Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,471
Bleach12233 said:
I could get it going :)

But you haven't given us any new girl trouble to comment about.

You don't even tell us what you've learned.

Therefore, the only thing we can do is gripe about resurrecting a dead thread. Now, if Prudens Optimus's original girlfriend was dead and you resurrected her ... :cool:
Physics news on
  • #1,472
Ok I understand let's see here I guess I'm having girl problems :) there is a girl I like.She is very quite and I don't really know how to get to know her better any Ideas? And she sits in the very back corner in class she only talks to her friends and it is very difficult to approach her because she is always with her friends. And don't want to embarrass her in front of her friends.
Last edited:
  • #1,473
Are you being for real??
  • #1,474
  • #1,475
Why do you ask.
  • #1,476
Bleach12233 said:
Ok I understand let's see here I guess I'm having girl problems :) there is a girl I like but does not necessarily like me and she is very quite and I don't really know how to get to know her better any Ideas?

Attempt to get to know her.

Any resistance should be your clue to move on.

Unless you're in elementary school where girls pretend to hate the guys they like.
  • #1,477
Well, step 1. Try to talk to
  • #1,478
No I'm not in elementary.I edited my post so look back on it again.
  • #1,479
How old are you??
  • #1,480
i'm 14
  • #1,481
You're too young to date.
  • #1,482
Lmfao Clearly you do not know what our Earth has become.
  • #1,483
Yeah, too young to date! No more advise for the young one...
  • #1,485
I would have to agree with Cyrus.
  • #1,486
Girls are a peculiar animal.
  • #1,487
Hey now...
  • #1,488
Bleach12233 said:
. . . . And don't want to embarrass her in front of her friends.
Or one does not want to embarrass oneself in front of her friends.

Bleach12233 said:
Lmfao Clearly you do not know what our Earth has become.
Hmmmm. At 14, how can one conclude this about older folks who've been around much longer.

As for the link to - 20080727065630AADP8Pj, that's pretty sad. Of course, it could be a hoax, i.e. just some yanking chains, but then again it could be a poorly educated 13-yr who made a really poor decision. She should consult her mother, if not both parents.
  • #1,489
Is this where we get social advice? I am a mathematician, is there any hope for me? Will I ever lead a normal life?
  • #1,490
Focus said:
Is this where we get social advice? I am a mathematician, is there any hope for me? Will I ever lead a normal life?

No, you have The Knack

Oh, wait, you're a mathematician. Actually, that's even worse. All the downsides and you still don't make any money.
  • #1,491
All i want is to get to 1500 posts and 100 pages :)
  • #1,492
I can solve your 100 pages immediately. Just change how many posts are displayed per page. I have 150 pages for this thread. :-p
  • #1,493
Gee, a post for every girl I've known...:-p
  • #1,494
Wow, you must have known quite a few ladies...
  • #1,495
mcknia07 said:
Wow, you must have known quite a few ladies...

I have been fortunate enough to know many very fine women. 7 years on the road with a band will do that to you. Some of the absolute best are American!
  • #1,496
Bleach12233 said:
All i want is to get to 1500 posts and 100 pages :)

I will be 1500th!
  • #1,497
This is only page 94 for me.
  • #1,498
I'm the last post :)
  • #1,499
  • #1,500
Ever try dating a girl from a different country with different culture practices?
  • #1,501
JasonRox said:
Ever try dating a girl from a different country with different culture practices?

Isn't everybody from another culture? I mean different family practices, different diets, different religions, different stem cell culture.
  • #1,502
baywax said:
Isn't everybody from another culture? I mean different family practices, different diets, different religions, different stem cell culture.

Haha, yeah, but not quite like that.

I noticed lots of Chinese girls are conservative, and I don't know. It's different dating them.
  • #1,503
Bleach12233 said:
Ok I understand let's see here I guess I'm having girl problems :) there is a girl I like.She is very quite and I don't really know how to get to know her better any Ideas? And she sits in the very back corner in class she only talks to her friends and it is very difficult to approach her because she is always with her friends. And don't want to embarrass her in front of her friends.

This is easy. You just have to approach her and strike up a conversation. For example:

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
Her: Yes, it is, and why are you yelling?
You: Oh. Sorry.
Her: Sure thing.

You spend the next two hours watching her read at an empty table and no one ever sits in the other chair. You know she's lying about the seat being taken.
  • #1,504
Actually, that didn't turn out very well. Try this:

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No, but I'm expecting somebody in a minute.
You: Oh. Thanks anyway.
Her: Sure thing.

You spend the next two hours watching her read at an empty table and no one shows up to sit in the other chair. You know she's lying about expecting a companion.
  • #1,505
Damn, that turned out almost exactly the same. Try this:

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: Yes, you creep me out.
You: I'm leaving. Please don't scream.

Better. At least you don't waste two hours waiting to see if anyone sits in the other chair.

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