Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

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In summary, a group of individuals are discussing a new forum and its purpose of asking and answering "stupid questions." They discuss topics such as how long it takes to reach 1000 posts, the existence of the old forums, the best superpower, an elevator that goes sideways, and the reasons behind posting in this forum. They also explore the question of why they ask questions and the possible theories that have not been invented. Eventually, the conversation turns to the expansion of the universe and the orbit of planets around stars.
  • #911
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
If you run around, how long will it take?
As long as it takes for you to ex-see-d your pay shuns, but then again I've never had particularly fiscal tendonsee(s)?

If all tendons are connected to something, then how do you describe people with tendon-Sees, tendon-Cigarettes, and tendon-allsorts of other things (just ask Hypnagogue... not to say, follow the implied example, just for argument's sake)?
Physics news on
  • #912
Originally posted by firefly
If all tendons are connected to something, then how do you describe people with tendon-Sees, tendon-Cigarettes, and tendon-allsorts of other things (just ask Hypnagogue... not to say, follow the implied example, just for argument's sake)?
People who 'tend', tend to be tender, and tending of that which is 'tended', hence we can know that all tended tenders are tender, and tenderly tending to be tended to, by other tenders, but only by submission, by mail, is it tended, to be tended, as a tender, tenderer...

When you speak so of 'joints', are you really just trying to elbow me out, or is it 'plastered' that you wanted me to be, cause 'welding' generates "smoke", and weeze all know just what youse doin, if you smoking a joint?
  • #913
Originally posted by a disjointed Mr. Robin Parsons
When you speak so of 'joints', are you really just trying to elbow me out, or is it 'plastered' that you wanted me to be, cause 'welding' generates "smoke", and weeze all know just what youse doin, if you smoking a joint?

This reminds me of the time I was collecting funds at a corner for the disabled veterans of the battle of Gypsum Wells, California, USA, which was an armed skirmish that took place between two rival street gangs over a bag of what they used to refer to as "Gypsum Whee-ze" because it made you go "Wheeeeee!" and also wheeze. Anyway Sam "plaster-man" Walker, welder at the gypsum factory, got shot in the elbow during the fight, and was relegated to wearing a cast made of the towns own chief export, which broke the run of good luck that had lasted since the towns inception, during which no worker at the plant had ever had to wear a cast.What was I going to do with the money I collected?
  • #914
Originally posted by a spendythrifty zoobyshoey
What was I going to do with the money I collected?
Pitch in another $1.75 and go buy yourself a coffee!

Why is it that, while thinking a thought, you don't know what the next thought, is, even though that thought arises from within your own brain??
  • #915
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Why is it that, while thinking a thought, you don't know what the next thought, is, even though that thought arises from within your own brain??
I'm thinking, but I don't know what my thoughts about that will end up being.

If I accidently take my car to the post office to be repaired am I then require to bring my mail to a garage to post in order to maintain balance in the universe?
  • #916
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
If I accidently take my car to the post office to be repaired am I then require to bring my mail to a garage to post in order to maintain balance in the universe?
Yes, so long as the people at the post office fix your car, (Truck) and the people at the garage agree to mail your mail for you, then the balance will hold, BUT should it be that the posties 'mech' and the mech's won't 'post', well, come back here, 'post' to tell us, so's we can's arrange a Universal rebalancing Ritual that will set "all things" straighter then straight!

While posting my 'mechanical' I was struck by a wrenching thought, that was posted on the fence post of the garage, right across from the post office, and it asked me...what?
  • #917
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
While posting my 'mechanical' I was struck by a wrenching thought, that was posted on the fence post of the garage, right across from the post office, and it asked me...what?
It asked what good was it doing you being straight, when the thought, clearly wrenched into some other form could not possibly have been thus and so influenced by societal disshevelings.

Are you a direct Internet Service Provider for Parsons Vodka (Doooooon't make me go get the italic stuff I'm not up for it right now!) or, can you provide a list of retailers? or even tailers. heck, I could even use a tailor since I've dropped two sizes and there's no tail left on me, and I just can't make heads or tails of anything any more... (there was a question in there somewhere. the free spirited sort I believe.)
  • #918
Originally posted by firefly
Are you a direct Internet Service Provider for Parsons Vodka (Doooooon't make me go get the italic stuff I'm not up for it right now!) or, can you provide a list of retailers? or even tailers. heck, I could even use a tailor since I've dropped two sizes and there's no tail left on me, and I just can't make heads or tails of anything any more... (there was a question in there somewhere. the free spirited sort I believe.)
Gather round! Gather round, good people, and see, just have a gander at what demon vodka has done to poor ƒireƒly! She cain't italicize no more! Ya see? She cain't fit into her clothes no more, you see? She is so gripped by the claws of demon vodka that she cain't even make heads or tails of nothing no more!. Don't let this happen to you, brothers and sisters. Don't let yerselves become the victim of demon vodka, don't let yerselves be a slave to patater mash, nor spud squeezin's as sister ƒireƒly has done. Join me, one and all, in a prayer for her sorry, skinny, un-italisized, headless, tailess soul!What's the best way to react if you spot a chicken crawling on all fours across the road to get to the other side but the traffic is too heavy for it to ever make it?
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  • #919
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you spot a chicken crawling on all fours across the road to get to the other side but the traffic is too heavy for it to ever make it?
Go get a pot, a scraper and a spoon, some potatoes, celery, onions, and fresh Ahhhh say FRESH ginger root, wait till the chicken's attempt is lethally thwarted by passing vehicles, and go scrape yourself up some chicken soup base... don't forget the bones. Them's the best part.

Do you think a genetically modified (4 legged) chicken will make your cold go away faster, or just get you run over instead of run down?
  • #920
Originally posted by firefly
Do you think a genetically modified (4 legged) chicken will make your cold go away faster, or just get you run over instead of run down?
I wouldn't venture to find out since the best thing to do with a four legged chicken would not be to make soup but to trade it to the gray space aliens for a guarrantee of lifetime towing service.If you were crawling on all fours, all tangled up in your loose and slipping clothing, tripping over four legged chickens, not an italic to your name, and clutching your bottle of Parson's™ Sparkling Aged Vodka, white knuckled, as if it were gold, not knowing your head from your tail, how would you unscrew the jar of olives?
  • #921
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
If you were crawling on all fours, all tangled up in your loose and slipping clothing, tripping over four legged chickens, not an italic to your name, and clutching your bottle of Parson's™ Sparkling Aged Vodka, white knuckled, as if it were gold, not knowing your head from your tail, how would you unscrew the jar of olives?
If I were crawling around on all fours, it would be for other reasons... say, searching for a miniscule object dropped on the floor. So I am not qualified to say.

Just how many four-legged chickens have you been eating, Honorable, Mr. Alien? (I don't think they agree with you.)
  • #922
Originally posted by firefly
Just how many four-legged chickens have you been eating, Honorable, Mr. Alien? (I don't think they agree with you.)
Chicken, four or two-legged, never agree to be eaten. I have therefore, never eaten a chicken that really agreed with me.Given the recent scourge of leprechaun mischief in Sicily, with their starting fires in electrical devices and blowing up wedding presents, and also since March is Irish history month, and that month in which we celebrate St. Patricks Day, perhaps you could enlighten us on the Italian word for Leprechaun?
  • #923
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Given the recent scourge of leprechaun mischief in Sicily, with their starting fires in electrical devices and blowing up wedding presents, and also since March is Irish history month, and that month in which we celebrate St. Patricks Day, perhaps you could enlighten us on the Italian word for Leprechaun?
Uses "Phone a Friend" option, guido answers, no he won't tell, says it isn't fit for public broadcast...hummmmm wait, now he wants the name adress and phone for the person asking the question cause he wants to...oooOOOOOPS! **hangs up the phone**...real fast!

So got to see a Female Uterus on Oprah the other, well...month? and it looked exactly like a chicken, with no neck, instantly it hit me that this was the resolution to the age old dilema of what came first the chicken or the egg as it was now abundantly clear that the egg had arrived INSIDE the Chicken!, given this is it now really, really, really, really, really, really, really clear that, MRP is the only person!, in the entirety!, of the History!, of the Universe!, who can solve all of The Riddles of The Ages?

EDIT or is it just The Irish in'em ?
  • #924
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons, given this is it now really, really, really, really, really, really, really clear that, MRP is the only person!, in the entirety!, of the History!, of the Universe!, who can solve all of The Riddles of The Ages?
This is the clincher, yes. However I want it on record I already knew he was, and had complete faith in his omniscience before this riddle was solved.Incidently, what is the answer to the age old Leprechaun riddle concerning the cart full of 20 sacks of potatos, 3 mules, the river with three bridges, the drunken cart driver, the blarney stone and the O'Tooles' new sheep dog?
  • #925
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
This is the clincher, yes. However I want it on record I already knew he was, and had complete faith in his omniscience before this riddle was solved.

Incidently, what is the answer to the age old Leprechaun riddle concerning the cart full of 20 sacks of potatos, 3 mules, the river with three bridges, the drunken cart driver, the blarney stone and the O'Tooles' new sheep dog?

Take the goose first.

Why did the wolf and the goat cross the river?
  • #926
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Why did the wolf and the goat cross the river?
The goat was a tiger in rabbits clothing wearing a goat costume for a masquerade ball, the wolf was a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. However, they both happened to enjoy a good swim whenever the opportunity presented itself.Incidently what is the answer to that age old Japanese koan:" Who's on first?"
  • #927
Incidently what is the answer to that age old Japanese koan:" Who's on first?" [/B]
Hu san first koaned the term "Misochiwo" and gave it to his firstborn child.

Is Misochiwo san girl or boy?
  • #928
Originally posted by firefly
Is Misochiwo san girl or boy?
Legume. A real human bean.Anata wa, nihongo hanasitaka?
  • #929
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Anata wa, nihongo hanasitaka?
Ya! Sure! but when I turned the key, the wheels fell off, so I walked home...

While walking home, I saw 'that' guy, you know who 'that' is, don't you?
  • #930
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
While walking home, I saw 'that' guy, you know who 'that' is, don't you?
Well I know who "that" is, but I don't know who `that' is.Incidently what is the answer to that age old pre-Columbian riddle about the Aztec, the Maya and the Anazazi who go into a bar?
  • #931
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Incidently what is the answer to that age old pre-Columbian riddle about the Aztec, the Maya and the Anazazi who go into a bar?
The answer?... "He ran off, with the sacrifice" but it seems, just a little, out of 'context' when you don't tell the rest...

Can you stop a thought, before you think it?
  • #932
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Can you stop a thought, before you think it?
Only those who have mastered the art of starting a thought before they think it, can stop it before they think it.Once when I was bored I found myself in possession of a waffle iron, a measuring tape, and a piece of rope, and proeeded to amuse myself by hoaxing crop waffles. What is the meaning of the word "Scripple"?
  • #933
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Once when I was bored I found myself in possession of a waffle iron, a measuring tape, and a piece of rope, and proeeded to amuse myself by hoaxing crop waffles. What is the meaning of the word "Scripple"?

Scripple v.i. to scribble upside down with sufficient pressure as to damage the writing utensil.

How do you scrapple an apple, and is a game board involved?
  • #934
Originally posted by firefly
How do you scrapple an apple, and is a game board involved?
Scrappling an apple is easy. It's unscrappling it when you're done that's hard.Since the gray space alien union of hazardous asteroid retrieval and disposal is on strike a greater number of them than usual has been going door to door asking for handouts. What did you donate when they came to you?
  • #935
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Since the gray space alien union of hazardous asteroid retrieval and disposal is on strike a greater number of them than usual has been going door to door asking for handouts. What did you donate when they came to you?
Fuel, and a Gene ration.

How was that fuel extracted, from within me?
  • #936
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
How was that fuel extracted, from within me?
You will have amnesia for the actual extraction process, of course, but what they did was to grab you, one by each arm, and shake you like a rag doll till they had accumulated a large pile of dander beneath you, which they simply vaccuumed up to be taken for energy conversion in one of their many exceptionally efficient quantum transduction modules. (Incidently they will also have taken any incipient furballs you had in the works, but that process shouldn't be discussed in an open forum.)Recently, during a period of boredom, I taught myself to delete huge lists of useless things from my memory using Messiah's® Patented Recall Squelch techniques.

I discovered to my horror, however, that instead of freeing up memory storage space, my storage is more cluttered than ever with huge lists of useless things I am required to remember to forget. What is the meaning of the word: "frimbalism"?
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  • #937
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Recently, during a period of boredom, I taught myself to delete huge lists of useless things from my memory using Messiah's® Patented Recall Squelch techniques.
I discovered to my horror, however, that instead of freeing up memory storage space, my storage is more cluttered than ever with huge lists of useless things I am required to remember to forget. What is the meaning of the word: "frimbalism"?
It is a term for people who are trying to forget what they forgot they can remember, as in "Frimbalist" (what you are) "Frimbalistically" (what you are doing) "Frimbalizer" (you, as you are doing it) and the many extra interogeratons of the expressive "Frimballing" (an original derivation, is available from that word, but not publically...)

So while noticing a person 'Frimbalizing' on a street corner, the other day, I stopped and asked the corner lamppost for the direction back to Oz, it responded that lamppost's coundn't talk, Oz was no where near this place, and why the heck was I disturbing it's nap, to which, I excused myself, upon the basis of the 'frimabalizer' 'frimbalizing' upon that very same corner, but the lamppost called the police, I was arrested, and charged...with what?
  • #938
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So while noticing a person 'Frimbalizing' on a street corner, the other day, I stopped and asked the corner lamppost for the direction back to Oz, it responded that lamppost's coundn't talk, Oz was no where near this place, and why the heck was I disturbing it's nap, to which, I excused myself, upon the basis of the 'frimabalizer' 'frimbalizing' upon that very same corner, but the lamppost called the police, I was arrested, and charged...with what?
Unlawful interrogation of a lighting fixture in a public fareway, §30077-657744484-12443. subsection G article 47b10000767.Complicated by the presence of a frimbalist,§567774899-2333551443-12443, same subsection. Maximun penalty: 36 months "soft" incarceration at Ontario Institute of Minor Corrections, minimun penalty: 12 weeks probabtion with curfew at dusk to prevent interaction with any public lighting fixtures while in operation.Recently I forgot to remember my experiences with Messiah's® Patented Memory Squelch Technique, took the course a second time, and precipitated a chaoic reversal such that I now remember everything that ever happened to me in excruciating detail, as well as huge volumes of experiences that never happened to me or anyone. How do I tell the difference between the authentic memories and the counterfeit?
  • #939
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

Recently I forgot to remember my experiences with Messiah's® Patented Memory Squelch Technique, took the course a second time, and precipitated a chaoic reversal such that I now remember everything that ever happened to me in excruciating detail, as well as huge volumes of experiences that never happened to me or anyone. How do I tell the difference between the authentic memories and the counterfeit?

If you're having sex in the memory, it is a fake.

If I were to invent a teleportation device and attempted to teleport myself to the moon (because the moon is neat), would my pants come with, or would they be left on Earth? If my pants were left behind, would the moon-people be offended by my lack of pants?
  • #940
Originally posted by Jeebuz
If I were to invent a teleportation device and attempted to teleport myself to the moon (because the moon is neat), would my pants come with, or would they be left on Earth? If my pants were left behind, would the moon-people be offended by my lack of pants?
The moon people will moon you with or without pants.Recently when I was floating on my back in the Thames with a photograph of Chester Carlson, inventor of xerography, proped up on my chest, facing me so I could monitor his duplicitous intentions, a warped and swollen scrabble tile with either the letter M or W came floating by and I thought to myself: "So that's where it went." What does a sranambulist do for a living?
  • #941
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Recently when I was floating on my back in the Thames with a photograph of Chester Carlson, inventor of xerography, proped up on my chest, facing me so I could monitor his duplicitous intentions, a warped and swollen scrabble tile with either the letter M or W came floating by and I thought to myself: "So that's where it went." What does a sranambulist do for a living?

They sleepwalk, of course. Oh wait, that's a somnambulist.
I think they scream profanities at inanimate objects, or maybe they play the xylophone, I don't know but I know for sure that they don't wear capes.

If Jesus was truly the Messiah and Saviour of Man, then where the hell's my ice cream!?
  • #942
Originally posted by Jeebuz
If Jesus was truly the Messiah and Saviour of Man, then where the hell's my ice cream!?
Now isn't that special?Often when I'm at the seashore I find old pirate chests full of jewels and Spanish coins. Sometimes I find old pirate peg legs. Sometimes I find old pirate hooks. Once I found an old pirate parrot. Once I found an old pirate. Why don't I ever find any new pirate stuff?
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  • #943
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Often when I'm at the seashore I find old pirate chests full of jewels and Spanish coins. Sometimes I find old pirate peg legs. Sometimes I find old pirate hooks. Once I found an old pirate parrot. Once I found an old pirate. Why don't I ever find any new pirate stuff?

Easy, because the pirates were wiped out in the Great Ninja-Pirate Wars of the 18th Century.

If Microsoft adopted a penguin as its mascot, would Linux be upset and if so, what could those light-weights do about it, huh, B*TCH!?
  • #944
Originally posted by Jeebuz Easy, because the pirates were wiped out in the Great Ninja-Pirate Wars of the 18th Century.
Ohhhhhhhhhh... wow. and there was me (and probably zooby too, thinkin' there were pirates (other than software) sailin' the seas... TODAY!
If Microsoft adopted a penguin as its mascot, would Linux be upset and if so, what could those light-weights do about it, huh, B*TCH!?
Microsoft has other problems to worry about nowadays... as in, its source code has involuntarily joined the Linux ranks... as for who would be upset, considering Linux is freeware, under the GNU license, and the distributions... oh but this is a game thread, let us not..., shall we, i say we ship outta this dialectic much like pirates... do you pirate software, ever? MS-anything... oh, but I should shut up, I run XP :wink: poor me, stuck with running virus updates ASAP!

Does Linux ever remind you of a sanitary pad ad? ...considering it's named after Linus! (where I live there's a sanitary pad named Lines... heh!) well?
  • #945
Originally posted by Jeebuz
If Microsoft adopted a penguin as its mascot, would Linux be upset and if so, what could those light-weights do about it, huh, B*TCH!?
Well, upset? or? legally empowered! well...bringing in the "Female Dogs" isn't really going to help, but some of those very pretty (and intelligent) Female Attorneys might just do the trick to rectify the attempt at absconding the Competitions flag...

In taking the Competitions flag, is it required that you bring your own pole?

(run that quetion up the Flap pole! and salute it! will Ya..!)