Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #911
I remembered correctly, but here are the instructions. (I checked to make sure I didn't steer you wrong)

Keep your flowers in a cool place until you can get them in a flower food solution. Don't forget how important it is to follow the mixing directions on the flower food packet.

Fill a clean (washed with a detergent or antibacterial cleaning solution), deep vase with water and add a flower food from your florist.

Remove leaves that will be below the waterline. Leaves in water will promote bacterial microbial growth that may limit water uptake by the flower.

Re-cut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife. Place the flowers in the vase solution you've prepared.
Physics news on
  • #912
Zantra said:
Yes I'm married and I still don't completely understand women

I don't think men were intended of ever doing so.
  • #913
Thx Evo!

You are a lady and a scholar, and your kindness and generosity are exceeded only by your good looks!
  • #914
enigma said:
You are a lady and a scholar, and your kindness and generosity are exceeded only by your good looks!

Suck up. :rolleyes:
  • #915
Zantra said:
Bob you want to fill us cluessless folk in?
It is something you have to learn. I can only explain what I think in my style and workings. It is all to their own style. However, I must say, most of the time I have not intended to please a female but I have and it is just because of who I am.

So the review: Act within your own capabilities, do thinks you would normally and see what reastion you get, adapt accordingly.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #916
Chrono said:
Suck up. :rolleyes:

Hey now... that's a classy line!

I'm just expressing my undying love for the mother of my virtual PF son, enigmo. (now where did that thread run off to...)
  • #917
enigma said:
Hey now... that's a classy line!

Just so you know, I plan on using it. :wink:
  • #918
little enigmo

enigma said:
I'm just expressing my undying love for the mother of my virtual PF son, enigmo. (now where did that thread run off to...)
Poor little enigmo. I was wondering if your new love affair would cause you to abandon our virtual son. I'm glad to see it hasn't. :approve:

Here's the original post.

Math Is Hard said:
Awww. that's cuuute!

Hey, maybe if Evo and Enigma cross-pollinated we'd have a little Enigmo!
Evo said:
Alas, poor Enigmo. His father, chained to a chair in the AE lab, his mother, known to have a very large and hairy tail.

The future looks bleak for the brilliant (on his father's side), yet smelly lad.
  • #919
Was this feast some kind of family event? That might've been awkward for her so she decided not to go. If it helps you any, I can empathize with what your going through. If someone says no you don't have any illusion to cling onto. When you don't ask someone out you always have the possibility that they will ask you out. Which is extremely slim do the the unfortunate belief that many women will not ask men out, but it's still there.
  • #920
*sitting on edge of chair anxiously awaiting the news about Enigma's date*

Enigma, sorry I'm so late getting here, though it seems you've got everything under control...hopefully the flowers didn't wilt before you got there. Ooh, I'm feeling all nervous for you. :smile:

I think you got all the right advice already. The most important thing D is going to need to know is that you are trying to stay friends with T, and make sure she'll be okay with that. If she knows right from the start, it's less likely to be a problem than if you wait to tell her and she starts wondering why you didn't tell her from the start.

You might be better off just not talking to T for a while. Go with a cooling off period before you try to salvage a friendship out of it. With a long-term relationship like that ending, sometimes there's more habit than affection driving your desire to stay friends. Plus, it will give you more of a chance to kindle your new relationship with D without complicating it by still spending time with T.
  • #921
enigma said:
Thx Evo!

You are a lady and a scholar, and your kindness and generosity are exceeded only by your good looks!
I believe Evo's current avatar belongs to her daughter.
  • #922
PrudensOptimus said:
I believe Evo's current avatar belongs to her daughter.
He's seen me. :devil:
  • #923
PrudensOptimus said:
I believe Evo's current avatar belongs to her daughter.

Who also fits Enigma's description of Evo.

How old is she, by the way, Evo? If I may ask, of course.
  • #924
I KNOW! I KNOW! :biggrin: (It will cost you some dark chocolate to keep me quiet, Sis! :wink:)
  • #925
Chrono said:
Who also fits Enigma's description of Evo.

How old is she, by the way, Evo? If I may ask, of course.
Thank you Chrono. :shy: She's 16.

To Tsu - it only matters how old I was when I had her. (sending vast quantitites of dark chocolate to Tsu)
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  • #926
*stuffing chocolate into mouth* oh. yeah. thash right. *drool*

you were actually BORN pregnant with her weren't you? :biggrin: *stuffs more chocolate, licks fingers*

yeah. thash it. thash the ticket. *drool*
  • #927
Evo, bad move ! I doubt Tsu was going to let us all know her age ! :wink:
  • #928
Tsu can only be slightly older than Evo since they are identical twins, you know. :wink:
  • #929

I have no problem telling you that I'm 30 something (in hex) :biggrin: But see, Mom had ME real young and then took a little time off before having Evo, MIH and Moonbear. (Quiet, Moonbear! I'm keeping your secret, too! Send more chocolate! Or cookies... Whatever you feel like making... You're such a good cook! :smile:) :biggrin:
  • #930
:eek: So the twin thingy is all a hoax, and MiH is helping perpetuate it, cause she's one of the conspirators ??! :eek:
  • #931
I am a member of the secret PF sisterhood...shhhhh...
  • #932
Recon will be joining us soon. Muhahhahhahhaaa!
  • #933
*stuffing more chocolate*
no. really. we're twinsh. honesht. ALL of ush! :biggrin: This ishn't a rush. :biggrin:

(Thanx MIH. This Belgian stuff is really GOOD! :wink: Recon! Don't forget to send Sister Tsu her chocolates! :smile:)
  • #934
Evo, Tsu, MiH & Moonbear : The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. :
  • #935
She's awesome. I'm smitten. :blushing:

Smart girls rule.

And Prudens, Evo's a hottie as well... :cool:

Where do you think her daughter got her looks?
  • #936
Gokul43201 said:
Evo, Tsu, MiH & Moonbear : The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. :

Actually there are 5 of us, with Monique being the most deadly. But whoops! I've already said too much :redface: My chocolate will be rationed now. :frown:
  • #937
Aha ! So, it seems the date was a smash ! :smile:
  • #938
Damn, I thought Monique was one of the clean women here (what with recon getting inducted and all) ! Didn't think that the vicious tentacles of this sinister sisterhood :devil: spread to the other side of the pond...
  • #939
Gokul43201 said:
Aha ! So, it seems the date was a smash ! :smile:

Yeah, I actually spent the entire day with her.

We went down the the Baltimore inner harbor to check out the aquarium and the boat tours (went on the sub and the lightship). Afterwards, we rented 'Big Fish' and got Chinese (and shared a pint of "Cherry Garcia" afterwards). Then we went to the brewery and stayed till last call with friends.

Inexplicably, she had as good a time as I did :cool:
  • #940
Gokul43201 said:
Damn, I thought Monique was one of the clean women here (what with recon getting inducted and all) ! Didn't think that the vicious tentacles of this sinister sisterhood :devil: spread to the other side of the pond...
Resistance is futile. :biggrin: :smile:
  • #941
Recon, like Monique and the rest of us, bears the mark of the sisterhood (the size 8 shoe). We do not choose this, it is chosen for us. Kerrie has not yet come forward, but it is assumed she also bears the mark.
Only Tsu, our clan matriarch, holds the status of the unattainable shoe size, so she governs our actions and directions.
Once again I've said too much. My chocolate may be further restricted. :frown:

Enigma, who were you out with? Evo or Evo Jr? I haven't been keeping up!
  • #942
Enigma! You're back from your date! Tell us more! Is she totally wonderful?? When's your next date?! :biggrin:
  • #943
Math Is Hard said:
Enigma, who were you out with? Evo or Evo Jr? I haven't been keeping up!

Snarf... :-p
  • #944
Tsunami said:
Enigma! You're back from your date! Tell us more! Is she totally wonderful?? When's your next date?! :biggrin:

I gave the basic rundown a few posts up. Do you want more details than that?

She is totally wonderful. I was worried for nothing. She was totally cool about it. Totally wonderful.

Next date is as soon as is humanly possible. Most likely next Friday.
  • #945
enigma said:
Snarf... :-p

Oh, gosh, golly! I got confused!

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