Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #596
In case you haven't noticed: all women are crazy, love is a crazy game; it is the game that created all of us. There is no exit from the game. Her behavior is typical. Now she is coming after you again - let her in, but don't confront her about her behavior, don't act as if she has wounded you in the past in any way, even if she did. Love can be a very beautiful thing, too. Now is the time to accept the affection that she offers you.
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  • #597
Well, you definitely came on too strong with 'thinking about you every second' and chocolates (rather: your smile brightens the day) so she got scared, you gave her space, so now she is coming back with curiosity :)
  • #598
Women have caused so much chaos in what was an orderly life for me, but i wouldn't stop chasing them for the world. Absolutely crazy isn't it.
  • #599
women...cant live with em, can't live without em. Hmmmm, they cause SO much trouble, mess you around, build you up and break you down, and we STILL want more! fools.
  • #600
That's because you haven't met the right woman yet
  • #601
No-one is right for me, I am a little too eccentric for most people tastes...aint that right Andy?...and tempermental, and unfocused, and other things like that which mean that i am all over the place.

Stupid one type of person tastes that women have..
  • #602
lol, all women like you pick, but as you said they think you abit eccentric, or to put it in womans words, MAD. But 21 years and 7 months time...
  • #603
Well, Prudens, you're one of the fortunate ones. At least, unlike me, you like a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend (I haven't read where you said that she did). So you have a chance to get with her.

Girls are like internet domains, I once heard, because all the good one's and the one's you want are already taken. And, I'd like to add, you must be quick if someone loses one, for it wouldn't be long before someone else gets it before you.
  • #604
You just need to play the odds and keep looking - there are plenty of free women, unless they are quarks.

because all the good one's and the one's you want are already taken.

...or maybe the ones you want are taken, and you only think they are good if they are. You need to change your way of thinking. I did.
  • #605
Originally posted by Monique
Well, you definitely came on too strong with 'thinking about you every second' and chocolates (rather: your smile brightens the day) so she got scared, you gave her space, so now she is coming back with curiosity :)

LOLlll, girls.
  • #606
Originally posted by jimmy p
women...cant live with em, can't live without em. Hmmmm, they cause SO much trouble, mess you around, build you up and break you down, and we STILL want more! fools.

So true:( Unless you cut your buddy.
  • #607
Originally posted by rick1138
You just need to play the odds and keep looking - there are plenty of free women, unless they are quarks.

...or maybe the ones you want are taken, and you only think they are good if they are. You need to change your way of thinking. I did.

Lol... If they were domains... There must be a place to register them right? :D And you can sell them too lol at high prices.
  • #608
Wow, I've been gone for so long... Just noticed it was only a month or two.
  • #609
we missed you so much another thread was devoted in YOUR honour!
  • #610
jimmy p said:
we missed you so much another thread was devoted in YOUR honour!

You have me to thank for that
  • #611
It never ceases to amaze me that when a guy is a little bit aloof. The female homo sapien, just eat it up like mozzarella cheese on pizza.
  • #612
What does aloof mean??
  • #613
Not really caring. Kind of removed emotionally.
  • #614
Yep. Just don't be too aloof, you don't want to be an emotionless android.
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  • #615
Awww man... I wanted to be a robot. :)

Girls... Hmmm, me thinks I will not waste my time with those matters!
  • #616
We shall know by this fellow: the players cannot keep counsel; they'll tell all.

Will he tell us what this show meant?

Ay, or any show that you'll show him: be not you ashamed to show, he'll not shame to tell you what it means.

You are naught, you are naught: I'll mark the play.

For us, and for our tragedy,
Here stooping to your clemency,
We beg your hearing patiently.


Is this a prologue, or the posy of a ring?

'Tis brief, my lord.

As woman's love.

  • #617
Now why does a self-respecting girl like me raises to the bait again and wants to tell you guys how to win hearts? Ahhhhhhhh must be because of Mr. Professional's irresistable aloofness :biggrin: ! BTW, by aloofness do you mean "mystery", like Johnny Depp?

Anyway, I have a story to tell. My brother had had a couple of heart breaks and never had a girlfriend, love unreturned you see. Since last year he has been out of a job as a designer because of the economy. Any yet just when he was "down and out" he met his girlfriend - while doing voluntary work for the house of the age where she works as the administrator. And a very nice girl too, mild-tempered, prim and proper and very pretty too. Inspired? :wink:
  • #618
The_Professional said:
Yep. Just don't be too aloof, you don't want to be an emotionless android.

  • #619
Polly said:
Since last year he has been out of a job as a designer because of the economy. Any yet just when he was "down and out" he met his girlfriend - while doing voluntary work for the house of the age where she works as the administrator. And a very nice girl too, mild-tempered, prim and proper and very pretty too. Inspired?

You trying to inspire us to quit our jobs?
  • #620
hey ****... why don't you just go and ask her out... ask her if she wants to go to prom or some club. Offer her ride to her home or anything that starts a conversation. Life is short so don't waste your time on stupid high school games.
  • #621
Hey man i found the easiest and simplest solution to your problems... its called the date rape drug, or beter yet a donkey punch
  • #622
desibrij_1785 said:
hey ****... why don't you just go and ask her out... ask her if she wants to go to prom or some club. Offer her ride to her home or anything that starts a conversation. Life is short so don't waste your time on stupid high school games.

Is this statement to me?

If it is, I certainly don't have those oppertunities you mentioned above. I mentioned very clearly that the displacement between her position and mine as of this point is 8 hours drive. And as for proms and clubs, I doubt there would be any for teenagers, and even if there were, I wouldn't invite any girl to that sort of place. Offer a ride? I am not legal to drive by myself yet, although she is. And please define stupid high school games.

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  • #623
if its for me then no thanx, i'd rather be HONEST.
  • #624
OOOH Mr. Professional, I am such a meathead, I thought I was replying to the Update thread when I made the joke yesterday. Please forgive me. Of course, now that I have a brief idea of PO's problem, I think your advice is entirely sound. I would say too that being a little aloof and inscrutable would be useful now that the ball is in her court. Pleeeeeeeease forgive :biggrin: !
  • #625
Polly said:
OOOH Mr. Professional, I am such a meathead, I thought I was replying to the Update thread when I made the joke yesterday. Please forgive me. Of course, now that I have a brief idea of PO's problem, I think your advice is entirely sound. I would say too that being a little aloof and inscrutable would be useful now that the ball is in her court. Pleeeeeeeease forgive :biggrin: !

It's a Yin Yang kind of thang ;)
  • #626
:smile: You mean opposites spawn each other?
  • #627
Girl trouble is big trouble.

I'm kinda average in appearance I guess, and not very sociable. Strange as it is, I was just asked out by an incredibly beautiful, and seemingly quite nice, model. A human one, that is. Female. With a pulse and all. It's all very strange.
  • #628
Adam said:
Girl trouble is big trouble.

I'm kinda average in appearance I guess, and not very sociable. Strange as it is, I was just asked out by an incredibly beautiful, and seemingly quite nice, model. A human one, that is. Female. With a pulse and all. It's all very strange.

Don't forget to show us a picture.
  • #629
I give up on girl #1 and #2(Polish girl). and umm #3 is hard to say, since we only see each other for a week(staying in the same hotel on a conference) once a year.

  • #630
Don't worry. There's plenty of mermaids in the ocean.

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