Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,331
Mk said:
At the end didn't somebody die in that movie?
um...the witch did...:smile:

Moonbear said:
Did I read that right? One kiss that lasted through the end of the movie and into the credits? Wow! Good thing you already got meeting her dad out of the way.

Yup, you read it correctly. I glad meeting her dad is out of the way. Girl's fathers scare me. lol...when I dropped her off she says "I'd kiss you goodbye but my dad is in the window."
Physics news on
  • #1,332
I hoped you walked her to the door!

And perhaps, the next time, when you walk her to the door, say hello to the dad.

As a father, I like it when a young man who dates my daughter can look me in the eye without feeling guilty or initimidated. It has to do with trust.
  • #1,333
Astronuc said:
I hoped you walked her to the door!
And perhaps, the next time, when you walk her to the door, say hello to the dad.
As a father, I like it when a young man who dates my daughter can look me in the eye without feeling guilty or initimidated. It has to do with trust.

Well, I didn't walk her to the door, because she went in through her garage. But when I met her father at teh beginning I was able to look him in the eye and introduce myself and shake his hand and talk to him like an adult. So I guess that worked out ok.

Anything else I should know about dealing with parents? Little secrets that parents love their daughters boyfriends' for?
  • #1,334
rocketboy said:
Anything else I should know about dealing with parents? Little secrets that parents love their daughters boyfriends' for?
Gosh, I wish I knew. They usually just seem to like a guy who they see treating their daughter right. But, I have never found out what went on with the one boyfriend of mine my parents actually liked (he's only one of two they ever actually met...the others didn't last that long). They met him the day I was moving to a new apartment, and prior to meeting him, NOBODY was going to borrow their truck, not even me, it was their baby (yes, I think they loved the truck more than me :rolleyes:), so I had him and another friend with a truck coming over to help me move my stuff without borrowing my parents' truck. He got to the house a bit before I did, and somehow, in the 5 or 10 minutes he was alone with my parents, they offered to let HIM drive my parents' truck to help me move my stuff. :bugeye: That's how I knew they liked him...but I'm still dying to know what was said or done that in under 10 minutes, that they liked him THAT much. Guess I'll never know. :frown:
  • #1,335
Moonbear said:
That's how I knew they liked him...but I'm still dying to know what was said or done that in under 10 minutes, that they liked him THAT much. Guess I'll never know. :frown:

I bet it was a test. They probably wanted to see if he was responsible/dependable. That's my best guess.
  • #1,336
rocketboy said:
I bet it was a test. They probably wanted to see if he was responsible/dependable. That's my best guess.
Knowing my parents, it might have been. I think Hercules had easier tests to pass than what my mom put my stepdad through when she was dating him! They didn't like my first boyfriend, he failed his first test...he couldn't stack bricks without knocking over the whole pile. :smile: He got what he deserved for showing up unannounced while I was still sleeping, so my parents put him to work while waiting for me to get up and ready. (I've never been a morning person.) I guess I foiled the plan with the second one, since I was so irritated they had given me such a hard time about borrowing their truck that I rounded up other people to help, and then were willing to let the boyfriend they just met drive it, that I refused to let him borrow it.
  • #1,337
rocketboy said:
Well, I didn't walk her to the door, because she went in through her garage. But when I met her father at the beginning I was able to look him in the eye and introduce myself and shake his hand and talk to him like an adult. So I guess that worked out ok.

Anything else I should know about dealing with parents? Little secrets that parents love their daughters boyfriends' for?
:smile: I can't speak for all parents or all dads. I have a reputation for being very laid back, and my wife thinks I am too laid back sometimes.

I suppose I expect/hope that any boy treats my daughter with respect, thoughtfulness, kindness, etc. And I expect my son to treat any girl/woman with respect, thoughtfulness, kindness, etc. Basically it comes down to one human being treating another with basic respect and dignity.

It may be cliche, but I would hope men are always 'gentlemen'.

Personally, I am very impressed when a young man seeks me out and says hello, and even more impressed if the man converses with me. On the other hand, I worry if a man avoids me.

When I dated, a long, long time ago, I always made it a point to meet the parents when coming to pick up and drop off a girl. However, at university, there were no parents.

I never met my wife's father, as he had died many years before I even met my wife.
  • #1,338
Moonbear said:
Knowing my parents, it might have been. I think Hercules had easier tests to pass than what my mom put my stepdad through when she was dating him! They didn't like my first boyfriend, he failed his first test...he couldn't stack bricks without knocking over the whole pile. :smile: He got what he deserved for showing up unannounced while I was still sleeping, so my parents put him to work while waiting for me to get up and ready. (I've never been a morning person.) I guess I foiled the plan with the second one, since I was so irritated they had given me such a hard time about borrowing their truck that I rounded up other people to help, and then were willing to let the boyfriend they just met drive it, that I refused to let him borrow it.
That reminds of the time when I was traveling out of town, and the girl told me to stop by her house regardless of the time. Well, I got to her house at midnight, and the house was quiet. I then did as she suggested - I tossed some pepples at her bedroom window and then 'loudly whispered' or 'quietly hollered'. Well, the next thing I know, her dad is opening the window, and asks me, '****, is that you?'

All I could do was answer affirmative (somewhat stuttering), and then explain the situation. He indicated that my girlfriend was asleep - and he was not inclined to wake her. :blushing:

All I could do was the apologize for waking him, ask him to give her a message that I would see her when I got back to town, and leave.

What a lousy way to start a road trip.
  • #1,339
Astronuc said:
That reminds of the time when I was traveling out of town, and the girl told me to stop by her house regardless of the time. Well, I got to her house at midnight, and the house was quiet. I then did as she suggested - I tossed some pepples at her bedroom window and then 'loudly whispered' or 'quietly hollered'. Well, the next thing I know, her dad is opening the window, and asks me, '****, is that you?'
All I could do was answer affirmative (somewhat stuttering), and then explain the situation. He indicated that my girlfriend was asleep - and he was not inclined to wake her. :blushing:
All I could do was the apologize for waking him, ask him to give her a message that I would see her when I got back to town, and leave.
What a lousy way to start a road trip.

OMG- I would have died! What a story to tell though

Kinda like the one where the security guard came up to me and my (now ex) gf at the mall and said that someone had called security and said that their was "a couple on the bench being a little to aregressive with the affection." Which we probably were. Whatever. We just looked at each other, waited until he left, then walked away.
  • #1,340
Is there an echo in here?
  • #1,341
not anymore
  • #1,342
Cosmo16 said:
not anymore
Good, cause they scare me sometimes. :approve:
  • #1,343
Cosmo16 said:
OMG- I would have died! What a story to tell though
Kinda like the one where the security guard came up to me and my (now ex) gf at the mall and said that someone had called security and said that their was "a couple on the bench being a little to aregressive with the affection." Which we probably were. Whatever. We just looked at each other, waited until he left, then walked away.
Yeah, I saw him once after that. At the time, I looked pretty much like my avatar - long hair and a beard. The dad was a manager for a big German bank. :smile:

I really liked the family and the girl, but unfortunately we went our separate ways. I was the problem in that relationship - my life was in state of flux/turmoil and I could not guarantee her stability. She went on to pose for Playboy, which I wasn't to happy to learn about, and she married some bozo she starting dating after we broke up.

I met her again at a university function after the both of us were married, and she was nursing her infant son. I mentioned how great it was being married, and she responded with something like "for some people." I didn't go into a discussion, but she didn't look happy. Her husband was off playing frisbee with his pals, while she took care of their son. She sacrificed a promising career in international business to this guy who really didn't seem to have much of a career plan. I lost touch with her after that.
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  • #1,344
*In awe of the size of this topic*

Posting later, editing this post if no one else posts after this,
  • #1,345
I lost touch with her after that.
I lost touch after my second concussion. Sandpaper doesn't hurt no more.
  • #1,346
Just a friendly word of advice, don't call a girl "ignorant". I learned it the hard way.
  • #1,347
Call her an ignorant boob, much better. Well, I've lost touch... sandpaper don't hurt no more.
  • #1,348
Girls require both time and money: Girls=time*money
Time is money: Time=Money
Substitute: Girls=money*money
Money is the root of all evil: Money=evil^(1/2)
Therefore: Girls=Money^2=(Evil^(1/2))^2=Evil
Simplify: Girls=Evil
  • #1,349
I, really, REALLY like this girl from school. She's amazing.
The problem is I've never spoken to her in real life. We used to speak on MSN quite a lot and talked for hours, and got to know each other (that's when I started liking her.) I feel too nervous to talk to her in real life and I feel like I need an "excuse" to talk to her - going up to someone I've never spoken to and saying something feels very wrong.
My idea was to talk to her on MSN for a while and then try and arrange something in private over MSN.
The problem is she's never online anymore due to coursework! I keep telling her I can help her but she's not allowed online. It's killing me and it hurts and aches badly whenever I see her at school.
  • #1,350
Talk to her! Start with - "Hi". Presumably, one can say in person what one says over the internet. Personally, I prefer to talk to someone face to face.

In my line of work, I talk to a lot of people. The first time, they are obviously strangers. After a while they are mostly clients and colleagues, and some become friends, and a few, very good friends.
  • #1,351
FeynmanMH42 said:
I, really, REALLY like this girl from school. She's amazing.
The problem is I've never spoken to her in real life. We used to speak on MSN quite a lot and talked for hours, and got to know each other (that's when I started liking her.) I feel too nervous to talk to her in real life and I feel like I need an "excuse" to talk to her - going up to someone I've never spoken to and saying something feels very wrong.
My idea was to talk to her on MSN for a while and then try and arrange something in private over MSN.
The problem is she's never online anymore due to coursework! I keep telling her I can help her but she's not allowed online. It's killing me and it hurts and aches badly whenever I see her at school.

Chill out!, you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Remember meeting/talking to people is supposed to be fun. What i will do is say like Astro hinted a simply hello, and ask about how's life, etc... The basic questions you ask to anybody you have not seen in a while.I think the problem with most guys is that they put too much pressure on themselves. Just because you want it to work, it doesn't mean it's going to work. There must be 50-50 by both parties involved. If you put your 50, give it a few tries, and you feel it ain't getting anywhere, just go on to the NEXT girl you are interested. Avoid obsessing, that's just awkward.
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  • #1,352
I agree with both replies...first of all I hate talking to girls on msn because you can never tell what "tone" they're talking in. You can determine a lot just by observing how a person is talking to you. Secondly, just talk to her as if you're talking to anyone else (at first). Ask her how her weekend was, or what she has planned for the summer, if she's going away ask her where and maybe about past places she's been. remember this: "Interested is interesting" (i forget what movie that was from).
  • #1,353
Hello there, how you guys been doing? =D
  • #1,354
PrudensOptimus said:
Hello there, how you guys been doing? =D
Hey Prudens! Long time no see. What've you been up to?
  • #1,355
Studying :D

I see this thread have became one of the more popular ones around!
  • #1,356
Hey all, I really enjoyed reading rocketboy's experience but I have a few troubles of my own.

My troubles arent as innocent as rocketboy's but I do have good intentions and I just need to know if what I am doing is across the line or not. There is a girl who I have known since high school (going into junior year of college now) and our relationship was never really much in high school. I was a bit anti-social and she was in the popular clique. We didnt know each other well and the few times we did interact it was because I was disagreeing with her in class or because I was defending a kid that her clique was giving a hard time to (I am outspoken when it comes to bullying.) We didn't like each other at all. Anyways I was really skinny during high school but once college started I put on weight and confidence and start going to parties and such. I didn't see her much the first year of college but I ended up at the same party during the beginning of our sophomore year. She was flirting with the same type of guys she always had, the types who only want her body and the types that she could boss around. I pulled her aside and asked her why she liked being treated like a piece of meat and we had a somewhat long (drunk) talk about her promiscuity, her always cheating on her boyfriends, and her almost failing out of college and she ended up hugging me and crying on my shoulder. I started kissing her but I let my hornyness take control and that kind of killed it. We all (about 10 of us) passed out and that was the end of the night. I saw her the next day in the college cafeteria and she blatantly avoided eye contact with me so I got a little pissed and avoided her as well and pushed her out of my mind. About 8 months later my roommate ran into her on campus and invited her over. She brought over her boyfriend (of 6 months) and it was a little awqward at first but as usual we all started getting drunk and the feelings started coming out. Now, as I stated I am pretty outspoken and I don't really give respect to people who don't deserve it (this is what she is attracted to I think.) I assumed that this boyfriend she brought over was just another idiot and so I didnt really give him any respect. Consequently, I started talking to her again and once we got drunk we started flirting with each other really openly. She was trying to make me smoke my first ciggarette (Just to try and get me to do what she wanted) and I wouldn't and I'm pretty sure this is what was making her crazy about me. My ability to say no to her and stand up to her is what really makes her want me. We both have very headstrong personalities and that is what makes the attraction. Meanwhile her boyfriend was basically getting her drinks and being her servant. She would be mean at him and he would just kind of take it like a pushover does. Anyways, like I said, about six of us were sitting around a table playing a card game and the flirting was really really overt to the point where everyone was noticing and kind of shocked that 1) I was hitting on her 2) She was flirting back 3) Her boyfriend was right there and not doing anything. We were making eye contact like crazy and talking in a kind of suttle sex tone. Eventually her boyfriend left for a cig outside or something and we started talking and I told her that I was attracted to her. She kind of panicked and giggled and went outside. I went to my room to kind of analyze what had just happened and she came back inside and came into my room and asked me if I was going to go to bed because of what she said/did. I said no and still hung out in the living room as the party died down. She left with her boyfriend at about 5am and that was the end of it. The next week she called my roommate again and said that she wanted to come over. She and my roommate talked a little about what happened and she said that her boyfriend said he was going to kick my ass if I did it again. My thoughts on that are if he really wanted to he would have got in my face right then and there at the party. I think he just said it to make her feel as if he was a tough guy or whatever. Anyways she was coming over again and said that this time her boyfriend wouldn't be. She came over with her girl roommate and to my surprise with her boyfriend. I could tell she didnt want him there because she was being mean to him again and he was offering to leave. He ended up staying and he didnt seem mad at me at all. I caught up with him in the kitchen and apologized for the way I acted the week before and he said it was okay. (Wow, what a pushover I was thinking.) Anyways I definitely kept my distance that night but she was trying to make conversation with me again. I wasn't going to let that happen because I wanted to respect their relationship even if it was a ****ty one and even if he was kind of a loser. She got a little bit tipsy and made a few freudian slips when talking to me. They left early that night but I can tell she wanted me to flirt again. Her freshman year of college she spent partying too much/sleeping around and she almost dropped out and now she is getting perfect grades, she rarely drinks, and her figure has gone from good to perfect. It seems like she is really starting to take care of herself and I think that completing her picture would be getting with a guy that actually challenges her. I am not sure if we have a real personality attraction or if only the sexual part of our personalities connect. Anyways, have I gone too far? Am I out of my place? Should I even go after a girl who I know has cheated on her boyfriends MANY times and about did so with me? Sorry for the long write up but I need some advice.
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  • #1,357
Should I even go after a girl who I know has cheated on her boyfriends MANY times and about did so with me?
It seems like playing with fire.

The woman described has a problematic history. On the other hand, she seems to have changed, if as reported, she has reduced her drinking and improved her grades.

One could attempt a platonic relationship.

However, in the end, one must decide what kind of relationship one wishes with this woman - and then accept the consequences thereof.

The questions one must answer are - Does one wish a committed and exclusive relationship? If so, can this woman commit to such a relationship?
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  • #1,358
I know some people really believe in the "once a cheater, always a cheater" idea, but I don't think that's always true, especially if the cheating is done when fairly it youthful indiscretion or immaturity or that they just haven't found someone they care enough about to be faithful to just one person. Especially considering this young lady sounds like she has been making a lot of other changes in her life, such as giving up the partying attitude and getting herself in shape and back to taking her studies seriously, it seems worth giving her the benefit of the doubt. The main thing is, if she has changed, given her history, how will you react if she forms friendships with other guys in the future? Can you accept that it's innocent if it is, or are you likely to start getting jealous or suspicious? That's in addition to Astronuc's questions that you should consider, namely, is it a committed relationship you're looking for, and if so, is she ready for one too?
  • #1,359
Mattius_ said:
Hey all, I really enjoyed reading rocketboy's experience but I have a few troubles of my own.

My troubles arent as innocent as rocketboy's but I do have good intentions and I just need to know if what I am doing is across the line or not. There is a girl who I have known since high school (going into junior year of college now) and our relationship was never really much in high school. I was a bit anti-social and she was in the popular clique. We didnt know each other well and the few times we did interact it was because I was disagreeing with her in class or because I was defending a kid that her clique was giving a hard time to (I am outspoken when it comes to bullying.) We didn't like each other at all. Anyways I was really skinny during high school but once college started I put on weight and confidence and start going to parties and such. I didn't see her much the first year of college but I ended up at the same party during the beginning of our sophomore year. She was flirting with the same type of guys she always had, the types who only want her body and the types that she could boss around. I pulled her aside and asked her why she liked being treated like a piece of meat and we had a somewhat long (drunk) talk about her promiscuity, her always cheating on her boyfriends, and her almost failing out of college and she ended up hugging me and crying on my shoulder. I started kissing her but I let my hornyness take control and that kind of killed it. We all (about 10 of us) passed out and that was the end of the night. I saw her the next day in the college cafeteria and she blatantly avoided eye contact with me so I got a little pissed and avoided her as well and pushed her out of my mind. About 8 months later my roommate ran into her on campus and invited her over. She brought over her boyfriend (of 6 months) and it was a little awqward at first but as usual we all started getting drunk and the feelings started coming out. Now, as I stated I am pretty outspoken and I don't really give respect to people who don't deserve it (this is what she is attracted to I think.) I assumed that this boyfriend she brought over was just another idiot and so I didnt really give him any respect. Consequently, I started talking to her again and once we got drunk we started flirting with each other really openly. She was trying to make me smoke my first ciggarette (Just to try and get me to do what she wanted) and I wouldn't and I'm pretty sure this is what was making her crazy about me. My ability to say no to her and stand up to her is what really makes her want me. We both have very headstrong personalities and that is what makes the attraction. Meanwhile her boyfriend was basically getting her drinks and being her servant. She would be mean at him and he would just kind of take it like a pushover does. Anyways, like I said, about six of us were sitting around a table playing a card game and the flirting was really really overt to the point where everyone was noticing and kind of shocked that 1) I was hitting on her 2) She was flirting back 3) Her boyfriend was right there and not doing anything. We were making eye contact like crazy and talking in a kind of suttle sex tone. Eventually her boyfriend left for a cig outside or something and we started talking and I told her that I was attracted to her. She kind of panicked and giggled and went outside. I went to my room to kind of analyze what had just happened and she came back inside and came into my room and asked me if I was going to go to bed because of what she said/did. I said no and still hung out in the living room as the party died down. She left with her boyfriend at about 5am and that was the end of it. The next week she called my roommate again and said that she wanted to come over. She and my roommate talked a little about what happened and she said that her boyfriend said he was going to kick my ass if I did it again. My thoughts on that are if he really wanted to he would have got in my face right then and there at the party. I think he just said it to make her feel as if he was a tough guy or whatever. Anyways she was coming over again and said that this time her boyfriend wouldn't be. She came over with her girl roommate and to my surprise with her boyfriend. I could tell she didnt want him there because she was being mean to him again and he was offering to leave. He ended up staying and he didnt seem mad at me at all. I caught up with him in the kitchen and apologized for the way I acted the week before and he said it was okay. (Wow, what a pushover I was thinking.) Anyways I definitely kept my distance that night but she was trying to make conversation with me again. I wasn't going to let that happen because I wanted to respect their relationship even if it was a ****ty one and even if he was kind of a loser. She got a little bit tipsy and made a few freudian slips when talking to me. They left early that night but I can tell she wanted me to flirt again. Her freshman year of college she spent partying too much/sleeping around and she almost dropped out and now she is getting perfect grades, she rarely drinks, and her figure has gone from good to perfect. It seems like she is really starting to take care of herself and I think that completing her picture would be getting with a guy that actually challenges her. I am not sure if we have a real personality attraction or if only the sexual part of our personalities connect. Anyways, have I gone too far? Am I out of my place? Should I even go after a girl who I know has cheated on her boyfriends MANY times and about did so with me? Sorry for the long write up but I need some advice.

Don't waste your time with her. Study, study, and study. If someone wants you, she will show up at your doorsteps. No need to devote energy to non-sense girls :)
  • #1,360
Mattius_ said:
Hey all, I really enjoyed reading rocketboy's experience but I have a few troubles of my own.

My troubles arent as innocent as rocketboy's but I do have good intentions and I just need to know if what I am doing is across the line or not. There is a girl who I have known since high school (going into junior year of college now) and our relationship was never really much in high school. I was a bit anti-social and she was in the popular clique. We didnt know each other well and the few times we did interact it was because I was disagreeing with her in class or because I was defending a kid that her clique was giving a hard time to (I am outspoken when it comes to bullying.) We didn't like each other at all. Anyways I was really skinny during high school but once college started I put on weight and confidence and start going to parties and such. I didn't see her much the first year of college but I ended up at the same party during the beginning of our sophomore year. She was flirting with the same type of guys she always had, the types who only want her body and the types that she could boss around. I pulled her aside and asked her why she liked being treated like a piece of meat and we had a somewhat long (drunk) talk about her promiscuity, her always cheating on her boyfriends, and her almost failing out of college and she ended up hugging me and crying on my shoulder. I started kissing her but I let my hornyness take control and that kind of killed it. We all (about 10 of us) passed out and that was the end of the night. I saw her the next day in the college cafeteria and she blatantly avoided eye contact with me so I got a little pissed and avoided her as well and pushed her out of my mind. About 8 months later my roommate ran into her on campus and invited her over. She brought over her boyfriend (of 6 months) and it was a little awqward at first but as usual we all started getting drunk and the feelings started coming out. Now, as I stated I am pretty outspoken and I don't really give respect to people who don't deserve it (this is what she is attracted to I think.) I assumed that this boyfriend she brought over was just another idiot and so I didnt really give him any respect. Consequently, I started talking to her again and once we got drunk we started flirting with each other really openly. She was trying to make me smoke my first ciggarette (Just to try and get me to do what she wanted) and I wouldn't and I'm pretty sure this is what was making her crazy about me. My ability to say no to her and stand up to her is what really makes her want me. We both have very headstrong personalities and that is what makes the attraction. Meanwhile her boyfriend was basically getting her drinks and being her servant. She would be mean at him and he would just kind of take it like a pushover does. Anyways, like I said, about six of us were sitting around a table playing a card game and the flirting was really really overt to the point where everyone was noticing and kind of shocked that 1) I was hitting on her 2) She was flirting back 3) Her boyfriend was right there and not doing anything. We were making eye contact like crazy and talking in a kind of suttle sex tone. Eventually her boyfriend left for a cig outside or something and we started talking and I told her that I was attracted to her. She kind of panicked and giggled and went outside. I went to my room to kind of analyze what had just happened and she came back inside and came into my room and asked me if I was going to go to bed because of what she said/did. I said no and still hung out in the living room as the party died down. She left with her boyfriend at about 5am and that was the end of it. The next week she called my roommate again and said that she wanted to come over. She and my roommate talked a little about what happened and she said that her boyfriend said he was going to kick my ass if I did it again. My thoughts on that are if he really wanted to he would have got in my face right then and there at the party. I think he just said it to make her feel as if he was a tough guy or whatever. Anyways she was coming over again and said that this time her boyfriend wouldn't be. She came over with her girl roommate and to my surprise with her boyfriend. I could tell she didnt want him there because she was being mean to him again and he was offering to leave. He ended up staying and he didnt seem mad at me at all. I caught up with him in the kitchen and apologized for the way I acted the week before and he said it was okay. (Wow, what a pushover I was thinking.) Anyways I definitely kept my distance that night but she was trying to make conversation with me again. I wasn't going to let that happen because I wanted to respect their relationship even if it was a ****ty one and even if he was kind of a loser. She got a little bit tipsy and made a few freudian slips when talking to me. They left early that night but I can tell she wanted me to flirt again. Her freshman year of college she spent partying too much/sleeping around and she almost dropped out and now she is getting perfect grades, she rarely drinks, and her figure has gone from good to perfect. It seems like she is really starting to take care of herself and I think that completing her picture would be getting with a guy that actually challenges her. I am not sure if we have a real personality attraction or if only the sexual part of our personalities connect. Anyways, have I gone too far? Am I out of my place? Should I even go after a girl who I know has cheated on her boyfriends MANY times and about did so with me? Sorry for the long write up but I need some advice.

I think you would clash too much. I think just because she cleaned up her act after realizing she didn't want to flunk out of school, doens't mean she has changed the way she treats her men. It's a gamble, but that's what life's all about. I'd give it a shot. Date a few times and see where it leads. You don't strike me as the type who would take any crap, so she'll either yield and behave herself or she won't and it won't last. Either way you're young and what have you got to loose except a few hot dates?

Only one way to find out...
  • #1,361
Waste of money. Save it for books and other expenses.
  • #1,362
PrudensOptimus said:
Waste of money. Save it for books and other expenses.

Never said anything about spending money on her. That would be a waste:wink:
  • #1,363
Well he's got to pay the bill when he goes out with her, right?
  • #1,364
Well he's got to pay the bill when he goes out with her, right
What world are you living in? :confused:
  • #1,365
jeez Mattius you're a regular saint!

My opinion is probably going to piss people off, but from your 'adventures' it seems that you are a real mean guy. I think you should go for it. You two seem to deserve each other.

You say you speak up against bullies?? So wait, what was that girl doing to her boyfriend?? You hadn't even met the guy and there you are making assumptions and showing him no respect right from the bloody start. You start flirting with his girlfriend right in front of him, completely disregarding his presence. You only did this because he was such a pushover/loser right? Oh wait, it's not bullying when you're doing it is that also right?

I think that there is a definite personality connection with you and the girl. You are both self-centred and act with no civility. So there you go, you got the two ticks you needed for the relationship. The first tick is that you connect physically and then the second is that you connect on a personal level as well. You guys are the perfect match.

I know that you said you were sorry about the flirting thing, but from your description I just saw the insincerity oozing from the screen.

P.S. It doesn't matter if the boyfriend could easily defend himself're still bullying in a sense. Also from the way you've conducted yourself I'd say that your intentions are not good.

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