Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,261
I would avoid talking to her on the phone that long. Your conversation will potentially suck on the second date now, what will you talk about, stuff you already talked about on the phone? Save the talking for the date.
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  • #1,262
cyrusabdollahi said:
I would avoid talking to her on the phone that long. Your conversation will potentially suck on the second date now, what will you talk about, stuff you already talked about on the phone? Save the talking for the date.
I disagree, I used to talk 8-12 hours non stop (seriously) with boys I dated and we still had plenty to talk about on dates.
  • #1,263
Don't listen to him.
Long talks are a very good sign.
You may though want to avoid spending too much time together or on the phone because it tends to kill the novelty of it really quickly.
  • #1,264
Err talking for an hour and 40 min....yeah...thats just tooo long for ANY conversation, but that's just me
  • #1,265
Oh, it wasn't one conversation. We covered a multitude of topics in that time! It was like a hundred conversations in one!:biggrin:
  • #1,266
Woo hoo! You got a second date! :approve: And long talks are good! I could talk for hours with my boyfriends, on the phone or in person. I just hope it's not long distance. :biggrin: If all keeps going well, you'll have to introduce us all to rocketgirl! :-p
  • #1,267
rocketboy said:
Oh, it wasn't one conversation. We covered a multitude of topics in that time! It was like a hundred conversations in one!:tounge1:
That is a great sign! Being able to carry on long conversations over a range of topics is awesome! :approve:
  • #1,268
Just don't be fake. That way she likes the real you.

I disagree, I used to talk 8-12 hours non stop (seriously) with boys I dated and we still had plenty to talk about on dates.

Wow, the longest phone conversation I probably ever had with anyone in my life topped out at around 45mins, and that was really pushing it. I keep my cell phone on 'off mode'. Its on if I need to make a call, and that's it, hehe.
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  • #1,269
cyrusabdollahi said:
Just don't be fake. That way she likes the real you.
Wow, the longest phone conversation I probably ever had with anyone in my life topped out at around 45mins, and that was really pushing it. I keep my cell phone on 'off mode'. Its on if I need to make a call, and that's it, hehe.
I'd pull "all nighters" on the phone. :bugeye:
  • #1,270
cyrusabdollahi said:
Just don't be fake. That way she likes the real you.
Wow, the longest phone conversation I probably ever had with anyone in my life topped out at around 45mins, and that was really pushing it. I keep my cell phone on 'off mode'. Its on if I need to make a call, and that's it, hehe.
I guess you haven't met the right woman yet then. :biggrin: When you fall head over heels for someone, you'll talk for hours too, just you wait and see. :smile:
  • #1,271
When I was with my last serious girlfriend we used to talk for any where between one and four hours on the phone. We talked on the phone a lot because our schedules only allowed us to see each other on the weekends. In the beginning of our relationship I think we even had a couple conversations that were about five or so hours. Unfortunately I was keeping her up way too late and we had to stop talking so much.
  • #1,272
My parents, a girl, my best friend, anyone, I just can't talk on a telephone for hours. Id rather talk in person if its going to push more than 30 min on a phone. Why don't you call me then moonbear :!) :-p
  • #1,273
Go rocketboy! See? Courage.

This thread is almost giving me hope that that meeting new people thing might be kind of fun. I remember sitting up all night with someone I'd just me, talking non-stop about nothing and everything. What a great feeling.

rocketboy, I'm voting for "the long conversations are good" side. Because they are good.
  • #1,274
GeorginaS said:
Go rocketboy! See? Courage.
This thread is almost giving me hope that that meeting new people thing might be kind of fun. I remember sitting up all night with someone I'd just me, talking non-stop about nothing and everything. What a great feeling.
rocketboy, I'm voting for "the long conversations are good" side. Because they are good.
I think I may have replaced those long phone conversations with emails and forum posts. I miss those crazy conversations that go along with meeting someone new.
  • #1,275
Just don't be fake. That way she likes the real you.
Wow, the longest phone conversation I probably ever had with anyone in my life topped out at around 45mins, and that was really pushing it. I keep my cell phone on 'off mode'. Its on if I need to make a call, and that's it, hehe.
You see, some of us have this condition... it's called being "outgoing", or "extroverted"...
  • #1,276
I'm outgoing, just not on a telephone.
  • #1,277
Oh, I don't generally like staying on the phone long either, but when it's a boyfriend, that's a whole different animal!
  • #1,278
Hurkyl said:
You see, some of us have this condition... it's called being "outgoing", or "extroverted"...
Oh NO! Can you get treated for that?

Moonie said:
Oh, I don't generally like staying on the phone long either, but when it's a boyfriend, that's a whole different animal!
I didn't know you were into that sort of thing! Does this have something to do with men being dogs?
  • #1,279
TheStatutoryApe said:
I didn't know you were into that sort of thing! Does this have something to do with men being dogs?
I thought men were supposed to be pigs? :confused: :biggrin:
  • #1,280
I like ham.
  • #1,281
Moonbear said:
Woo hoo! You got a second date! :approve: And long talks are good! I could talk for hours with my boyfriends, on the phone or in person. I just hope it's not long distance. :biggrin: If all keeps going well, you'll have to introduce us all to rocketgirl! :-p

well, she said she's bringing her camera with her next if you're lucky you may get a pic or two.:cool:

GeorginaS said:
Go rocketboy! See? Courage.

This thread is almost giving me hope that that meeting new people thing might be kind of fun. I remember sitting up all night with someone I'd just me, talking non-stop about nothing and everything. What a great feeling.

:smile: Meeting new people is definitely one of the greatest feelings, especially when you really connect with each other! Woohoo! I have brought inspiration to PFers around the world!
  • #1,282
Hey guys, tell me what you think of this.

I take her out to late lunch/early supper (cuz that's the only time she's free tomorrow and we've agreed we must see each other). But before hand, I buy flowers, or a rose...and give them to the waiter to bring to her at the table, then I ask her to be mine.:!) :!)

Edit: i get the waiter to say "these are from teh gentleman at table #...then she's puzzled for a moment before realizing its me.

What do you think? Will she melt?
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  • #1,283
rocketboy said:
Hey guys, tell me what you think of this.
I take her out to late lunch/early supper (cuz that's the only time she's free tomorrow and we've agreed we must see each other). But before hand, I buy flowers, or a rose...and give them to the waiter to bring to her at the table, then I ask her to be mine.:!) :!)
What do you think? Will she melt?

how long have you known this girl? might as well propose marriage to her. that way you don't waste time
  • #1,284
The_Professional said:
how long have you known this girl? might as well propose marriage to her. that way you don't waste time

lol, at 17? my dad wud kill me!
  • #1,285
is it too much? it's either that or the movies.
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  • #1,286
rocketboy said:
is it too much?

too much too soon. it's okay to take her out for dinner dates. you always pay for the date, but the flowers/gifts come after 60 days.
she has to earn it y'know
  • #1,287
The_Professional said:
too much too soon. it's okay to take her out for dinner dates. you always pay for the date, but the flowers/gifts come after 60 days.
she has to earn it y'know

the angel and...well, the other angel, have popped up on my shoulder.

one is loving the idea because it is so god-damned romantic and the other is saying "dude, just go to the movies, kiss her, and ur good to go"
  • #1,288
rocketboy said:
is it too much?
No, it's so sweet. A single flower is perfect. Do you know what kind she likes? She will melt and she will remember this for a long time. It will be a great memory. I don't think it's too soon, if you are reading things right, sounds like you are.

If you break up with her, will you date me? I don't have anyone sweet, or romantic in my life. :cry:

I still remember MANY years ago I had been visiting out of town for a few days and had met a guy and we'd had a couple of dates while I was there. Then it was time for me to fly back. Before I left, he took out a simple, herringbone gold necklace and fastened it around my neck and told me that it reminded him of me, "simple yet elegant". I've never forgotten him. :!)
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  • #1,289
Evo said:
I still remember MANY years ago I had been visiting out of town for a few days and had met a guy and we'd had a couple of dates while I was there. Then it was time for me to fly back. Before I left, he took out a simple, herringbone gold necklace and fastened it around my neck and told me that it reminded him of me, "simple yet elegant". I've never forgotten him. :!)

but you're no longer dating him
  • #1,290
It's sweet, but I think having the waiter present the flower to her is a bit much. Give it to her yourself. Like Evo said, a single, special flower (a rose, or her favorite flower if you know it) is perfect. If you were picking her up at her place, you could give her a small bouquet...not a big or expensive one, but something small, but if you're giving it to her at lunch/dinner, then better to stick to a single flower so she doesn't have to lug a bouquet around the rest of the night. Plus, a bouquet would need to get put in water right away, a single flower she can let dry and save if there's no water handy right away (that's a good hint she's really crazy over you if you give her a rose and find out she's dried it or pressed means she thinks you're a keeper :biggrin:).

Now, where are the slightly older versions of you hiding so I can get myself a sweet boyfriend?
  • #1,291
The_Professional said:
but you're no longer dating him
Cause I found out he was married.
  • #1,292
The_Professional said:
too much too soon. it's okay to take her out for dinner dates. you always pay for the date, but the flowers/gifts come after 60 days.
she has to earn it y'know
Pfft! Two months?! She'll think you're an insensitive, unromantic cad if you haven't given her any flowers in that amount of time. :-p
  • #1,293
Moonbear said:
Pfft! Two months?! She'll think you're an insensitive, unromantic cad if you haven't given her any flowers in that amount of time. :-p

no, I'm married. i don't want my wife to find out
  • #1,294
ok, so do i give her them at the door or a single (white?) rose at dinner?

I like what you said about leaving the waiter out of it moonbear, she may feel embarrassed or pressured if he/she is there.

I'm thinking the rose at dinner...cuz if i give her a bouquet at the door her dad may come out with a, just kidding, i hope.
  • #1,295
rocketboy said:
ok, so do i give her them at the door or a single (white?) rose at dinner?
I like what you said about leaving the waiter out of it moonbear, she may feel embarrassed or pressured if he/she is there.
I'm thinking the rose at dinner...cuz if i give her a bouquet at the door her dad may come out with a, just kidding, i hope.
Traditionally, you give the flower at the door, but I really like the idea of giving it at the restaurant. Somehow, I think it will make it more special because she didn't get it at the door and then isn't expecting are more fun when you don't expect them. :smile: A white rose would be very appropriate.

Better brace yourself for the third degree from her father too. :biggrin:

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