, in two (2) packets of white sugar, how are you going to fit, all of that, into you? (a sextillion, I herd)...
-42 {Naturally}
  • #894
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So now that you know exactly how many atoms there are, in two (2) packets of white sugar, how are you going to fit, all of that, into you? (a sextillion, I herd)...
-42 {Naturally}
Cough. splutter. gulp. Ummmmmmmm... Can't touch this.

How do you coordinate a herd of cats?
  • #895
Originally posted by firefly
How do you coordinate a herd of cats?
By useing a kitty Posse choreographer, or calculate their respective positions and call Hurkyl, he's really good in 'ordinate' math...

How do you herd a group of Dancers? (huh?)
  • #896
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
How do you herd a group of Dancers? (huh?)
Find yerself a Rudolf, fit him with a deluxe, battery-operated glowing red Parsonalized® nosepiece, and all the Dancers should fall in line, right along with all the Dashers, and Prancers, and Vixens...

Was the ruthless Adolf just a genetically handicapped version of red-nosed Rudolf?
  • #897
Originally posted by firefly
Was the ruthless Adolf just a genetically handicapped version of red-nosed Rudolf?
You know, it's funny you should ask that quetion, because once, when a polish aviator of my acquaintence had just returned from a hard day's night hauling Christmas presents to the poverty stricken daughters of coal miners, his rosey, alcoholic nose happened to be running, and since he was too cold or drunk to realize it, the moist patch running from his nostrils to his upper lip was soon darkened by the coal dust floating in the air of the little West Virginia community such that there did arise a certain Rudolf/Adolf confusion about his appearance.Once I was floating aimlessly on my back in a canal in Venice, Italy, with a photograph of Ludwig Van Beethoven propped up on my stomach facing me where I could keep an eye on the pesky, ill tempered composer, when a man came floating by in a similar arrangement except that he was supervising a photograph of ill tempered Russian composer, Igor Stravinski. Which of us was right?
  • #898
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Once I was floating aimlessly on my back in a canal in Venice, Italy, with a photograph of Ludwig Van Beethoven propped up on my stomach facing me where I could keep an eye on the pesky, ill tempered composer, when a man came floating by in a similar arrangement except that he was supervising a photograph of ill tempered Russian composer, Igor Stravinski. Which of us was right?
Just finished discussing this with some Drunken Polish aviator of an aquaintence of, well, someone else, (other then myself) and was told that neither were right, was 'aft', and the other was 'forward' ("apparently" but nary a face slapppin was heard, so wedding plans are a we's hears) and the other one was somewheres abeam of the entire thingy, so when juxtapositioning the alterior motif's of the arrangements, of others, we must ensure that the music is playing, and not the musaK!

While strolling in the park, one day, what the heck didn't happen to Zoobyshoes best buddy the drun'King Polish flier?? (Fireflier?HUH?)
  • #899
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
While strolling in the park, one day, what the heck didn't happen to Zoobyshoes best buddy the drun'King Polish flier?? (Fireflier?HUH?)
Mainly, he was not demoted from aviator to flier. Nor was he promoted from acquaintence to best buddy. I know him through friends. Casually. He keeps to himself, his martinis, his cockpits, his freelanz, at home, experiments with mice and carcinogens, his peculiar habit of shaving his eyebrows and drawing them back on with a ballpoint pen. Oh, he throws a great party, but deep down no one knows him. Acquaintence of all, friend to none. The mysterious Mr. F.

Once when I was leisurely floating on my back in a canal in Venice, California, USA, with a pitcher of ƒlying zoobies and a glass balanced on my stomach, an elderly woman who happened to be passing by pulled her husband to a stop, pointed at me, and said "There he is, Herman! That's the man who stole the jar of pickled artichoke hearts out of my shopping cart at Ralph's, yesterday!". Whereupon "Herman" grabbed a boathook from a nearby yacht and began trying to fish me out of the canal. Suddenly, an elderly woman poked her head up out of the interior of the yacht and, frantically pointing at Herman, began yelling down into the boat, "There he is Frank! There's the man who stole our boathook!" What do you suppose Frank had to steal, and from who, to try and get the boathook back?
  • #900
Originally posted by a, now, 'dearly degutted' Zoobyshoe (R.I.P. resting in places)
Once when I was leisurely floating on my back in a canal in Venice, California, USA, with a pitcher of ƒlying zoobies and a glass balanced on my stomach, an elderly woman who happened to be passing by pulled her husband to a stop, pointed at me, and said "There he is, Herman! That's the man who stole the jar of pickled artichoke hearts out of my shopping cart at Ralph's, yesterday!". Whereupon "Herman" grabbed a boathook from a nearby yacht and began trying to fish me out of the canal. Suddenly, an elderly woman poked her head up out of the interior of the yacht and, frantically pointing at Herman, began yelling down into the boat, "There he is Frank! There's the man who stole our boathook!" What do you suppose Frank had to steal, and from who, to try and get the boathook back?

Well Frank, being a Genius, took up his flare gun, shot out the pitcher of Flying Zoobies laying upon your gut, that exploded, blowing the Herman character out of his clothing, that caused the Now Infamous "Boathook" to go carreening out of Hermans hands, flying past his totally befud'dled partner, bouncing off of a nearby shopping cart, and flying, ricochet style, off of the next door neighbours masthead, landing at Franks feet, whereupon he turned to his loving wife, pulled her off of her feet using the Now amorous boathook, and well you know the rest...

Don't ya?
  • #901
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
and well you know the rest...

Don't ya?
Don't I indeed. To be Frank I might, in fantasy perhaps, but not in deed! Why, fancy that!

Why is Witch Hazel good for Brews-as dark as midnight?
  • #902
Originally posted by firefly
Why is Witch Hazel good for Brews-as dark as midnight?
Well, I went over to her house, to conduct the interview, as to determine just why "Brew-as Dark as midnight", but she was add'amint, with me, that, NO! she didn't know a darn thing!

So your boss just handed you "The" Primo assignment, Book deal, the whole nine yards, two years to write it, lotsa up front signing bonu$, so time, and comfort, are no longer a dilema, but you have just received the instructions from, 'Le Boss (Jeebus) and they want you to write all about why no one has discovered how to write the name BOB backwards, they want you to explain how it's done, minimium 60,000 words!, can you get it done, and How?
  • #903
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So your boss just handed you "The" Primo assignment, Book deal, the whole nine yards, two years to write it, lotsa up front signing bonu$, so time, and comfort, are no longer a dilema, but you have just received the instructions from, 'Le Boss (Jeebus) and they want you to write all about why no one has discovered how to write the name BOB backwards, they want you to explain how it's done, minimium 60,000 words!, can you get it done, and How?
No problem, pure plagiarism... from the SubSITE,
Official Website of The Church of the SubGenius™

So, as you BOB for your Bone-us, how do you re-emerge once your world sways with Slack SubGenius ways?
  • #904
Originally posted by firefly
So, as you BOB for your Bone-us, how do you re-emerge once your world sways with Slack SubGenius ways?
You very carefully take a Bite of "The Apple of your eye..."...(but gently, you don't want to hurt anyone) then following the rule of BOB, you move to BOB, to find BOB'ed'ness, in BOB's (Nirvana) Zone, then after you have exaulted your Bob'ed'nees, you relax with the one you, well, like being around!

Given that your Bone-Us, wasn't, how do you go about removing the crocodile, that is fighting the Alligator, (in the smell of that darn Dog's Flatulance) in your igloo?
  • #905
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Given that your Bone-Us, wasn't, how do you go about removing the crocodile, that is fighting the Alligator, (in the smell of that darn Dog's Flatulance) in your igloo?
In view of the circumstances, I'd let the dog back in. I think both reptiles might realize the source of the scent, and mistake the emergent temperature difference as a path to the tropics ... at which point I'd kick the dog out again and both reptiles would follow, only to continue fighting: over the dog. (No worries about the dog, he's too smart to stick around for the duel.)

Now that your igloo has a nice stratum of cold air as a carpet, and stinkier and warmer strata above, and you are stuck within (for without, rapacious animals are at large), without even the company of a dog or a nice spiky ravenous reptile which might make short work of your fears (and your life), how do you go about making life worth living again?
  • #906
Originally posted by firefly
Now that your igloo has a nice stratum of cold air as a carpet, and stinkier and warmer strata above, and you are stuck within (for without, rapacious animals are at large), without even the company of a dog or a nice spiky ravenous reptile which might make short work of your fears (and your life), how do you go about making life worth living again?
Well, I'd start by Dreaming, then working, to make my Dreams come true, then living the Dream life, then exit, to Nirvana...WhoooWho!

  • #907
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons: Woowho?
This is entirely your choice, know who-one can determine the best choice for you... it really depends on...

Who are you? who, who? who, who?
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  • #908
Originally posted by firefly
Who are you? who, who? who, who?
Well, if I find the person who knows 'who' knows "who", I'll be certain to tell them to tell you, too!

When you look up, why is it that you don't see the top of your head?
  • #909
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
When you look up, why is it that you don't see the top of your head?
Are you quite sure that I don't?

Why is the top of my head of such interest? Perhaps the location of the frontal cortex, or the temporal lobes, or be there some interest in my relative motor control I know not, but the rest of me fails to see what relevance it's got!
  • #910
Originally posted by firefly
Why is the top of my head of such interest? Perhaps the location of the frontal cortex, or the temporal lobes, or be there some interest in my relative motor control I know not, but the rest of me fails see see what relevance it's got!
Ahhhh that is because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you cannot see that...but I can(?)...

If you run around, how long will it take?