What do girls/women look for in men?

  • Thread starter PrudensOptimus
  • Start date
In summary, a woman will typically look for someone who is loyal, helpful, friendly, intelligent, courteous, kind, thrifty, brave, and clean.
  • #526
offtheleft said:
I seem to have a minute problem with girls for some reason. Most of the time they're only interested in me for "fun" and it has put quite a dent in my self esteem. I'd like to find out where I'm going wrong, you know? Even lately, as soon as I mention to a girl that I'm not so interested to rushing into things, I never hear from her anymore. Is it just a college thing or something?

you're lucky that you have that ----that's one of the main 'things' women look for

they think you've rejected them
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #527
rewebster said:
you're lucky that you have that ----that's one of the main 'things' women look for

they think you've rejected them

No, by fun I mean I've been used countless times as a piece of @$$. And I only reject people who deserve it. I'll give just about anyone a chance.
  • #528
offtheleft said:
No, by fun I mean I've been used countless times as a piece of @$$. And I only reject people who deserve it. I'll give just about anyone a chance.

you're better than a lot of people then---and maybe the women see that too
  • #529
rewebster said:
you're better than a lot of people then---and maybe the women see that too

I don't know. I kind of wish girl like me for me and not the way I look. Even though I'm a Physics and Math nerd :)
  • #530
maybe the 'right' one will recognize and appreciate both--as you'll find what you need in her----some men have a hard time getting any woman to even talk to them for any length of time, at least, about more important things
  • #531
Michael Parkinson "What do you look for in a man?"
Joan Rivers "A pulse!"

  • #532
Garth said:
Michael Parkinson "What do you look for in a man?"
Joan Rivers "A pulse!"


I got that part down.
  • #533
sometimes the more 'attractive' women are also more sensitive to rejection, maybe because they don't get rejected too often----I've seen some women leave college and go home after being 'rejected'
  • #534
offtheleft said:
No, by fun I mean I've been used countless times as a piece of @$$.
I've see a lot of very envious guys standing in line to smack you upside the head. :-p

Seriously though, is it possible you're jumping into bed too quickly? If they're just interested in your @$$, they won't stick around if they think they'll have to build a relationship first.
  • #535
rewebster said:
sometimes the more 'attractive' women are also more sensitive to rejection, maybe because they don't get rejected too often----I've seen some women leave college and go home after being 'rejected'

Well I'm fine with rejection. Up until about 10th grade I was the weirdo wearing all black, long hair and never talked. So, I am quite familiar with rejection.

DaveC426913 said:
I've see a lot of very envious guys standing in line to smack you upside the head. :-p

Eh, I know what you're saying. But, I was jerked around by this girl for quite some time. I really did like her so I did anything I could do to be with her. I finally realized she was just a c*n7 and pretty much used to hell out of me.
  • #536
DaveC426913 said:
I've see a lot of very envious guys standing in line to smack you upside the head. :-p

Seriously though, is it possible you're jumping into bed too quickly? If they're just interested in your @$$, they won't stick around if they think they'll have to build a relationship first.

this used to happen to me too--I'd come back from some class, and my roommate (dorm) would say there's some girl waiting in the room--"who?" ---he wouldn't know either---

college is full of 'light' impressions
  • #537
rewebster said:
this used to happen to me too--I'd come back from some class, and my roommate (dorm) would say there's some girl waiting in the room--"who?" ---he wouldn't know either---
Yeah that happened to me too quite a bit. But then my alarm would go off and I'd wake up...
  • #538
What I look for is compassion, loyalty, respect, sense of humor, patience, smarts. I like it when men open the door, give flowers all that old fashioned stuff. I guess it shows some sort of respect to be treated like a "lady". Women love men who can listen without giving advice and just understand and validate the womans feelings. I like men who are not afraid to get dirty, who can be fearless if needed and who can fix stuff... Just my random two cents.
  • #539
Zenparticle said:
I like it when men open the door, give flowers all that old fashioned stuff.
: dives for cover away from zp's vicinity : :rolleyes:
  • #540
DaveC426913 said:
: dives for cover away from zp's vicinity : :rolleyes:

Wait where are you going? Hey come back here, I have doors that are closed darn it! Stop Running from me!
  • #541
Zenparticle said:
Wait where are you going? Hey come back here, I have doors that are closed darn it! Stop Running from me!
: stumbles away trying to put on his flame retardant suit :

: looks back to see half of the PF men chasing zp with torches and pitchforks :
  • #542
I asked my wife (she's a girl/woman) and she said it doesn't matter what they look for, they don't always get it.
  • #544
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  • #545
I like men who are not absolutely straight, because they are gang, or gender discriminaters, I don't like 'Absolute' homosexuals because they are way of too different, closed men fit best to my definition. Bisexuals seem cool.

By the way I am a woman, Bobbie is my name
  • #546
Zenparticle said:
What I look for is compassion, loyalty, respect, sense of humor, patience, smarts. I like it when men open the door, give flowers all that old fashioned stuff. I guess it shows some sort of respect to be treated like a "lady". Women love men who can listen without giving advice and just understand and validate the womans feelings. I like men who are not afraid to get dirty, who can be fearless if needed and who can fix stuff... Just my random two cents.

Pick me!

I'm a lot like that, especially if it will make a girl happy. Because I'm happy when I make you happy.
  • #547
offtheleft said:
Pick me!

I'm a lot like that, especially if it will make a girl happy. Because I'm happy when I make you happy.
Counterintuitively, girls are not attracted to guys who will do whatever it takes to make them happy. Oh they might be at first, but they often end up losing respect for a guy who's too much of a cow-tow, and if they don't completely lose interest in them, they may just treat them like a pet.

No, the key to women's hearts is not to try to please, but to be who you are.
  • #548
DaveC426913 said:
Counterintuitively, girls are not attracted to guys who will do whatever it takes to make them happy. Oh they might be at first, but they often end up losing respect for a guy who's too much of a cow-tow, and if they don't completely lose interest in them, they may just treat them like a pet.

No, the key to women's hearts is not to try to please, but to be who you are.

I don't mean it the way you think. I'm far from whipped and I like to create an even balance of courtship in spontaneous and fun ways.
  • #549
Girls attribute more significance to the size of his sausage, women to the limit of his Visa.

Where the latter tends to vary inversely with former.

For example, my credit card limit is woefully inadaquate.
  • #550
Symmetry suggests that a discussion of what men look for in women might be relevant.

I notice however that the only threads that are considered by the database to be relevant to this topic suggest a theme that women are evil?
  • #551
LowlyPion said:
I notice however that the only threads that are considered by the database to be relevant to this topic suggest a theme that women are evil?

PF is extremely wise :wink:
  • #552
LowlyPion said:
I notice however that the only threads that are considered by the database to be relevant to this topic suggest a theme that women are evil?

[tex] \text{women}=\text{time} * \text{money}[/tex] women need time and money
[tex]\text{time}=\text{money}[/tex] time is money
[tex]\text{money}=\sqrt{\text{evil}}[/tex] money is root of evil
[tex]\text{women}=\text{money}^2=\text{evil} [/tex]
  • #553
LowlyPion said:
I notice however that the only threads that are considered by the database to be relevant to this topic suggest a theme that women are evil?
Threads started by men. :devil:

cristo said:
PF is extremely wise :wink:
Wait until the PF Sisters see this. I think cristo might want to think twice before entering any threads alone. :biggrin:

I just want to find a man that won't mind me getting old. Sooner or later it's going to happen. At the rate I am banging my self up, it's going to be sooner. :frown: A friend of mine said something the other day that was depressing, but true. Right now you look in the mirror and think you look bad, but figure if you get a good night's sleep you'll look better tomorrow. Then comes the day when you realize that this is how you look now, and it's never going to get better. :eek:
  • #554
Evo said:
Wait until the PF Sisters see this. I think cristo might want to think twice before entering any threads alone. :biggrin:

Uh-oh, I didn't think that one through properly!
  • #555
DaveC426913 said:
Counterintuitively, girls are not attracted to guys who will do whatever it takes to make them happy. Oh they might be at first, but they often end up losing respect for a guy who's too much of a cow-tow, and if they don't completely lose interest in them, they may just treat them like a pet.

No, the key to women's hearts is not to try to please, but to be who you are.

Well put, and quite true. Being yourself and NOT letting people(men, women, children, small animals) walk over all over you is a good thing. Boundaries are important. Like doors that never open...
  • #556
Evo said:
Threads started by men. :devil:

Wait until the PF Sisters see this. I think cristo might want to think twice before entering any threads alone. :biggrin:

I just want to find a man that won't mind me getting old. Sooner or later it's going to happen. At the rate I am banging my self up, it's going to be sooner. :frown: A friend of mine said something the other day that was depressing, but true. Right now you look in the mirror and think you look bad, but figure if you get a good night's sleep you'll look better tomorrow. Then comes the day when you realize that this is how you look now, and it's never going to get better. :eek:

find a man whos either dead or way older than u:!)
  • #557
I think different now :rolleyes:

... after reading few of these threads
  • #558
rootX said:
I think different now :rolleyes:

... after reading few of these threads

Forget the thread killer champions thread. I think this one has to win the prize for dying and being brought back to life the most times. :rolleyes:
  • #559
Is anyone else totally creept-out by the "Ads by google" for this thread? I mean the "singles" advertisements.
  • #560
FrancisZ said:
Is anyone else totally creept-out by the "Ads by google" for this thread? I mean the "singles" advertisements.

decent than porn ads