What do girls/women look for in men?

  • Thread starter PrudensOptimus
  • Start date
In summary, a woman will typically look for someone who is loyal, helpful, friendly, intelligent, courteous, kind, thrifty, brave, and clean.
  • #421
Geeze, you people need to read some old novels, depression was often referred to as "melancholy", people were known to "pine away" from grief or depression, there were 'humours" and spirits" affecting the mind and soul.

Now we know someone who has a condition like schizophrenia are not posessed by demons and can be helped with medication.

All of the conditions were extremely prevalent in old times, they just went by different names and in wealthier families, the more severly ill were kept hidden. The poorer wound up in jails & asylums, if they managed to live.


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  • #422
Evo said:
All of the conditions were extremely prevalent in old times,
This is true, and I hope no one tries to dispute it. Shakespeare comes to mind as being full of references to madness.

However, what has struck me, is that while I've probably personally talked to in the vicinity of 100 crazy people, online and in real life, only about 5 of these had become demonstrably crazy in the complete absense of powerful drug use. All the others had a history of using psychedelics.

Psychosis aside, I see an alarming rise in a kind of ADD distractability in kids. Distractable adults produce distractable kids. The next generation is going to be worse, and the one after that may not be able to maintain the country's infrastructure.
  • #423
zoobyshoe said:
Psychosis aside, I see an alarming rise in a kind of ADD distractability in kids. Distractable adults produce distractable kids. The next generation is going to be worse, and the one after that may not be able to maintain the country's infrastructure.
Remember that our society is saturated with fragrances - perfumes in detergent, fabric softeners, air fresheners, cleaning products, cosmetics and personal-care products. The chemicals are not required to be listed on the labels under an antiquated law designed to protect the secrets of perfumers. This, although chromatography and mass-spec analyses can allow anybody to clone a perfume with no problem. Here is a list of chemicals found in common products by the EPA 15 years ago. Many are CNS depressants and CNS stimulants. Some are banned as carcinogens, yet are still used under the cover of the perfume laws. We are experimenting on a whole generation of children by allowing them to be subjected to this stuff. If you wonder why ADD and asthma are on the rise - first look at the environment the children are raised in.

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  • #424
sigh.. what women want is not what a man can attain
  • #425
zoobyshoe said:
Psychosis aside, I see an alarming rise in a kind of ADD distractability in kids. Distractable adults produce distractable kids.
I have a very good memory of what kids were like when I was in school.
I've also seen kids from the perspective of mine going to school.
Nowadays the upper end of the rambunctious spectrum seems to be missing.
Drugged into oblivion would be my guess.
I don't think the actual spectrum has changed as much as peoples expectations of what a kid should be like.

zoobyshoe said:
The next generation is going to be worse, and the one after that may not be able to maintain the country's infrastructure.
People say this all the time.
History says that sooner or later it will be true.
Given that there is now a law about how I can order my hamburger cooked.
I think this has already occurred and the inertia keeping things going is almost used up.
  • #426
turbo-1 said:
Remember that our society is saturated with fragrances - perfumes in detergent, fabric softeners, air fresheners, cleaning products, cosmetics and personal-care products. The chemicals are not required to be listed on the labels under an antiquated law designed to protect the secrets of perfumers. This, although chromatography and mass-spec analyses can allow anybody to clone a perfume with no problem. Here is a list of chemicals found in common products by the EPA 15 years ago. Many are CNS depressants and CNS stimulants. Some are banned as carcinogens, yet are still used under the cover of the perfume laws. We are experimenting on a whole generation of children by allowing them to be subjected to this stuff. If you wonder why ADD and asthma are on the rise - first look at the environment the children are raised in.


Great post!
  • #427
Evo said:
Geeze, you people need to read some old novels, depression was often referred to as "melancholy", people were known to "pine away" from grief or depression, there were 'humours" and spirits" affecting the mind and soul.

Now we know someone who has a condition like schizophrenia are not posessed by demons and can be helped with medication.

All of the conditions were extremely prevalent in old times, they just went by different names and in wealthier families, the more severly ill were kept hidden. The poorer wound up in jails & asylums, if they managed to live.



One of my friends actually wrote a book about melancholia as sort of a history of mental illness thing. I was going to mention it earlier, but I'm embarrassed to admit I can't remember the title. It was something he wrote as part of his master's work in psychology. I'll have to see if I can dig up a reference (I have no idea if he sold many copies or who published it even...some friend I am, I know :redface:).

Edit: Maybe he didn't get it published as a book. I can only find a journal article of his on the topic. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/jhin/2004/00000013/00000001/art00010
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  • #428
Here you go guys! Britney is still looking.

Pop star Britney Spears and her husband, Kevin Federline, have filed for divorce, court officials in Los Angeles say.

Spears, 24, who married 28-year-old Federline in 2004, will seek custody of their two children, court papers say.

The documents cited "irreconcilable differences" for the divorce.

Spears's previous marriage, to childhood friend Jason Alexander, was annulled two days after the couple exchanged vows in Las Vegas in 2004.
  • #429
Jeez, I wonder how many divorces she will have in her lifetime. I doubt more than Larry King though :bugeye: :eek:
  • #430
There will be a custody battle soon, remember they have a child.

I get the feeling she doesn't like men much.
  • #431
whitay said:
There will be a custody battle soon, remember they have a child.
Two children.

whitay said:
I get the feeling she doesn't like men much.
Well, it seems many celebrities get married and divorced multiple times, or simply cohabit, or otherwise engage, in sequential/serial relationships. It is somewhat sad to see, but these are the choices people make. One can certainly look at the parental and familial relationships to see whether those are stable or not, and very often those relationships are troubled. Statistically, children of divorce are more likely themselves to have problematic relationships.

In some cases, abuse and domestic violence are factors. I often here troubling statistics of abuse or violence against women and children (in the 10 to 20% range). That to me is staggering. The emotional trauma of abuse or violence will certainly affect one's subsequent relationships, and one's partner/spouse/significant other will have to deal with it.

My wife was abused by a first husband. She was adamant that she would leave if I hit her. Such a statement left me stunned/aghast, because it would never occur to me to hit her. On the other hand, that was a real concern to her based on her experience.

Part of being mature is learning appropriate ways to manage/handle anger at someone, particularly one's partner in an intimate relationship. Conflicts do arise in relationships, and it's best to talk them out - Communication is key. When in doubt, ask the other person or state one's thoughts. Don't let anger or resentment fester.
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  • #432
Evo said:
Noooo, I can chop wood and snare rabbits, but then I'll have to let the little bunnies go, I can't actually harm one. :frown:

You do realize that if you blow my chances with turbo, you're stuck with me until the end of time. :devil:
As official cellar-troll, you'll have first dibs on the scraps going to compost, but if you want meat, you'll have to get your own. The axe isn't just for splitting wood, but will come in handy for decapitating the snowshoe hares. Buck up, lady! Someone has to kill your hamburg/stew meat, etc, and it's time you took responsibility.
  • #433
turbo-1 said:
As official cellar-troll, you'll have first dibs on the scraps going to compost, but if you want meat, you'll have to get your own. The axe isn't just for splitting wood, but will come in handy for decapitating the snowshoe hares. Buck up, lady! Someone has to kill your hamburg/stew meat, etc, and it's time you took responsibility.
But, but, you buy meat at a farm. Can't I work up meat credits?
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  • #434
These are strange times we live in. I was just reminded of how Bill and Melinda Gates used to go on "movie dates" when they were living far apart. They would go out and see the same movie, and then call each other and talk about it later long distance.
  • #435
With all that silence, I'd probably forget I'm even on the phone then walk away and leave!
  • #436
Math Is Hard said:
These are strange times we live in. I was just reminded of how Bill and Melinda Gates used to go on "movie dates" when they were living far apart. They would go out and see the same movie, and then call each other and talk about it later long distance.
Well, when two people can't be together, the phone is the next best thing, or perhaps a video chat over the internet.

At some point though, it's best to meet in person.

I wonder if virtual relationships (over the wire as a friend says) are more common in the age of the internet.

I am reminded of couples who used to correspond by letter in the days of sailing ships. In the colonies, it would take days for letters to go back and forth, and if the couple were separated by an ocean, it could take weeks or months. Yet some people found a soulmate very far away.
  • #437
Sometimes though, don't we want a mix: all the mature things like ambition and accomplishment in life, sensitivity to your needs, blah-blah-blah... and something like his crazy race-car style driving... (i know, i know all about the safety...:rolleyes: ) or the way he winks at you...:blushing: but one without the other just seems to make the guy dull! Plus once you have come across one like that in the past, you wouldn't want to settle... suppose it makes me both mature and immature... :confused:

ps: too boring to be "mature" all the time :devil:
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  • #438
One can be playful and still mature.
  • #439
Evo said:
But, but, you buy meat at a farm. Can't I work up meat credits?
Meat credits? Trolls get shelter, dibs at castoffs and the opportunity to ambush innocents. Whether it be a billy-goat, a rabbit, or perhaps a wayward white-tail, you have the opportunity to provide for yourself. Do you think hamburg arrives pre-packaged with no involvement of an animal? When you eat meat, something has to die - get in the loop.

If you kill an animal sufficiently large to require freezer-space for storage, I can supply that in return for a share of the meat. If you manage to kill a moose, I will be forced to extend your troll-indenture contract for an additional year to cover the cost of an additional chest freezer, though I may be moved in a spirit of generosity to allow you periodic access to the back deck and perhaps to the gas grill. If you are very well-behaved, perhaps you can use my (beloved) Brinkman smoker from time to time. This deal is looking pretty good, isn't it? Screw that Ruxpin deal. You can't afford the batteries and software, and the damned thing will "come alive" at midnight and chew off your nose while reciting "My Pet Goat".
  • #440
Math Is Hard said:
These are strange times we live in. I was just reminded of how Bill and Melinda Gates used to go on "movie dates" when they were living far apart. They would go out and see the same movie, and then call each other and talk about it later long distance.
Aww...that sounds sweet! No wonder she married him!

My Ph.D. mentor made the mistake of getting married just after one of the annual conferences we all attend. He did it so all his friends could attend (and the meeting that year was also in a location convenient for his wife's family). The mistake part is that most years, their anniversary occurs during the conference, so they rarely get to spend their anniversary together. So, they set a time, and wherever they are, they both go outside and face the direction of the other and blow each other an anniversary kiss. It's simultaneously goofy and sweet.

I don't care much for speakerphone though...it always sounds like I'm talking to someone in a tunnel. I prefer a hands-free headset (also useful when calling tech support so you have both hands free to keep typing while they talk you through a problem...or while waiting on hold for them to answer).

Edit: Hey, wait! How did we wind up back on topic?! Is that allowed in GD? :smile:
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  • #441
Moonbear said:
I don't care much for speakerphone though...it always sounds like I'm talking to someone in a tunnel. I prefer a hands-free headset (also useful when calling tech support so you have both hands free to keep typing while they talk you through a problem...or while waiting on hold for them to answer).
Yes! Much better than a speakerphone. A good friend of mine uses an ear-bud and mike setup on his cell, but he talks pretty loud when using it so the other person can hear him (he's one of the top consultants in Confederate memorabilia), but I prefer to use a comfortable foam-cushioned headset with a light boom mike. Even the cheap ones are pretty good these days, and if you're willing to go over $100, the sound quality simply slams regular phone handsets.
  • #442
Evo said:
Most of the time it's non-stop chatter. That was a bit unusual, but I have been really sick. :frown:

A speakerphone is a great idea. My cell phone supposedly has one, I need to play with it.

I've had my non-stop chatter fun too. Those are the fun times, yet it takes time to get to the fun times. A lot of times our time schedule do have fun don't match up.

I try to stay away from MSN.

For some reason, if you want a social life, or at least a little of it, you need MSN. Not sure why, but everyone my age has latched onto that thing it's crazy. Plus, having no cell phone makes it even more difficult.

If I had to go out 50% of the time that I could have or when I was asked, I would never have time to do work. People are asking less and less, so that's not too bad. I don't feel bad not showing up or just saying no. I do have big plans for the Christmas break though!

World Juniors Hockey Tournament!
  • #443
JasonRox said:
If I had to go out 50% of the time that I could have or when I was asked, I would never have time to do work.
Have you checked to see which continent any of them live on?
  • #444
Jason, is it just me, or do younger people just never plan things anymore? It seems they all have their cell phones and just call people when they get somewhere and then all go wherever that is.
  • #445
Moonbear said:
Jason, is it just me, or do younger people just never plan things anymore? It seems they all have their cell phones and just call people when they get somewhere and then all go wherever that is.

People in my group plan things, but not always. It's pretty much done on the fly, as you can say.

I like to plan things to a certain extent. For example, I talked to someone about doing World Junior Tournament parties, which is like still over a month down the road.

But yeah, most people do things on the fly. That's what I don't like because people will be like, what are you doing tonight? Well, um... I have work to do, but if you would have asked yesterday, I would have done it yesterday, so I would be free tonight! Yeah, people are like that. Guys and girls.

If you want to hang out with me, you definitely have to plan.
  • #446
JasonRox said:
People in my group plan things, but not always. It's pretty much done on the fly, as you can say.

I like to plan things to a certain extent. For example, I talked to someone about doing World Junior Tournament parties, which is like still over a month down the road.

But yeah, most people do things on the fly. That's what I don't like because people will be like, what are you doing tonight? Well, um... I have work to do, but if you would have asked yesterday, I would have done it yesterday, so I would be free tonight! Yeah, people are like that. Guys and girls.

If you want to hang out with me, you definitely have to plan.
It's good to hear you say that. I was thinking maybe I was just getting old! Yeah, I have that same problem. If someone calls me and says, "What are you doing tonight," my answer is usually something like "working on..." but if they had told me on Wednesday that they wanted to go out on Saturday, I could have planned ahead and made that time free. And what's really annoying is when I had a ton of free time earlier in the week and just used it to relax or do something less fun since I didn't have any upcoming plans to give me reason to leave some other night free. That, or I get people trying to plan things 6 months in advance. :rolleyes: I can't plan that far ahead either.
  • #447
Random note: my last high school exam in 1hr. And I start my first job tomorrow.
  • #448
Moonbear said:
That, or I get people trying to plan things 6 months in advance. :rolleyes: .

That made me laugh. :smile:

It just reminds me how freaky those people can be sometimes. It's almost like they have the friendship already planned out when you meet them.
  • #449
whitay said:
Random note: my last high school exam in 1hr. And I start my first job tomorrow.
Congratulations whitay!
  • #450
Good luck on your first day on your first job today, Whitay! That's always an exciting day.
  • #451
turbo-1 said:
Meat credits? Trolls get shelter, dibs at castoffs and the opportunity to ambush innocents. Whether it be a billy-goat, a rabbit, or perhaps a wayward white-tail, you have the opportunity to provide for yourself. Do you think hamburg arrives pre-packaged with no involvement of an animal? When you eat meat, something has to die - get in the loop.
Wait, why do I have to kill my own? :cry:

If you kill an animal sufficiently large to require freezer-space for storage, I can supply that in return for a share of the meat. If you manage to kill a moose, I will be forced to extend your troll-indenture contract for an additional year to cover the cost of an additional chest freezer, though I may be moved in a spirit of generosity to allow you periodic access to the back deck and perhaps to the gas grill. If you are very well-behaved, perhaps you can use my (beloved) Brinkman smoker from time to time. This deal is looking pretty good, isn't it?
Looks like I will be a vegetarian. :cry:

Screw that Ruxpin deal. You can't afford the batteries and software, and the damned thing will "come alive" at midnight and chew off your nose while reciting "My Pet Goat".
:cry: I'm probably not even going to get one. Nobody loves me. :frown: No meat. No ruxpin. No place to live. <sniff> Yet, I haven't given up hope. :cry: :frown:
  • #452
Evo said:
I'm probably not even going to get one. Nobody loves me. No meat. No ruxpin. No place to live. Yet, I haven't given up hope.
* Hands Evo a tissue * :smile: WE love you Evo! Keep your chin up, and just be patient.
  • #453
Astronuc said:
* Hands Evo a tissue * :smile: WE love you Evo! Keep your chin up, and just be patient.
<takes tissue from Astronuc>


Thanks, I needed that.

It's a hopeless situation. :frown:
  • #454
Evo said:
<takes tissue from Astronuc>


Thanks, I needed that.

It's a hopeless situation. :frown:
Nothing is hopeless. With a good HONK like that you might be in some demand calling geese. :biggrin:
  • #455
turbo-1 said:
With a good HONK like that you might be in some demand calling geese. :biggrin:
:cry: :cry: :cry: