Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,401
mathwonk said:
judging by the number of hits on this thread, and the ask a stupid question thread, i should have named my math thread " how to be a mathematician and meet girls, for compleat idiots".
Are you just now picking up on that :wink:
Physics news on
  • #1,402
Moonbear said:
He did seem to be in the episode I saw (it was the one where he went to meet the women's families...I'm not sure which was worse, having the one woman's dad pull out the shotgun and tell him that's what he'd use on any guy that hurt his daughter, or the one whose "friend" showed up with a wedding gown! Can you say "RUN!?")
Oh, I know, that dad was nuts, but that woman with the timeline and wedding dress was CRAZY. He dumped her tonight. :approve:
  • #1,403
Evo said:
Oh, I know, that dad was nuts, but that woman with the timeline and wedding dress was CRAZY. He dumped her tonight. :approve:
See, he IS a smart guy! I think he wanted to bolt the moment he saw that wedding gown and learned about her "life plan" but could only dump one at a time. :smile: I think I'd have taken my chances with someone who has a language barrier and cut loose the one with the wedding dress first though. Creepy!

Guys, if a woman pulls out a wedding gown and tells you she knows exactly what age she wants to be married, and what age she'll have her first kid, and you haven't even met her parents yet...RUN! She's crazy!
  • #1,404
Moonbear said:
See, he IS a smart guy! I think he wanted to bolt the moment he saw that wedding gown and learned about her "life plan" but could only dump one at a time. :smile: I think I'd have taken my chances with someone who has a language barrier and cut loose the one with the wedding dress first though. Creepy!
Yeah, that surprised me because he seemed to enjoy the evening with the Italian girl.

Guys, if a woman pulls out a wedding gown and tells you she knows exactly what age she wants to be married, and what age she'll have her first kid, and you haven't even met her parents yet...RUN! She's crazy!
PSYCHO is more like it. DERANGED perhaps? What type of woman actually does something like that?
  • #1,405
Evo said:
I am NOT a Cosmo reader.
:eek: Thank god. Nearly had a heart attack there!

mathwonk said:
judging by the number of hits on this thread, and the ask a stupid question thread, i should have named my math thread " how to be a mathematician and meet girls, for compleat idiots".

Stands to reason, doesn't it? I hate to say this, but I think it's more probable that people browsing a MATH & PHYSICS forum will have more trouble with wooing girls then with math & physics. I can say this without being condesending, because I'm a long time bachelor myself :biggrin:
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  • #1,406
Dimitri Terryn said:
Stands to reason, doesn't it? I hate to say this, but I think it's more probable that people browsing a MATH & PHYSICS forum will have more trouble with wooing girls then with math & physics. I can say this without being condesending, because I'm a long time bachelor myself
Oddly enough, I made precisely the same comment last night about this forum: "It's only natural to expect girls looking for male attention after a breakup to frequent the place occasionally: where better to find a truckload of unfulfilled male libido than a closet full of geeks?"
  • #1,407
twisting_edge said:
Oddly enough, I made precisely the same comment last night about this forum: "It's only natural to expect girls looking for male attention after a breakup to frequent the place occasionally: where better to find a truckload of unfulfilled male libido than a closet full of geeks?"
Ah yes, the trolling trollops. :biggrin:
  • #1,408
Moonbear said:
Maybe he was hoping you'd be thinking of him when you saw those titles.
The causal chain you propose is reversed, but otherwise fairly accurate.
  • #1,409
Moonbear said:
I caught one episode of that. I kinda liked this one. He seems more genuine than the ones in other shows. Or else he's just a better actor.
Guys, be prepared to run for your sanity: this has all the makings of a hen-party.
  • #1,410
twisting_edge said:
Guys, be prepared to run for your sanity: this has all the makings of a hen-party.
Pfft! The excitement is over, he ditched the psycho. There is some hope for men yet. :biggrin:
  • #1,411
Moonbear said:
Pfft! The excitement is over, he ditched the psycho. There is some hope for men yet. :biggrin:
Next Monday, a special "the women tell all" episode. :approve:
  • #1,412
twisting_edge said:
Guys, be prepared to run for your sanity: this has all the makings of a hen-party.
Moonbear said:
Pfft! The excitement is over, he ditched the psycho. There is some hope for men yet. :biggrin:
Evo said:
Next Monday, a special "the women tell all" episode. :approve:
See what I mean?

I originally cut & pasted a whole bunch of the preceding discussion, cutting out the rational bits (i.e., the posts from males). I decided not to post it, however. The results were downright scary.

Sister Sister of Math is Hard's boyfriend might've had the right idea after all.
  • #1,413
twisting_edge said:
Guys, be prepared to run for your sanity: this has all the makings of a hen-party.
Hmmmm! Seems like typical rooster behavior. Trying to all the other guys away, so he can have all the hens to himself. :biggrin:
  • #1,414
Astronuc said:
Hmmmm! Seems like typical rooster behavior. Trying to all the other guys away, so he can have all the hens to himself. :biggrin:
Ah, but if he keeps up with this approach, he may find himself a capon rather than a rooster! :devil:
  • #1,415
Moonbear said:
Ah, but if he keeps up with this approach, he may find himself a capon rather than a rooster! :devil:
You sisters play rough! Too rough!
  • #1,416
twisting_edge said:
Guys, be prepared to run for your sanity: this has all the makings of a hen-party.
Moonbear said:
Ah, but if he keeps up with this approach, he may find himself a capon rather than a rooster! :devil:
Astronuc said:
You sisters play rough! Too rough!
She could hardly have better proved my point if she tried, n'est pas?
  • #1,417
Wow, I haven't posted on this board for a few years now, and this thread is STILL GOING ON?
  • #1,418
Ok, I have my own problem now.

How do I get a girl to leave me alone? She knows I have a girlfriend. I barely show interests as a friend. I don't even say bye.

What the hell!?
  • #1,419
JasonRox said:
How do I get a girl to leave me alone? She knows I have a girlfriend. I barely show interests as a friend. I don't even say bye.
Easy: go after her. You might want to warn your current girlfriend first. But it will work.

One of the main reasons she's interested is probably because she knows you're "safe". You aren't going to pursue the matter.
  • #1,420
twisting_edge said:
Easy: go after her. You might want to warn your current girlfriend first. But it will work.

One of the main reasons she's interested is probably because she knows you're "safe". You aren't going to pursue the matter.

Not really.

I'm sure she wants it.

Most girls make it clear that they don't care that you have a girlfriend or not.
  • #1,421
JasonRox said:
Not really.

I'm sure she wants it.
There's just one way to find out, and I bet you'll be very surprised at the result.
  • #1,422
Try being nice to her. But talk about your girlfriend anytime you see her. She'll get the hint.

For some reason I don't comprehend, many girls often enjoy the chase for attention, and the harder it is to get, the harder they pursue it (much as Twisting Edge says.) But, the same sort hate even more when they get attention but it's completely focused on another girl.
  • #1,423
Good point.

I kind of forgot about that trick.
  • #1,424
Have you told her directly, but politely, that you're not interested? If not, try that first. If you have done that already, and she's still being annoying trying to hit on you, try the direct, but rude approach..."Look, I told you I'm not interested, leave me the **** alone, you ****ing psycho *****!" Only the real psychos would stick around even after that.
  • #1,425
Moonbear said:
Have you told her directly, but politely, that you're not interested? If not, try that first. If you have done that already, and she's still being annoying trying to hit on you, try the direct, but rude approach..."Look, I told you I'm not interested, leave me the **** alone, you ****ing psycho *****!" Only the real psychos would stick around even after that.

I just don't really talk to her.
  • #1,426
I would think it's an ego thing. If you did decide to have a fling with her, she would end it after the first encounter. She would have made her point: she could wrest you away from your girlfriend.

There's just one way to find out, and I bet you'll be very surprised at the result.

Don't listen to that. You'll only end up being used.
  • #1,427
Get her in bed one night, dump her, then pursue other prey. Then again that is just me.
  • #1,428
I can see where Weave's brain is situated...
  • #1,429
at least he's got it thinking straight ;).
  • #1,430
verty said:
twisting_edge said:
There's just one way to find out, and I bet you'll be very surprised at the result.
Don't listen to that. You'll only end up being used.
Life is a learning expereince. If he doesn't believe me, then he can find out the hard way.

Also, I'd like to point out that not all that much has changed since before he had a girlfriend. He probably ran into similar encounters prior to that, only to find out there was no real interest after all. But in this case, since he knows he isn't planning on doing anything about it, he can afford to be optimisitic about her intentions.

Once he puts himself in the role of having to actually do something about all those "signals", he may find they suddenly look a lot less clear.

As I said, there is precisely one way to find out. Merely running an "as if" scenario in your mind doesn't cut it. We all like to think we would do things that in practice we never will.
  • #1,431
Weave said:
Get her in bed one night, dump her, then pursue other prey. Then again that is just me.

I can do better than her, so I wouldn't even give her a night.
  • #1,432
twisting_edge said:
Life is a learning expereince. If he doesn't believe me, then he can find out the hard way.

Also, I'd like to point out that not all that much has changed since before he had a girlfriend. He probably ran into similar encounters prior to that, only to find out there was no real interest after all. But in this case, since he knows he isn't planning on doing anything about it, he can afford to be optimisitic about her intentions.

Once he puts himself in the role of having to actually do something about all those "signals", he may find they suddenly look a lot less clear.

As I said, there is precisely one way to find out. Merely running an "as if" scenario in your mind doesn't cut it. We all like to think we would do things that in practice we never will.

Um... if they tell you...

I want to **** you.

She does want to **** me. That is the deal. If a girl walks up to me and says, I want to **** you (and she has a boyfriend). That is also clear of the intentions. They will ask for rides home. Offer to pick you up. Ask you out. Even tell you, that they want you and like you. And so and so on... so I'm sure this isn't an "illusion" that you experience all the time.

One time taking the bus, a girl was checking me out for most of the ride and then later when she got off the bus, she got into a fight about me with her boyfriend who was ON the bus. I know this because I met that girl later. She also made it clear that she wants it. So, also this is just an illusion? Girls risking their own relationship for this game you think exists?

The experiences that I'm experiencing are different from yours. So, you probably bump into girls who show interests, but in reality they are just being nice to you or something. Well, I'm sorry, but this isn't the case. Not in many cases. So, don't compare. I'm not stepping into this "reality" that you think exists. It's sad you feel like your "reality" applies everywhere since most of it is false.

I will not freaking try and make a move and see where she goes with it. Why? Because I'm not a moron, and I know she will take it as far as she can.
  • #1,433
Ok, so apparently I'm always going after the girls that send out mixed signals. orrrrr, I'm just really bad at reading them:-p (more than likely the latter)
there's this girl at my work. we're both students from the same school on a co-op job there. I already have a pretty good friend relationship with her, cause i drive her to work everyday and we get along great. sometimes she seems really flirty with me like i'll be just leaning talking to her and she'll get really close almost standing on my feet. and she's always playing footsies under the table and there's lots of long eye contact.
BUT. the problem is there is this other guy at work that she likes and on several occasions has talked to me about him. now the thing is he's like 30 something and we're 20. so she's obviously not reaaaally going to pursue anything, but she likes talking about it. But it's gotten to the point where she says stuff like Oh he was ignoring me again today when I tried to talk to him. and she wants my advice :rolleyes:
so that's not a good sign, i reckon
However, yesterday was our company christmas party and she was just glued to me the whole night. she had a few drinks in her and she was really coming on to me a lot like rubbing my leg with her foot under the table and saying things like 'isn't my dress really soft' now I know I'm not imagining it because i was talking to my friend later and he agreed that she was really into me.
BUT. during the party she also made mention a few times of that other guy from work and she seemed annoyed that he was there with a date.
oh, and she also seemed it necessary to fill my camera with pictures of herself :confused:
Soooooo, to sum up. I don't know what the hell is going on here. Is she just being friendly with me and doesn't know were to draw the line (she an immigrant, mexico, if that makes any difference) or, is there something there and she's just trying to make me jealous?
oy vay!
  • #1,434
@PiP: She sounds insecure...
  • #1,435
Physics is Phun said:
Soooooo, to sum up. I don't know what the hell is going on here. Is she just being friendly with me and doesn't know were to draw the line (she an immigrant, mexico, if that makes any difference) or, is there something there and she's just trying to make me jealous?
oy vay!
Just ask her in a nice way. Tell her that you really like and see where that goes.

I prefer the direct approach, but then I've been out of dating other women for 26+ years. :biggrin:

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