Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,296
Moonbear said:
Traditionally, you give the flower at the door, but I really like the idea of giving it at the restaurant. Somehow, I think it will make it more special because she didn't get it at the door and then isn't expecting are more fun when you don't expect them. :smile: A white rose would be very appropriate.
Better brace yourself for the third degree from her father too. :biggrin:

well, i plan to ask her out when i give her the i don't think the door wud be as good.

as for her father...well, thus far I've been pretty good with parents of girls I've known/dated...hopefully my charm will be maintained:smile:
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  • #1,297
When you break the news to her dad, just say this when you greet him, "Hi grandpa, were naming him after you!"
  • #1,298
Moonbear said:
Now, where are the slightly older versions of you hiding so I can get myself a sweet boyfriend?

will the real slim shady please stand up.
  • #1,299
rocketboy said:
well, i plan to ask her out when i give her the i don't think the door wud be as good.
But you'll already be out. :biggrin: Okay, I understand now. You're planning on asking her to be your girlfriend, or to go steady, or whatever it's called now. Then, yes, at dinner would be better, especially if she has an overprotective father. I've never had a guy actually ask me to officially be his girlfriend, we always just knew we were dating when we got to the kissing part. :blushing:

as for her father...well, thus far I've been pretty good with parents of girls I've known/dated...hopefully my charm will be maintained:smile:
As considerate as you've come across here, I'm surprised more parents aren't trying to fix you up with their daughters.
  • #1,300
cyrusabdollahi said:
When you break the news to her dad, just say this when you greet him, "Hi grandpa, were naming him after you!"
You forgot to preface that with a coffee spitting warning! Evo's going to ruin another keyboard when she reads that. Good thing it's the middle of the night, so I'm not drinking any coffee. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #1,301
This thread always makes me smile. All the roses and dating, ham, and shotguns business. :smile:
  • #1,302
Mk said:
This thread always makes me smile. :smile: All the roses and dating and shotguns business. :smile:
It makes me smile too. I used to cringe when I entered this thread, because so many people were posting about how they botched up something on a date, or were too deathly afraid to just ask a lady out, etc., but now it just warms my heart to read this thread and see the posts about budding romance. :smile: If I ever find myself a guy to date, I'm sending him here for the crash course on romance. :biggrin:
  • #1,303
You're going to ask her out, rocketboy? I didn't know people still used that expression. That is so adorable.

Yes, handing her a flower when you ask her to be your girlfriend is perfect. And a white rose is also perfect.

You're a doll, rocketboy. Good luck to you!
  • #1,304
I'll let you all know how it turns out. I'm going to bed now lol.

Hopefully I can find a flower shop that is open on sunday...
  • #1,305

i just visited the websites of the few flower shops i know of around here and none are open sundays... ::eek: :rolleyes: :cry:
  • #1,306
Too bad its not spring, Or you could steal one outa someones yard. (Just don't take it from her yard please)...
  • #1,307
I wouldn't want to be called a doll. No body uses that word anymore either. I like sand.
  • #1,308
Do the grocery stores by you sell flowers? All the ones by where I live have a floral department now. The selection isn't as good, but for the single white rose, you can probably find what you need. could get her a tulip bulb and tell her she has to go out with you unti she gets the flower. :smile: (Okay, don't do that, she might throw it at you, and it'll probably hurt.)
  • #1,309
Mk said:
I wouldn't want to be called a doll. No body uses that word anymore either. I like sand.

Lol, Brittany called me a doll. She's also called me gorgeous, sexy, hun, sweetie, baby, hottie...I don't mind at all.:smile:
  • #1,310
All else fails, learn origami, make a really big paper flower. That would be cool.
  • #1,311
Maybe she would appreciate chocolate. Get her Godiva, they are top quality, and send her subliminal messages. (Lady Godiva) Oh yeah, I'm good. Spray the chocolate with pheromones too, preferably male human ones.
  • #1,313
Moonbear said:
Do the grocery stores by you sell flowers? All the ones by where I live have a floral department now. The selection isn't as good, but for the single white rose, you can probably find what you need. could get her a tulip bulb and tell her she has to go out with you unti she gets the flower. :smile: (Okay, don't do that, she might throw it at you, and it'll probably hurt.)

hehe, ur going to laugh...she works at the grocery store. The reason she's busy until 2 is she's working there.

The other grocery store near me is closed on sunday.

I just remembered, my sister got a few roses from something on thursday...if she still has them I could "borrow" one.:cool:
  • #1,314
Get her a punk rock CD. Yeah, she'll like that.
  • #1,315
cyrusabdollahi said:
:smile: :smile: :smile: Actually, it would probably work if you were desperate...and if you could learn to fold that thing in one night. You don't have to tell her until long after you're married that you only gave her that origami flower because you didn't think to plan ahead and buy the flower on the day the florists were still open. :smile:
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  • #1,316
chocolates would be good, but i don't think they're the same as a rose.

and as for the folded would probably look more like a crumpled up piece of paper than a flower.
  • #1,317

If you make these, hell ILL be your gf.
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  • #1,318
rocketboy said:
hehe, ur going to laugh...she works at the grocery store. The reason she's busy until 2 is she's working there.
:eek: That complicates things. Can you get an accomplice to buy the flower for you so she doesn't know it's going to be for her? Maybe a friend of yours who she doesn't know yet, so she won't recognize them?
  • #1,319
cyrusabdollahi said:
If you make these, hell ILL be your gf.
:smile: :smile:

Moonbear said:
Can you get an accomplice to buy the flower for you so she doesn't know it's going to be for her? Maybe a friend of yours who she doesn't know yet, so she won't recognize them?

That's a really good idea. Wow, what would I do without you guys?
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  • #1,320
cyrusabdollahi said:
If you make these, hell ILL be your gf.
Wow! Ever make those tissue paper flowers as a kid? They're supposed to look like crumpled paper. :biggrin:
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  • #1,321
Why don't you go to the PA system and say, attention shoppers, I would like to ask (insert name) to be my girl. (just kidding).
  • #1,322
Okay, it's well past my bedtime. Good luck tomorrow, rocketboy! I'll be anxiously awaiting the full report of your success. :smile:
  • #1,323
Yeah I made those too moonbear! I completely forgot until you mentioned that. Mines always looked like bunched up tissue paper :-( I am not a child genius like this girl, I bet she can make origami too... she's so cute, do dodod odoodod dee de dooo de doo dee do.
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  • #1,324
cyrusabdollahi said:
Why don't you go to the PA system and say, attention shoppers, I would like to ask (insert name) to be my girl. (just kidding).

I'll try that one in a different situation AFTER she's successfully my girl. She would probably laugh if it weren't something like asking her out.
  • #1,325
Moonbear said:
Okay, it's well past my bedtime. Good luck tomorrow, rocketboy! I'll be anxiously awaiting the full report of your success. :smile:

Yah, I need to go to bed too. Thanks! If it doesn't work out you and Evo can fight over me!
  • #1,326
Tell her i eta pi
  • #1,327
I am the happiest man alive!

Hey everyone!

Well, the date was a complete success! We ended up going to the movies instead of lunch, beceause it was mid-afternoon and she had already eaten, and we just felt like going to see a movie.

I still got her the single white rose...the grocery store didn't have any, and I thought I was out of luck, when I drove past the Manotick Florists, and noticed they were open. So I ran in and got one.:smile:

She melted.

I gave her the rose when she got in the car (after I went to the door to pick her up and met her dad...who I think I made as good of an impression on as I could in 2 minutes) because I couldn't hide the rose and I didn't want it to die. It made a great start to the date.

I didn't ask her out when I gave her the flower, because it was the beginning. So we went to the movies, and I got our tickets (to Narnia because it was the only thing at the time we had, and she had limited was pretty good). The movie was even better with my arm around her and my hands in hers.

So at the point when the movie was practically over, the magical moment happened. I didn't ask for the kiss, we both just knew, and it was the best kiss I've ever had. That went on past the end of the movie and throughout the was funny because there were still a few people left watching...well, i think they were watching the credits.

So that was my wonderful date, I asked her out officially at the end, and wasn't dissapointed.:!) :!)

I owe many thanks to everyone in this thread!
  • #1,328
*jumps up and down with joy* Yipppeeeeeee and wooohooo! I didn't have any doubt she'd agree to officially date you. You've got all the women here swooning with just the telling of it! :biggrin: I'm so happy for you and her! Oh, and that sounds like the best kind of kiss, where it just happens and you both know it's right even without asking. Did I read that right? One kiss that lasted through the end of the movie and into the credits? :bugeye: Wow! Good thing you already got meeting her dad out of the way. :biggrin:
  • #1,329
Wow wow wow, amazing. Wow. Hope you had fun. :biggrin:
  • #1,330
At the end didn't somebody die in that movie?

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