Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #736
Tsunami said:
How's it goin' with her, Chrono?

With her, it's going quite well. With a friend of ours, not so good.
Physics news on
  • #737
Chrono said:
With her, it's going quite well. With a friend of ours, not so good.

How come, what's the beef?
  • #738
OK after 48+ pages everyone here must be englightned about girls.

If men are the logical ones, why is it that we are the ones who get blamed for everything?

Wait.. nm... I think I just answered my own question :smile:
  • #739
Tsunami said:
Yes, the successess are what it's all about! I'm really glad Chrono found himself an AVAILABLE girl! :wink: :biggrin:
:biggrin: An 'interesting' choice of words, I thought too.
  • #740
jimmy p said:
How come, what's the beef?

Actually, I misunderstood what had happend. There's no beef at all, so no need to worry.

Sorry for the long wait, guys, but where I was there wasn't much of a way for me to get on. Things are still going good with me and her, so no need to ask about that.
  • #741
The gooder it is, the lesser they talk. Just a truism, not a complaint ! :biggrin:
  • #742
Chrono, yippee, hooray! I just got back to this thread after not reading a while. I'm so happy to hear you found a woman who is available for you! See, when a woman is interested, she sends very unambiguous signals, no playing hard-to-get. Hugs and kisses are pretty easy to interpret. And in case you guys haven't noticed yet, you may think you're asking the women on the dates, but women really are the ones who initiate the relationships. You wouldn't ask them unless they already gave you those, "it's okay to ask me out" signals (though if you're getting turned down for dates often, that could be the problem, you didn't wait for the green light to do the asking).

Anyway, woo hoo! It's always good to hear when Cupid strikes!
  • #743
Bottom line is if your struggling to find the right girl settle for the next best thing. (next best thing being the first one that comes along.)
  • #744
my god!
what a stupid problem!
  • #745
Andy said:
Bottom line is if your struggling to find the right girl settle for the next best thing. (next best thing being the first one that comes along.)

Yeah... like that works :rolleyes:
  • #746
Andy said:
Bottom line is if your struggling to find the right girl settle for the next best thing. (next best thing being the first one that comes along.)

No, be patient. I was for 8 months and now I go out with the perfect gals for me. Just wait. Mind you... some of you are animals. :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #747
LOL Andy has a girlfriend so he doesn't need to worry. Woah 8 months? We are relationship-twins. I have been single for 8 months too... and it could be much longer :frown: :cry:
  • #748
jimmy p said:
LOL Andy has a girlfriend so he doesn't need to worry. Woah 8 months? We are relationship-twins. I have been single for 8 months too... and it could be much longer :frown: :cry:

Like I said I waited to go out with her for 8 months. Be patient mate. That is ll it needs. Find who you like and get to know them. That is how I started. My girlfriend had only liked me for 3 of the 8 months I had liked her :eek: :surprise: So it may take time for a difference to show but keep at it. Oh and, if like mine, she likes you a lot, she will ask you out and then you are sure. :wink:

Remember to have a good long talk about what each other wants as well because I did that for 3 hours with her and we are now closer than ever. Actually, so close it hurts to be away from her.

Oh and when that talk is over, get in and do what you want, but lovingly. :-p :biggrin: No seriously, make it last with a kiss or something. That is what they want after a nice comment about them or they give you one and you kiss them. They feel a lot better. Don't let the moment pass.

This is what I have found with my girlfriend, who is so sweet and lovely and caring. Oh you made me think of her now. I am going to be in pain for ages now. Oh never mind. I will have to learn to deal with it.

The Bob (2004 ©)
Last edited:
  • #749
That sounds like an expert talking :wink:
  • #750
Monique said:
That sounds like an expert talking :wink:

Well it works for me and my girlfriend. We just get closer and closer by the day with it. Any agruments we have pass in 5 minutes. She even told me she can't stay mad at me and it is unfair. I love her to pieces.

As for the expertise ... well it is just who I am. I have and will continue to act as I always have and be who I am, which is another good point to be added to my point above. Be yourself because it is harder to be someone you are not. I have found females like you for who you are not what they want you to be. Honest. Strange but that is life. :biggrin:

Thanks for the compliment Monique. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #751
The Bob said:
Be yourself because it is harder to be someone you are not. I have found females like you for who you are not what they want you to be.

How true that is.
  • #752
:-p The girl I like is two years older than me and interested in someone else. Lol.
  • #753
jimmy, you have 2 paths in front of you.

One is the path of the wise, and is described by The Bob.

The other is the easy path : you 'become' (i) 2 years older than you, and (ii) someone else.

Now choose wisely...
  • #754
Gokul43201 said:
jimmy, you have 2 paths in front of you.

One is the path of the wise, and is described by The Bob.

Well atleast my advice is being used, which makes a change.

Gokul43201 said:
The other is the easy path : you 'become' (i) 2 years older than you, and (ii) someone else.

Now choose wisely...

Ahh. Very good. I hadn't thought of that. :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #755
THAT'S IT! I'll become two years older! You're a genius Gokul! *slaps forehead* why didnt I think of that??

  • #756
jimmy p said:
THAT'S IT! I'll become two years older! You're a genius Gokul! *slaps forehead* why didnt I think of that??


I thought the same think.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #757
The Bob said:
Thanks for the compliment Monique. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
You deserve the compliment: you sound exactly like the sweetest nicest cutest handsomest person that waited 6 months to walk into my life but has been living just around the corner :biggrin:

patience makes hungry :wink: don't be too patient though :rolleyes:
  • #758
Have all you guys out there noticed the sublest of hints being thrown out by Monique, lately. :wink:

Monique, seems like you've recently found someone nice - Congrats ! :smile:
  • #759
Gokul43201 said:
Have all you guys out there noticed the sublest of hints being thrown out by Monique, lately. :wink:

I noticed some of that myself. Good going Monique! :biggrin:
  • #760
The only thing living around the corner from me are horses. :frown:

It does sound like Monique's found someone. :approve:
  • #761
Monique said:
You deserve the compliment: you sound exactly like the sweetest nicest cutest handsomest person that waited 6 months to walk into my life but has been living just around the corner :biggrin:

patience makes hungry :wink: don't be too patient though :rolleyes:

That is a mouthful to say. :biggrin:

And I suppose waiting too long bad. It makes your stomach hurt and groan for whoever you are after. Not to put a point on things here though.

The Bob (2004 ©)

P.S. Do you have someone special now Monique? :wink:
  • #762
Another clasical problem for this thred (I don't have the will to read the whole thred for potential answers :-p ).

I like this girl for more than 2 years now but I am afreid to ask her out. By the way I have never been on a date before and I don't really know how to ask her out. Any ideas other than the usual beyourself.
  • #763
Do you go places with her now with a group of friends? If not, what is your relationship with her now? (when do you see her, friends in common, etc..)
  • #764
We are are in the same class, and I called her a few times during this summer.
  • #765
If she seems to like you, I think you should ask her out.

Would it be possible to go out with her and a couple of your/her other friends? It might be easier than asking her out alone. You could mention to her that you and a couple of your friends (this should include females) are going out and would she like to join.
  • #766
I have a kitten staring at me lovingly over the top of my laptop. That doesn't fit in but it is nice to be adored by something :-p Update with this 21 year old... apparently her mum thinks we would make a wonderful couple. I didnt ask or anything, she just said it randomly today. w00t!
  • #767
Chopnik, I'm so glad that something is going right for you. Don't forget, your PF mom, aunt, alien uncle & aunt MIH all love you! :approve:
  • #768
The Bob said:
P.S. Do you have someone special now Monique? :wink:
*quietly nods* :approve:
  • #769
Now you're quiet? :-p
  • #770
jimmy p said:
I have a kitten staring at me lovingly over the top of my laptop. That doesn't fit in but it is nice to be adored by something :-p Update with this 21 year old... apparently her mum thinks we would make a wonderful couple. I didnt ask or anything, she just said it randomly today. w00t!

What is it with all these 19 year old guys dating 21 year old girls? Where's mine? AH!

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