Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #981
pace said:
Right. I'm possibly over to Glastonbury festival next summer. I'll see what I can do ;)

Keep an eye out for the witches...
Physics news on
  • #982
Gokul43201 said:
Keep an eye out for the witches...

Witches? What do they do? How do I recognize them?
  • #983
Look for tall pointy hats, broomsticks and large pots brewing some nasty $#!t.

Also look out for signs asking for "entrail donations". :eek:

What do they do ? Trust me; you don't want to find out. :devil:
  • #984
pace said:
Arggggg. I want some girl trouble.

I got plenty to give you. :wink:
  • #985
Chrono said:
I got plenty to give you. :wink:

You're a guy and married? :)
  • #986
pace said:
You're a guy and married? :)

Just a single guy. If you want to know the problems I've been having, you may want to read my previous posts in this thread. That should give you an idea.
  • #987
Chrono said:
You ladies sure didn't save any truffles for the rest of us, now, did you? :cry:
How did I miss this post last night? Of COURSE we saved some for you Chrono! What flavor would you like? Well, here. Have some of each! :smile:
*stuffs truffles into computer*
Bon apetite! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Monique! WOOHOO! - a new place to nest in! :approve: Where are you moving to? Don't you like living at home anymore? Or has it taken you this long to finally find a place? I know flats in Amsterdam are pretty hard to come by (right?). Tell us about it! :smile:

Ya know, now that I think about, it seems like you've been pretty scarce lately. Have you gone and found some hunky guy to hang out with? I sure hope so! (No Ed Whitten - like. OK?) :eek:
  • #988
Monique, when's the housewarming? Can't wait to see the place! :biggrin:
Have you moved the animals in yet?
  • #989
Tsunami said:
How did I miss this post last night? Of COURSE we saved some for you Chrono! What flavor would you like? Well, here. Have some of each! :smile:
*stuffs truffles into computer*
Bon apetite! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Sweet! And here I thought I was being neglected.
  • #990
Tsunami said:
I know flats in Amsterdam are pretty hard to come by (right?). Tell us about it! :smile:
lol, yeah. The waiting list for an apartment would be about 6 years :rolleyes: But knowing people will get you one quick :-p it's huge: 55m2 and in a verry nice real Amsterdam neighbourhood, it's the same street my great-grandfather used to live in, I found out today :approve: actually my great-grandfather used to live across from where I live now.. my mom used to run the street as a toddler :biggrin: and everything is close by, I even have a garden :bugeye: ok, it's communial, but gardens are hard to come by in the city :wink:

Ya know, now that I think about, it seems like you've been pretty scarce lately. Have you gone and found some hunky guy to hang out with? I sure hope so! (No Ed Whitten - like. OK?) :eek:
:smile: haha, sure no Ed Whitten :rolleyes:
he sure is a hunk :approve: he says he'll write me a song and then make a dance version of it to get it played in clubs :cool: isn't that sweet?
  • #991
Math Is Hard said:
Monique, when's the housewarming? Can't wait to see the place! :biggrin:
Have you moved the animals in yet?
Sure, everyone's invited, I already asked Greg when he's stopping by during his Eurotrip :-p
  • #992
hah! I can see Monique has gotten a boyfriend from all the emoticons she's using ;D
  • #993
Something is afoot at PF, everyone falling in love, moving into new places...

I see chroot also just got a fabulous new place.
  • #994
I'm moving too :D
(Hopefully) to a small Student-appartment, within a student living complex.
Gonna be exciting.
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  • #995
pace said:
I'm moving too :D
(Hopefully) to a small Student-appartment, within a student living complex.
Gonna be exciting.

As I said to chroot, looks like a good place to bring chicks over.
  • #996
Chrono said:
As I said to chroot, looks like a good place to bring chicks over.

I'll probably not be able to concentrate *swoon*
  • #997
pace said:
I'll probably not be able to concentrate *swoon*

Yes, you can. You can "concentrate" on the girl all night.
  • #998
I'm probably going to be fumbling on the girl all night.
  • #999
pace said:
I'm probably going to be fumbling on the girl all night.

So? Just let her fumble on you back.
  • #1,000
I'm afraid I may have scared her off. :frown:

We'll see what happens this weekend.

Woowoo 1000th reply to this thread.
  • #1,001
enigma said:
I'm afraid I may have scared her off. :frown:

Your date? What makes you think that? I thought things went well.
  • #1,002
So did I. I think I misread her and came on too stong. May have freaked her out a bit.
  • #1,003
holy **** this is an old thread, almost a year old, it started Nov 23rd 2003
  • #1,004
enigma said:
So did I. I think I misread her and came on too stong. May have freaked her out a bit.

Good luck there, my friend.

holy **** this is an old thread, almost a year old, it started Nov 23rd 2003

And yet we continue to have girl trouble.
  • #1,005
enigma said:
So did I. I think I misread her and came on too stong. May have freaked her out a bit.
What happened?
  • #1,006
Yes. What happened? :frown: How do you think you may have come on too strong? And what is she doing or saying that's making you think she's freakin' out? Am I too inquisitive? sorry... :redface:
  • #1,007
Apparantly, she usually doesn't date anyone she hasn't known for a long time first. Trust issues.

I think she had too good a time on Saturday, and it wierded her out. I did end up seeing her on Sunday (she stopped by and we went out for coffee). While there she asked if we could be friends first. I called her Monday and suggested we set up ground rules instead. She seemed receptive. Then, when I asked her to be honest, she said that she didn't want to kiss me goodbye on Sunday... she did it because she thought I wanted to. :frown: *DONT DO THIS LADIES... ITS NOT FAIR*

All is not lost yet. I have backed off and not called her since Monday. She didn't say she didn't want to be called, but I asked her to call me to set up plans, and she hasn't yet. We have plans for a much smaller scope date tomorrow which just needs times finalized. We'll see if she calls tonight. Hopefully, she will.

I guess some ladies don't like being treated like princesses. *shrug* I'm too new to this, apparently.
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  • #1,008
hmmm. Take her out on different fun stuff. Have fun together. And you'll find out if you fit. Maybe things will move faster than you think.

my 2 cents.
  • #1,009
enigma said:
I guess some ladies don't like being treated like princesses. *shrug* I'm too new to this, apparently.
I think she definitely is interested, but she needs a little more time to test your interest and develop her feelings. Do little things to spark her interest, keep your feelings in the background until you're sure she's ready to hear them.
  • #1,010
enigma said:
I think she had too good a time on Saturday, and it wierded her out. I did end up seeing her on Sunday (she stopped by and we went out for coffee). While there she asked if we could be friends first. I called her Monday and suggested we set up ground rules instead. She seemed receptive. Then, when I asked her to be honest, she said that she didn't want to kiss me goodbye on Sunday... she did it because she thought I wanted to. :frown: *DONT DO THIS LADIES... ITS NOT FAIR*

Sounds kind of like my experiences, except that I've never gotten as far as a date. It always ended before that.
  • #1,011
enigma said:
Apparantly, she usually doesn't date anyone she hasn't known for a long time first. Trust issues.

I think she had too good a time on Saturday, and it wierded her out. I did end up seeing her on Sunday (she stopped by and we went out for coffee). While there she asked if we could be friends first. I called her Monday and suggested we set up ground rules instead. She seemed receptive. Then, when I asked her to be honest, she said that she didn't want to kiss me goodbye on Sunday... she did it because she thought I wanted to. :frown: *DONT DO THIS LADIES... ITS NOT FAIR*

All is not lost yet. I have backed off and not called her since Monday. She didn't say she didn't want to be called, but I asked her to call me to set up plans, and she hasn't yet. We have plans for a much smaller scope date tomorrow which just needs times finalized. We'll see if she calls tonight. Hopefully, she will.

I guess some ladies don't like being treated like princesses. *shrug* I'm too new to this, apparently.
Enigma, I'm quite sure she enjoyed being treated like a princess. (I'm pretty sure we ALL do! :biggrin:) And being friends first is a MUST! Don't take a lover until they've become your best friend! Your relationship will stand a much better chance of being a lasting one if you are best friends FIRST! :wink:

It sounds to me like she is interested in you but she just likes to take things very slowly. That's OK. You can handle that! :smile: Remember that old Heinz Ketchup commercial where the little kid was saying "Good things come to those who WAIT"? :biggrin: Just take her out with the only intent of having fun. Show her what a great guy you are. She won't be able to HELP herself! :biggrin:
  • #1,012
Tsunami said:
Don't take a lover until they've become your best friend!

OH NONONO... Not that! I'm not that piggish. I'm getting the impression that she doesn't even want to "date" yet. If I wanted to just get someone in the sack, I don't think I'd have to look too terribly hard.

And my spies tell me that she was thrown off by being treated well. We're talking things like holding the car door for her, cleaning up the dishes after we had dinner and coffee (and putting the two dishes which were in the sink in the dishwasher along with them), etc.

Just take her out with the only intent of having fun. Show her what a great guy you are. She won't be able to HELP herself! :biggrin:

That was the goal. It may have backfired because it was too much fun, too fast. I'll find out soon whether it did or didn't.
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  • #1,013
Stay open-minded...there may be things in her history that you know not of. If there is something that's making her feel this way, she'll eventually tell you about it.
  • #1,014
eventualy, patience is the best virtue, so... be patient, women like to take their time, just look at how long it takes them to prepare for an event, takes them the whole freakin day
  • #1,015
enigma said:
And my spies tell me that she was thrown off by being treated well. We're talking things like holding the car door for her, cleaning up the dishes after we had dinner and coffee (and putting the two dishes which were in the sink in the dishwasher along with them), etc.
Dang, what woman wouldn't LOVE that?

She must have issues carried over from a prior relationship. It sounds like she might have been hurt badly in the past and is afraid of letting herself fall in love and become vulnerable again.

You're doing the right thing Enigma by giving her the space she feels she needs. You're an amazing guy to be this sensitive and caring.

I've been hurt very badly before, but I don't believe in carrying emotional baggage from a previous relationship into a new one. Each relationship needs to start with a clean slate and complete trust. Yes, giving your heart to someone always brings the risk that they will RIP IT OUT AND STOMP IT INTO THE GROUND. But if you go through life afraid of being hurt you will never find love either.

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