Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #806
Umm... not telling! :blushing: :shy:
Physics news on
  • #807
amwbonfire said:
Umm... not telling! :blushing: :shy:

Oh go on man.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #808
Moonbear said:
Oh, poor Chrono! Seems Cupid has an awful lot of bent arrows he's using on you! Just consider it all practice for when the right woman comes along. Maybe you need to start handing them a questionnaire when you meet them,

"Question #1: Do you have a boyfriend?
Question #2: Are you sure you don't have a boyfriend?
Question #3: Do you plan on getting a boyfriend anytime soon?
Question #4: Is this boyfriend someone other than Chrono?"

I'm just considering it all a learning experience. Lesson learned: Ask a girl out while she's into you and not after. Good idea for the questionnaire, though.

Amwbonfire, she did like me...for a while. I should have known something was up when she didn't seem to want to hug me as much as she did previoiusly.
  • #809
The Bob said:
Oh go on man.

Oh, I'm sure no one wants to hear my boring story.

(Is the reverse psychology working?) :shy:
  • #810
amwbonfire said:
(Is the reverse psychology working?) :shy:

No. :mad: Hehe. Go on. :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #811
Tell me about it. Just this past week, I asked a girl out for coffee, and she said that she would think about it. However, on the same day, another girl asked me out like as a boyfriend/girlfriend kinda thing. I really didn't know what to say. I really like the first girl i asked. As for the second girl, I like her as a friend right now, nothing else. Yet I really don't want to hurt her feelings? Do I keep on pursuing this other relationship with the first girl, or do i accept the second girl's offer and begin dating her seriously?
  • #812
'Tis a toughy you collective rocker you. I'm not sure. Ask the audience.
  • #813
What do you want to know? My story is similar to yours, Bob. :smile:
  • #814
CollectiveRocker said:
Tell me about it. Just this past week, I asked a girl out for coffee, and she said that she would think about it. However, on the same day, another girl asked me out like as a boyfriend/girlfriend kinda thing. I really didn't know what to say. I really like the first girl i asked. As for the second girl, I like her as a friend right now, nothing else. Yet I really don't want to hurt her feelings? Do I keep on pursuing this other relationship with the first girl, or do i accept the second girl's offer and begin dating her seriously?

Survey says...
Go for the second one, the one who asked you out. If the first one had to "think about" getting coffee with you, she isn't interested. And you don't have to date the second one "seriously," just date her. You never know if you'll like it until you try it. Unless you're already seeing someone else, never turn down an opportunity for a date. Sometimes they can really be bad, but sometimes you can be surprised and have a great's always worth a try! If you don't enjoy yourself, then don't go on a second date.
  • #815
amwbonfire said:
What do you want to know? My story is similar to yours, Bob. :smile:

Well start from the top and work to where you are now. :biggrin:

CollectiveRocker said:
Tell me about it. Just this past week, I asked a girl out for coffee, and she said that she would think about it. However, on the same day, another girl asked me out like as a boyfriend/girlfriend kinda thing. I really didn't know what to say. I really like the first girl i asked. As for the second girl, I like her as a friend right now, nothing else. Yet I really don't want to hurt her feelings? Do I keep on pursuing this other relationship with the first girl, or do i accept the second girl's offer and begin dating her seriously?

I had a similar situation. I went out with a person I didn't really like because I wa being nice to her and comforting her and it turned into a osrt of relationship. She, to this day, still likes me, well apparently she is besotted with me but I now go out with who I wanted to.

So I would say don't go out with someone you don't like, because otherwise you will get caught in something and you won't really get out of it without an awful lot of hurt. Go with your feelings and not what you feel is best for everyone. You can't please everyone all the time.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #816
Your asking for advice about your love life on the Physics Forum! Boy do you need help :smile: !

Seriously though, here are my comments for what it's worth.

1. Get her laughing. Probably *not* by playing the clown. From the evidence, she likes you, and your inteligence is probably part of the atraction, so try a few inteligent jokes in her vicinity.

2. Try talking to her inteligently, on a subject that might interest her, change the subject if she looks at all bored, until you find something where she starts to contribute, then *listen*.

3. If you apear to be hitting it off, suggest a fun activity (go for fun first, brain strain is usually a bad idea for a first "date"). Unless you are certain she wants to be alone with you it's best to pick something that other people she knows are going to as well first time. If the first time works well, suggest an activity for just the two of you for a second "date".

4. Don't try and second guess what is in her head. And if you must, keep you guesses to yourself, don't mention what you think she is thinking to anyone who knows her.

Keep it light and fun to begin with. If she enjoys the time she spends in your company she will come back for more.

If you find out she is not interested, as has been said already, move on as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Do not torture her or yourself, it's not worth it.

Finnal piece of advice is for much, much later. Do not mention this in front of a woman you are interested in, it is counter productive. But an interest in Physics can actually make you great in bed. This is because sex is a science as well as an art form. And if you can't conduct experiments in a scientific area for what ever reason then you study the theory. So read up on the subject, and make sure you read the best books, most literature on the subject is designed to turn men on and will not tell you what women want.

Appealing to her sense of humour might just get her into your bed.

Great sex is the thing that is most likely to keep her there.

Good Luck!

  • #817
Is all that men want is sex? I can't, and I am male, imagine that.

Never mind. My mind.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #818
j8hart said:
Your asking for advice about your love life on the Physics Forum! Boy do you need help :smile: !

Sounds weird, I know, but the good folks here give great advice. I should know.
  • #819
j8hart said:
1. Get her laughing. Probably *not* by playing the clown. From the evidence, she likes you, and your inteligence is probably part of the atraction, so try a few inteligent jokes in her vicinity.

BUGGER! :mad: :mad:
  • #820
The Bob said:
Is all that men want is sex? I can't, and I am male, imagine that.

Never mind. My mind.

I agree with you Bob. Love's more important (or maybe just as important... I don't know until I try sex... :-p

Sometimes just being with the person you care about's the most important thing in the world. :shy:
  • #821
As they say in SNL

Sex can wait
  • #822
Hi everyone!
I have been following this thread for quite a while...checking up on it everytime i get the PF newsletter. I must say i have learned alot...hope it will help me in my dating future. Lol might post my story sometime...if i get time. Lol just for a bit of quick history about myself...i am 17 and have never had a gf...or even kissed a girl lol. I really am way too shy for my own good! anyway ill catch up with you all later.
  • #823
Welcome Sephiroth!

Sounds like you will fit right in! :smile:
  • #824
My advice to Sephiroth is to take a date out to a very fine restaurant and encourage her to wear a low-cut evening gown (use some formal function as a good excuse). You just never know what might develop.
  • #825
What is chroots problem? :smile: He tries talking about complex physics on his first date and scares them all way? :rolleyes:
  • #826
musky_ox said:
What is chroots problem? :smile: He tries talking about complex physics on his first date and scares them all way? :rolleyes:
What are you referring to? chroot never posted anything like that.
  • #827
Evo said:
Welcome Sephiroth!

Sounds like you will fit right in! :smile:
Lol sounds like it...

BoulderHead said:
My advice to Sephiroth is to take a date out to a very fine restaurant and encourage her to wear a low-cut evening gown (use some formal function as a good excuse). You just never know what might develop.

Lol i like the idea of a nice restaurant...not too sure what you logic concerning the dress is lol. Somehow i don't think it would be too appropriate to "encourage her to wear a low-cut evening gown" on a first date. well that's my opinion anyway lol. Oh and i just thought id pre-warn you i use lol way too much.
  • #828
Sephiroth said:
Lol sounds like it...

Lol i like the idea of a nice restaurant...not too sure what you logic concerning the dress is lol. Somehow i don't think it would be too appropriate to "encourage her to wear a low-cut evening gown" on a first date. well that's my opinion anyway lol. Oh and i just thought id pre-warn you i use lol way too much.
Perhaps Evo will explain. :-p
(inside joke)
  • #829
BoulderHead said:
Perhaps Evo will explain. :-p
(inside joke)
He's too young. Sephiroth, if you go out with a girl with a low cut dress, bring duct tape, she will be forever grateful. :biggrin:
  • #830
Evo said:
He's too young. Sephiroth, if you go out with a girl with a low cut dress, bring duct tape, she will be forever grateful. :biggrin:
lol ill keep that in mind :-p

gee you guys reply quick lol. :smile:
  • #831
Sephiroth said:
gee you guys reply quick lol. :smile:
We aim to please.
  • #832
amwbonfire said:
Sometimes just being with the person you care about's the most important thing in the world. :shy:

Exactly! :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #833
Evo said:
He's too young. Sephiroth, if you go out with a girl with a low cut dress, bring duct tape, she will be forever grateful. :biggrin:

Are you going to explin this one or am I too young? :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #834
Yes, explain it! Whisper it to me and I won't tell Bob.

*Giggles* Sneaky! :-p

AMW Bonfire :rolleyes:
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #835
I tried to write down some of my long past, but bugger it, my story is too long, too complex and too emotion-filled to tell. I'd rather leave it for another day.

Sorry Bob...
  • #836
amwbonfire said:
I tried to write down some of my long past, but bugger it, my story is too long, too complex and too emotion-filled to tell. I'd rather leave it for another day.

Sorry Bob...
Please try to be as concise as possible. If your fifteen minutes of fame should expire you’ll have to start all over again at the end of the line. :-p
  • #837
BoulderHead said:
Please try to be as concise as possible. If your fifteen minutes of fame should expire you’ll have to start all over again at the end of the line. :-p

Good point.

Well, it all started 5 years ago...

No seriously, I'll post tomorrow. It's 10:00 here, and I want to go to bed.
  • #838
Zantra said:
Just be thankful you don't have Chroot's problem...

  • #839
Sephiroth said:
I am 17 and have never had a gf...or even kissed a girl lol. I really am way too shy for my own good! anyway ill catch up with you all later.

You sound a lot like me. I'm 20, never had a girlfriend, and just had my first kiss a month ago. And I lost her because I was too late to ask her out.
  • #840
Chrono said:
You sound a lot like me. I'm 20, never had a girlfriend, and just had my first kiss a month ago. And I lost her because I was too late to ask her out.
i was 18 when i had my first kiss, i lost many girls before that because i was too much of a chicken ****, and i still am, and I'm turning 19

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