Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #211
Originally posted by rick1138
all he has to do is KISS HER.
You might be right, that definitely could work, but there needs to be tension. Between the two people I mean, not by the question if she likes him or not :P
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  • #212
ok me being the social butterfly that i am i can only offer you this advice.

Don't punch her and say something like why are you ignoring me. It never ends good, i'd say just being suttle if your in any class and talk to her then that is good, but always be ready to let her go, a good way to do so is make a list of all of her flaws and then you see she isent worth anything.
  • #213
Originally posted by Monique
You might be right, that definitely could work, but there needs to be tension. Between the two people I mean, not by the question if she likes him or not :P

I wish lol... [zz)]
  • #214
She wants you to come fix her computer...

My advice, go anyways, however don't offer to fix anything. If she asks you to, then she was probably using you (to a degree). Simply say: "There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?" Or something to that degree would work, make sure you smile when you say it...

Wait... What am I saying? This is sad. Its like play-by-play dating.
Here's better advice: be the man you are and do what you want. At this point your only going to learn from experience, stop taking advice from a physics forum (or anything web-related, at this time), and just get out there and do it.

And here: this weekend, why not go out and start picking up other girls too!
  • #215
thats a perfect idea go out this weekend and become a pimp... master of your domain
  • #216
Originally posted by The Grimmus
thats a perfect idea go out this weekend and become a pimp... master of your domain

Nooooo, pimpppin' is not good.

btw, should I watch Pear Harbor with her? I heard movies make girls cry are very effective on a date.
  • #217
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
I heard movies make girls cry are very effective on a date.
What is your definition, in this instance, of the word "effective"?
  • #218
Originally posted by Monique
She talks to you right? That must mean she likes you as a person, how did you get her AIM number?

You should just create a natural environment where you can ask her out for a date, as I said, get a one-on-one drink with her, discuss some common interests, the latest movies in the theater, ask her if she has seen one in particular yet, you have heard it is a great movie, no? ask her to go see it with you. If she says no and won't reschudule, safe your face by kindly saying 'I guess I have to go with Tom then' (or other friends name).

WHOAAAA, how did you know my name?
  • #219
Originally posted by BoulderHead
What is your definition, in this instance, of the word "effective"?

Honestly, I don't know what effective really means in this case.
  • #220
One thing I learned about girls is not to call them names like boxcar. They don't seem to like that...
  • #221
Yes, any movie that makes girls cry is effective, because then you have to comfort them. Whatever you do, just ask her out.
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  • #222
why no pimping, it's awsome and th ecolors are simply divine.
Yea man about that movie i would think that you would want to increase the time you speak to her, not sit in front of a screen and wait till she cries...and then you call her boxcar
  • #223
Originally posted by motai
One thing I learned about girls is not to call them names like boxcar. They don't seem to like that...

  • #224
boxcar, sort of like saying (vaguely) that they are overweight.
  • #225
Originally posted by Rook
She wants you to come fix her computer...

My advice, go anyways, however don't offer to fix anything. If she asks you to, then she was probably using you (to a degree). Simply say: "There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?" Or something to that degree would work, make sure you smile when you say it...
That's a pretty good question. Say it in a playful tone. Having a funny, witty comeback like that would make her consider him as potential. Unfortunately, he let it dragged on too long..

Originally posted by Rook
Wait... What am I saying? This is sad. Its like play-by-play dating.
Here's better advice: be the man you are and do what you want. At this point your only going to learn from experience, stop taking advice from a physics forum (or anything web-related, at this time), and just get out there and do it.

And here: this weekend, why not go out and start picking up other girls too!
If she sees him hanging out with other girls, especially the real lookers she will perceive him as a Challenge hence more Desirable. But the fact that he can't even ask her out...well, you have to start not caring Prudens, be more brave. Playfully banter with other's better if she sees you hanging out with them.
  • #226
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
btw, should I watch Pear Harbor with her? I heard movies make girls cry are very effective on a date.

Does this mean you're finally going to ask her out and watch a movie?
  • #227
No, he doesn't need to to play any of these games, he has already won her over. All he needs to do is ask her out. The master picks the fruit when it is ready.
  • #228
I hope the next time we hear from him it will be along the lines of: We had a fun date, she's a good dancer, she taught me how to dance..
  • #229
Originally posted by The_Professional
I hope the next time we hear from him it will be along the lines of: We had a fun date, she's a good dancer, she taught me how to dance..

I wish too :wink:
  • #230
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
I wish too

Don't wish, just do it.
  • #231
"There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?"


"why no pimping, it's awsome and th ecolors are simply divine."

Guys, pleazz never say those things again, EVER! Ok?
They sound really bad.
  • #232
Originally posted by Monique
"There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?"


"why no pimping, it's awsome and th ecolors are simply divine."

Guys, pleazz never say those things again, EVER! Ok?
They sound really bad.

Those were good comments, but I don't think it would work on her, and maybe saying "There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?" will make me sound like a miser...
  • #233
Originally posted by Monique
"There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?"


"why no pimping, it's awsome and th ecolors are simply divine."

Guys, pleazz never say those things again, EVER! Ok?
They sound really bad.

I understand the second comment, but I don't see anything wrong with the first one, if it's done in a playful, nonthreatening way, of course.
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  • #234
Those comments are lame. Putting women down is lame.
  • #235
The bottomline is just ask her out.
  • #236
Originally posted by rick1138
No, he doesn't need to to play any of these games, he has already won her over. All he needs to do is ask her out. The master picks the fruit when it is ready.

Says the man from Del Monte . What did i say? 20th page OH YEAH! If you are going to be playful and not 'work for free' make sure you don't go too low, or you'll end up looking like one of the aforementioned 'jerk'-type boyfriends, all full of bravodo and sexual innuendo.

Jeez, she is like Putty in your hands Prudens...thinking about it, you are like putty in ours MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! but we are nice putty manipulators :smile:

Cinema is like a no-no area as someone said, cos you end up watching the screen instead of each other. If anything, invite her over to watch a movie at your house. You could snuggle and get close on the sofa :wink:
  • #237
Originally posted by jimmy p

Cinema is like a no-no area as someone said, cos you end up watching the screen instead of each other. If anything, invite her over to watch a movie at your house. You could snuggle and get close on the sofa :wink:

That's a contradictory statement. You said cinema is a no-no yet you say he should invite her over for a movie at his house. Same thing, they're both going to be staring at the screen.

As mentioned before, any type of activity where you both get to do something physically, dancing..bowling..pool, or go to the zoo. Should be fine. But first you have to ASK HER OUT.
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  • #238
I don't recommend a home movie on the first date either, especially with prudens, can you imagine the tension when all he can think about is how to do his next move, the yawning arm for instance :P
  • #239
Originally posted by Monique
I don't recommend a home movie on the first date either, especially with prudens, can you imagine the tension when all he can think about is how to do his next move, the yawning arm for instance :P

I think he'd be too mortified at having her sitting in the same room with him and only him...He'd be too worried about what she'd think if he so much as breathed wrong to think about making a move...or he'd be running to his computer every few mins to ask us for advice.. "Uhmm she said hi...what do i say now?"..."she looked at me"..."she touched my arm..."..."oh my gawd i think she tried to make a move on me..."

  • #240
He needs to take her to see Chevelle and get into the mosh pit.
  • #241
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
Those were good comments, but I don't think it would work on her, and maybe saying "There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?" will make me sound like a miser...
haha you honestly think that bit about pimping is a good comment?
  • #242
Originally posted by rick1138
He needs to take her to see Chevelle and get into the mosh pit.

hey! I'd pretend to be gay and go on a "date" with him for that...would just have to keep remindin him I'm an old fashioned touching...staring...lovey dovey stuff till after the 6th or 7th MONTH of constant/weekly outings such as that...

  • #243
And how can "There's nothing free in this world babe, what do I get out of it?" be a good comment?? No matter HOW you say it, it sounds very cocky and too self confident and too mocking and too lame.

I know someone who talk like that and thinks he is all that, but it makes him look like an immature dork.
  • #244
I just saw them for the first time the other night - had never heard of them or about them before - they were great, a fantasic live act, plus I had a potentially life changing experience at the show.
  • #245
Originally posted by rick1138
plus I had a potentially life changing experience at the show.
I'm curious: potentially life changing experience?

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