Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,436
Physics is Phun said:
Ok, so apparently I'm always going after the girls that send out mixed signals. orrrrr, I'm just really bad at reading them:-p (more than likely the latter)
there's this girl at my work. we're both students from the same school on a co-op job there. I already have a pretty good friend relationship with her, cause i drive her to work everyday and we get along great. sometimes she seems really flirty with me like i'll be just leaning talking to her and she'll get really close almost standing on my feet. and she's always playing footsies under the table and there's lots of long eye contact.
BUT. the problem is there is this other guy at work that she likes and on several occasions has talked to me about him. now the thing is he's like 30 something and we're 20. so she's obviously not reaaaally going to pursue anything, but she likes talking about it. But it's gotten to the point where she says stuff like Oh he was ignoring me again today when I tried to talk to him. and she wants my advice :rolleyes:
so that's not a good sign, i reckon
However, yesterday was our company christmas party and she was just glued to me the whole night. she had a few drinks in her and she was really coming on to me a lot like rubbing my leg with her foot under the table and saying things like 'isn't my dress really soft' now I know I'm not imagining it because i was talking to my friend later and he agreed that she was really into me.
BUT. during the party she also made mention a few times of that other guy from work and she seemed annoyed that he was there with a date.
oh, and she also seemed it necessary to fill my camera with pictures of herself :confused:
Soooooo, to sum up. I don't know what the hell is going on here. Is she just being friendly with me and doesn't know were to draw the line (she an immigrant, mexico, if that makes any difference) or, is there something there and she's just trying to make me jealous?
oy vay!

If she's still talking about the other guy, that would be a bad sign.
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  • #1,437
PiP, it sounds like she's into you, you really want someone like that? I have two interpretations of why she's telling you about that other guy, and neither of them sounds good. 1) She's not really interested in him, but is trying to make you jealous to get your attention (i.e., she's a game player...ugh!), or 2) She's pursuing both of you at the same time, and/or doesn't know what she wants (i.e., might lead to short-term fun, but she's going to wander off as soon as someone more "challenging" catches her attention).

The "game playing" may just be immaturity or insecurity, and something that can be overcome if she learns it's not very productive.

I can only suggest a cautious approach, since she might just be a flirty person and really is interested in the other guy. Next time she starts talking about him, give her the advice she's looking for. Tell her that guys don't usually get "hints," so if she's really interested in someone, she should just tell him she's attracted to him and would like to go out sometime. Depending on her intentions, she'll either interpret that as good, friendly advice about how to initiate a conversation with the other guy, or she'll realize you're not necessarily reading her hints and have just given her the invitation to declare her affections for you. It's the sort of thing that will avoid having you misinterpret her intentions and make your friendship awkward.
  • #1,438
Physics is Phun said:
However, yesterday was our company christmas party and she was just glued to me the whole night. she had a few drinks in her and she was really coming on to me a lot like rubbing my leg with her foot under the table and saying things like 'isn't my dress really soft' now I know I'm not imagining it because i was talking to my friend later and he agreed that she was really into me.
BUT. during the party she also made mention a few times of that other guy from work and she seemed annoyed that he was there with a date.
She was using you to try to make him jealous. I'm sorry, but you need to stay away from her.
  • #1,439
Ok, thread pruned. Come on neither of you know what the girl has on her mind, it could be any of the scenarios either of you are thinking. (I should talk, seeing the previous post by me). :redface:

Jason, have you told this girl to back off? If your girlfriend finds out that the other girl is blatantly hitting on you and you haven't flat out told her to stop, she might get upset.
Last edited:
  • #1,440
This is one of those topics that just won't die! :smile:
  • #1,441
It's the 'Never Ending Story' :smile:
  • #1,442
Women are truly from venus
  • #1,443
Moonbear said:
Next time she starts talking about him, give her the advice she's looking for. Tell her that guys don't usually get "hints," so if she's really interested in someone, she should just tell him she's attracted to him and would like to go out sometime. Depending on her intentions, she'll either interpret that as good, friendly advice about how to initiate a conversation with the other guy, or she'll realize you're not necessarily reading her hints and have just given her the invitation to declare her affections for you.

that is like the best idea I've ever heard. and so simple.
  • #1,444
So... how is everybody doing?
  • #1,445
PrudensOptimus said:
So... how is everybody doing?

Hey - good to see you! :smile: All is well here. What have you been up to?
  • #1,446
Well, I am currently doing research in the summer under a professor at Johns Hopkins.

It surprises me to see very few hot chix on campus...
  • #1,447
well, it appears I am the one that killed this 1400 post thread 6 months ago. never knew I had it in me lol
and I had girl troubles? wow barely even recall anymore :P
  • #1,448
After reading all of this i wondered if i could get this to start up once more :) 2 years it has been since this ended
  • #1,449
Pruden if your still there(Probably not) hows your life?
  • #1,450
Bleach12233 said:
After reading all of this i wondered if i could get this to start up once more :) 2 years it has been since this ended

I don't understand why someone would join PF just to wake a thread up after two years of dormancy especially when the original topic was so stupid that it should have been locked in the first place. :confused:

Are people that bored with their lives?
  • #1,451
Chrono said:
Who knew that chocolate had such an effect on women. I sure didn't.

Money works also, but I think that's because they can exchange it for chocolate.

An old girlfreind told me that she only dated me because she loved the way my hands looked.

Women are strange.
  • #1,452
Bleach12233 said:
After reading all of this i wondered if i could get this to start up once more :) 2 years it has been since this ended

You read ALL of this?? :eek:
  • #1,453
Well that's just who I am I like to observe conversations plus after reading 91 pages I thought I should try and make it 100 pages :)
  • #1,454
Yes I read all 91 pages of it :)
  • #1,455
Why hasn't this thread been locked or deleted altogether?
  • #1,456
I don't want it locked or deleted
  • #1,457
Bleach12233 said:
I don't want it locked or deleted

So you enjoy beating a dead horse, ay? :-p This thread long ago ran its course and significantly more important threads have been locked. Let this one rest in peace...
  • #1,458
Sadly I will not.
  • #1,459
Bleach12233 said:
Sadly I will not.

Sadly you are not a moderator, so it is not your call.
  • #1,460
If jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, then why does he keep doing it?
  • #1,461
Cyrus ain't going to like this.:biggrin:
  • #1,462
I'm a little nervous about what will happen when Cyrus sees this.
  • #1,463
Your evil MIH leaving this open for Cyrus. :wink:
  • #1,464
Bleach12233 said:
Yes I read all 91 pages of it :)

So if you read 91 pages, could you let us know if you've learned something worthy to mention? I mean was it helpful? Have you learned something new?:smile:
  • #1,465
Gnosis said:
Why hasn't this thread been locked or deleted altogether?
It's a PF Classic. This is the longest ongoing relationship thread in PF history, which is why it has not been locked. I was hoping someone would resurrect it.
  • #1,466
I could get it going :)
  • #1,467
Lisa! said:
So if you read 91 pages, could you let us know if you've learned something worthy to mention? I mean was it helpful? Have you learned something new?:smile:

Yes I have. reading this I have learned a few tips.
  • #1,468
Bleach12233 said:
Yes I have reading this I have learned a few tips.

procrastination? :rolleyes:
  • #1,469
i read all 92 pages of this
  • #1,470
I don't have the time or the patience to care anymore. This isn't a new thread, so I don't mind. If everyone kept all these girl problems inside one single thread, that would be fine. But no, we need to have a million of them...

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