Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,506
JasonRox said:
Haha, yeah, but not quite like that.

I noticed lots of Chinese girls are conservative, and I don't know. It's different dating them.

We have a huge Chinese/Japanese and Korean population here. I was lucky enough to go out with a Chinese Canadian Oncology Epidemiologist (girl) for... about 16 hours... this was quite an experience. Her concerns were different from mine... but then my concerns are pretty different from most people's. But I could definitely detect a difference with her from, say, going out with a Scottish/German/Ukrainian/Finnish/English/Francophone/Canadian or someone of similar origin. The Chinese are very private unless they like you or think you will understand their position. She was actually a dream date since there were few strings attached. I think my own Scottish/English/Irish Canadian genes were a bit stubborn about warming up to her in some ways. This is not a racist or isolationist attitude... I think its an actual, physiological/genetic barrier that needs to be coaxed down from "alert" when mating practices are initiated between two very separate sub-species.

Another incident involved an Indo-Canadian woman who was tied to her family like nobody's business. As Indian tradition dictates she had to care for her brothers and her father... and help the mother. So she was rarely out on her own. And when she was she was (silently) required to be out with one of her country men. So, as welcome as my advances were during lunches at work... there was no chance to really "get to know". By definition, in this thread, that is "girl trouble". But, in this case, there was no shortage of women working at a Cancer Clinic. But you always want what you can't have for some reason.
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  • #1,507
BobG said:
Damn, that turned out almost exactly the same. Try this:

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: Yes, you creep me out.
You: I'm leaving. Please don't scream.

Better. At least you don't waste two hours waiting to see if anyone sits in the other chair.

Haa haaaa.:smile:
  • #1,508
LMFAO hahaha I would never do that and her friends would be with her.
  • #1,509
Bleach12233 said:
LMFAO hahaha I would never do that and her friends would be with her.

What do you mean you'd never do that?! You have to be bold. Let's try again.

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Did you just call me a goathead?
Her: Uh, no. I said you could sit there. May as well. No one else is using that chair.
You: Oh, thanks.
Her: (silence - she's reading after all. Except she moves her lips when she reads. That kind of bugs me, but...)
You: This is a nice place to read. Good book?
Her: The sound and the fury.
You: Oh, Hemmingway. Good choice.

Very good opening. You've found common ground and something to discuss. Well, I've never actually read 'The Sound and the Fury', but you can sometimes figure out a lot just from the title and just fake the rest.
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  • #1,510
BobG said:
What do you mean you'd never do that?! You have to be bold. Let's try again.

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Did you just call me a goathead?
Her: Uh, no. I said you could sit there. May as well. No one else is using that chair.
You: Oh, thanks.
Her: (silence - she's reading after all. Except she moves her lips when she reads. That kind of bugs me, but...)
You: This is a nice place to read. Good book?
Her: The sound and the fury.
You: Oh, Hemmingway. Good choice.

Very good opening. You've found common ground and something to discuss. Well, I've never actually read 'The Sound and the Fury', but you can sometimes figure out a lot just from the title and just fake the rest.

If you're good at lip reading, you can sit and watch her, and enjoy the book vicariously.

Faulkner's rolling in his grave, btw.
  • #1,511
I just want to know what cafeteria serves wine... :biggrin:

At such a cafeteria, I'd certainly let someone sit next to me... especially if he offered to go through the line and get me a refill!
  • #1,512
lisab said:
If you're good at lip reading, you can sit and watch her, and enjoy the book vicariously.

Faulkner's rolling in his grave, btw.

What?! Er, I mean, it doesn't matter. How is she going to know who wrote ...

Uh, I mean. That's a great lesson for you! Don't fake the author's name when she's holding the book. I've noticed some books have the author's name right on the cover.

You should probably spend a couple months visiting the library before you approach her. Then try again.

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of Boones Farm (good point about the cafeteria - you're probably not going to find the more expensive brands) while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Oh, thanks.
Her: (silence - she's reading after all. Thank god she's finally learned to read without moving her lips.)
You: This is a nice place to read. Good book?
Her: In love and trouble.
You: What?! You were reading 'The Sound and the Fury' the last time I saw you here!
Her: What?! Are you stalking me?!
You: Uh, no. I just like Faulkner.
Her: Oh, you've read his books, too?
You: Uh, no. But, I hear he's a great author.
Her: Oh.
You: Yep, William Faulkner. Great writer he is!
Her: mm-hmm (with her nose buried in her book).
You: Yep, yep, yep. Gotta love that Faulkner.
Her: mmmm (with her nose buried in her book).
You: Yep, just love that Hemmingway.
Her: What?!
You: I mean Faulkner. Just love that Faulkner. Funny, if you delete the a, l, and n, his name would be ... uh :rolleyes:
Her: Grrrrrr (with her nose buried even deeper in her book).
You: Uh, I mean, greatest writer of the 20th century (please, god, please let him have lived in the 20th century!)
Her: Hnnggh! Grrrrrrr! Gggggggh! (with her nose furiously buried deep in her book)
You: Uh, I just remembered. I have to meet with my parole officer.

Notice the smooth exit, cutting ties completely. I'm not sure what it means when a woman starts making animal noises, but I'm pretty sure it's a bad sign. At least it scares me. You want to say something to make you seem less desirable so she doesn't try to contact you in the future.

And, just maybe, entering into a library and memorizing titles and authors isn't quite enough. Maybe it would be better to read a few of the books, too.
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  • #1,513
Or maybe that's not such a great exit line. You're talking about a woman slugging down cheap wine, after all. When you tell her you might have to meet your parole officer, she just might respond:

Her: Oh, what a coincidence, I'm on parole, too. I caught my boyfriend in the sack with my best friend and the authorities didn't see the irony in my reaction.
You: Uh, I wish I didn't want to know, but I can't quite help myself. What did you do?
Her: I left him a going away gift in his car.
You: Oh, and what was that?
Her: Actually five of them. I gave him 5 pick axes.
You: Uh.
Her: Want to see a picture? I kept one as a souveneir.


Her: So why are you on parole?
You: Nice car. (Don't answer the question about parole. Any answer you give will sound pathetic and wrong compared to pick axing a car.)
You: I need to buy a newspaper. (Leave quickly and just pray she never contacts you again. Just be glad you never told her your name.)
  • #1,514
This place scares me. You are all nuts sometimes... Well you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them.
  • #1,515
I think BobG has a future in Hollywood! :smile: :cool: :biggrin:
  • #1,516
  • #1,517
New and better lesson. Never mention the book she's reading. Don't even look to see what it is. It only leads down bad paths. Try this, instead:

She's sitting alone at a grungy table in the cafeteria slugging down Boones Farm right out of the bottle while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
(CRASH! as she falls drunkenly out of her chair.)
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Thanks. Hi, my name's Baaa..., uh, Bill! (Whoa, that was close!)
Her: Hi, I'm Betty.
Bill: Hi.
Betty: Hi.
Bill: Uh, :rolleyes:, were you waiting for someone?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Boyfriend?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Just what is a sort of boyfriend?
Betty: My husband. He gets off of work soon and I'm supposed to meet him here. He works as a prison guard, so he's sometimes late. Prison riots and that sort of thing, you know.
Bill: Wow, I probably know him.
(Doh! Scratch that last part.)

Bill: Does he wear a gun off duty?
(Crud! That doesn't really work, either. I don't think I like the idea of sitting with a woman while we wait for her husband to show up.)

Bill: Well, I probably ought to be going. I'll see you around. Maybe even here again.
Betty: Sure thing.
  • #1,518
BobG said:
Damn, that turned out almost exactly the same. Try this:

She's sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria sipping a glass of wine while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: Yes, you creep me out.
You: I'm leaving. Please don't scream.

Better. At least you don't waste two hours waiting to see if anyone sits in the other chair.

BogG, have you seen the personality test in jagged alliance 2? This kind of reminds me of that. Thanks.
  • #1,519
Five more pages to go :)
  • #1,520
Bleach12233 said:
Five more pages to go :)

What happens then?
  • #1,521
Bleach12233 said:
Five more pages to go :)

But, are you the main character in the bobg's stories?
I wonder if you would stay alive for the 100th page :devil:
  • #1,522
rootX said:
But, are you the main character in the bobg's stories?
I wonder if you would stay alive for the 100th page :devil:

Not if he keeps hitting on married women in the cafeteria. Needs another revision to keep the main character alive:

She's sitting alone at a grungy table in the cafeteria slugging down Boones Farm right out of the bottle while reading a book. The seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Thanks. Hi, my name's Bill!
Her: Hi, I'm Betty.
Bill: Hi.
Betty: Hi.
Bill: Hi. Uh, :rolleyes:, were you waiting for someone?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Boyfriend?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Just what is a sort of boyfriend?
Betty: A boyfriend that's supposed to meet me here so I can break up with him!
Bill: Wow, what kind of car does he drive?
Betty: A 'vette! He's more in love with that car than he is with me!
Bill: Bummer. I drive a Yugo.
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  • #1,523
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Thanks. Hi, my name's Bill!
Her: Hi, I'm Betty.
Bill: Hi.
Betty: Hi.
Bill: Hi. Uh, :rolleyes:, were you waiting for someone?
Betty: Actually I was.
Bill: Boyfriend?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Just what is a sort of boyfriend?
Betty: My lover. Here she comes now!
  • #1,524
Okay, one more try.

She's sitting alone at a grungy table in the cafeteria slugging down Boones Farm right out of the bottle while reading a book. The seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Thanks. Hi, my name's Bill!
Her: Hi, I'm Betty.
Bill: Hi.
Betty: Hi.
Bill: Uh, :rolleyes:, were you waiting for someone?
Betty: Yes, I was waiting for my boyfriend. :!) Maybe you've heard of him. He's famous, you know. :!) Have you ever seen any of David Ives's plays?
Bill: He's going to kick my *** something serious, isn't he.
Betty: Sure thing.
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  • #1,525
Lol well I did get to know her a bit better today I talked to her for a while I sit next to her in class.
  • #1,526
When it is page 100 I shall stay and still talk.
  • #1,527
I was waiting for more posts but no one is posting.
  • #1,528
  • #1,529
My update.

The girl I love and I broke up like 2-3 months ago. Now, I'm dating another girl. Yay!

I have the same problem with this girl. Or most girl I date. They get insecure because they see me as player type or something.
  • #1,530
BobG said:
New and better lesson. Never mention the book she's reading. Don't even look to see what it is. It only leads down bad paths. Try this, instead:

She's sitting alone at a grungy table in the cafeteria slugging down Boones Farm right out of the bottle while reading a book and the seat opposite her is empty. You confidently walk up and say:

You: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?
(CRASH! as she falls drunkenly out of her chair.)
Her: Excuse me?
You: Is this seat taken?
Her: No it's not.
You: Would you mind if I sit here?.
Her: No, go ahead.
You: Thanks. Hi, my name's Baaa..., uh, Bill! (Whoa, that was close!)
Her: Hi, I'm Betty.
Bill: Hi.
Betty: Hi.
Bill: Uh, :rolleyes:, were you waiting for someone?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Boyfriend?
Betty: Sorta.
Bill: Just what is a sort of boyfriend?
Betty: My husband. He gets off of work soon and I'm supposed to meet him here. He works as a prison guard, so he's sometimes late. Prison riots and that sort of thing, you know.
Bill: Wow, I probably know him.
Betty: You work in crime?
Bill: I guess you could say that...
Betty: What do you do?
Bill: Move product
Betty: :eek: :!) I'm going to go into the bathroom; wait five minutes and follow me


fixed for accuracy
  • #1,531
JasonRox said:
My update.

The girl I love and I broke up like 2-3 months ago. Now, I'm dating another girl. Yay!

I have the same problem with this girl. Or most girl I date. They get insecure because they see me as player type or something.

Wow, I thought girls were into player types. Shows how much I know...
  • #1,532
Focus said:
Wow, I thought girls were into player types. Shows how much I know...

Oh, they will do whatever I want though. No issues.

Just kind of annoying because I talk to lots of girls so that doesn't help. She already expressed concern that I might start liking another girl.
  • #1,533
JasonRox said:
Oh, they will do whatever I want though. No issues.

:eek: maybe you should move on to full grown women...
  • #1,534
JasonRox said:
Oh, they will do whatever I want though. No issues.

Just kind of annoying because I talk to lots of girls so that doesn't help. She already expressed concern that I might start liking another girl.

Seeing as you are a socialist, I think you should share. What is yours is mine right comrade? :biggrin:
  • #1,535
Pythagorean said:
:eek: maybe you should move on to full grown women...

They all are. It was the same thing last year with a 28 year old last year.

It's kind of good though. There are up and downs to it. If you want to sleep with her right away, you're pretty much guaranteed it will happen the first night. They don't want to disappoint you.
  • #1,536
Focus said:
Seeing as you are a socialist, I think you should share. What is yours is mine right comrade? :biggrin:

The problem is that the girls just want one. I help my friends out for sure. But I find that it never works as well as helping yourself... duh.
  • #1,537
They always say, "This too shall pass" and I think that applies to girl trouble, too.

Except she never did. She kept on hanging on and hanging on and just wouldn't die.

I finally had to find her another husband.
  • #1,538
"Girl" spells trouble.

"Woman" spells delight.

"Wican" spells (are) spooky.
  • #1,539
BobG said:
She kept on hanging on and hanging on and just wouldn't die.

No, dying would only get so much attention... for a short time.

Staying half alive can reap a lot of sympathy and guilt-ridden servitude. Basically, being sickly is a ticket to ride the man of the house into the ground... then find a new husband.o:)
  • #1,540
baywax said:
"Girl" spells trouble.

"Woman" spells delight.

"Wican" spells (are) spooky.


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