Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

In summary, moving on from high school can be a time of conflicting emotions for many individuals. While it marks the end of a significant chapter in one's life, it also brings about the excitement and uncertainty of new beginnings. The nostalgia for the past and the fear of the future can create a sense of conflict within oneself. However, it is important to embrace these conflicting feelings and use them as motivation to grow and move forward. Whether it is pursuing higher education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, the process of moving on from high school is a natural and necessary part of life.
  • #1,121
bbarrett said:
You guys are approching this like a physics problem, then maybe I should explain it this way.all you need to know here is that opposites attract, and, That the angle of the dangle is directly proportionate to the heat of the meat! Just be yourself make her feel comfortable around you, if your not comfortable with yourself you better start there.; There is more to life then Physics, so go out and enjoy the world your studing so hard to understand mathmatically, and enjoy it physically!

Physics is to math, what sex is to masturbation.

That said, everything can be solved through physics, or careful cover up of "anomalous results."
Physics news on
  • #1,122
franznietzsche said:
That said, everything can be solved through physics, or careful cover up of "anomalous results."

Physics does get me aroused, though. :biggrin: :rolleyes:
  • #1,123
Saint said:
Do you talk about sex when you first met a girl?


Saint said:
Will this scare her away ?

  • #1,124
Lol, that's kinda a silly question... You don't meet a girl and say "What do you want to talk about? Sex?"

  • #1,125
... I do...
  • #1,126
Saint said:
Do you talk about sex when you first met a girl?
Will this scare her away ?

I tried to do like that some years ago. Just to do an investigation in women´s mind. :devil:
Obviously all the about 50 girls approached and talked about sex said NO, someone have also beaten me :cry:
So the answer is:
YES, i did it for fun, but NO, I don´t do it no more
NO, she will not be scared away, she will be very angry and she will beat you, so YOU WILL BE SCARED AWAY by her fury
  • #1,127
I just avoid the topic unless they bring it up. Once that happens, I make all sorts of, I think, funny innuendos.
  • #1,128
I don't even know why I am checking this thread AND even responding in the way I am going to. The only way a man can get his way, is by pretending to be interested in the things she is interested in - anything like babies, flower arrangement, family life, decoration,the Oprah show, anything that serves to show that he is into loving and caring and is a man of great warmth and affection and is likely to commit to a relationship (commitment - big for girls). At all times and I mean at ALL times, do not let your true intention slip. He who can pull this off for long enough is likely to get his own way.
Now why am I even telling a bunch of guys how to chase girls? :confused:
  • #1,129
Polly said:
The only way a man can get his way, is by pretending to be interested in the things she is interested in - anything like babies, flower arrangement, family life, decoration,the Oprah show...

WOW! Except for the Oprah show reference, I thought I had time-travelled back to 1957 for a minute. :-p :smile:
  • #1,130
Math Is Hard said:
WOW! Except for the Oprah show reference, I thought I had time-travelled back to 1957 for a minute. :-p :smile:
I agree, except I don't even watch Oprah. :bugeye:

Pretending to be interested in things that the other likes is a very bad way to start out a relationship, it would work if you're looking for a one night stand, perhaps. Eventually the truth will come out and the results are never good.
  • #1,131
Evo said:
Pretending to be interested in things that the other likes is a very bad way to start out a relationship, it would work if you're looking for a one night stand, perhaps. Eventually the truth will come out and the results are never good.

I concur. Somehow, women will always find out the truth.
  • #1,132
Chrono said:
I concur. Somehow, women will always find out the truth.
Yes, that is so true. Even if they beat it out of you or spend 7 hours and you give in finally. :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,133
Chrono said:
I concur. Somehow, women will always find out the truth.

Hah! Try to find a girl who can even tell the truth...
  • #1,134
:rolleyes: This place is getting scary...*runs for mama*
  • #1,135
The Bob said:
Yes, that is so true. Even if they beat it out of you or spend 7 hours and you give in finally. :smile:

I think the latter happens a lot more than the former.
  • #1,136
First they try and beat it out, often with a stick. If that doesn't work, they try putting on an adorable face... like this:


And they say please soooo nicely...

Dammit! They always win! :-p
  • #1,137
amwbonfire said:
If that doesn't work, they try putting on an adorable face

They're like kittens with the face thing, I swear. Like Puss In Boots from Shrek 2.
  • #1,138
Arctic Fox said:
The girl is probably already married to someone else...

The guy is probably already in AA/rehab...

A little update...

For the swedish girl, I am not sure what her current stat is... still goes to same school...

For Girl #1, she has moved to reside in Texas. I still read her online live journals, seems to be nothing more than her daily life.

For the other girl, who resides in Missouri, she is living also a happy life. I heard she is training to become a dental assistant.

For me, I am in rehab yes. lol, mental rehab with myself. After thinking, girls aren't worth it. Think about it,... STD... those so easily transmitable diseases. sigh.
  • #1,139
PrudensOptimus said:
After thinking, girls aren't worth it. Think about it,... STD... those so easily transmitable diseases. sigh.

Oh yes... that's a brilliant excuse. :rolleyes:

The species has propagated just fine so far...

Let me guess... abstinence only sex ed?
  • #1,140
I don't like girls cause they have cooties.

edit: it seems so awkward to first discuss the concept of ethical values, the transcendental feeling of love, governmental conflicts, and ego-centricism and then type something like the top line. :rolleyes:
  • #1,141
PrudensOptimus said:
For me, I am in rehab yes. lol, mental rehab with myself. After thinking, girls aren't worth it. Think about it,... STD... those so easily transmitable diseases. sigh.

I've taken a break from chasing girls (still looking of course). This semester in school has been the hardest yet. I figured I should get this over with first.
  • #1,142
My mother has always taught me to let the girls chase you insofar as they will take the initiative of getting know you, that is when you know you have the power of gravitation.
  • #1,143
Dont "spy" on her, especially using her female friends. Girls share EVERYTHING among themselves. Tell her how you feel. It has to be done. If she get's the wrong impression, you'll be digging yourself out of that hole for months.
  • #1,144
May lightning strike me dead if I ever consider dating anyone again...ever.

I'm fed up.
  • #1,145
Evo, I've liked you from the minute I saw you, will you go out with me? Pleeeaaseeee.
  • #1,146
Smurf said:
Evo, I've liked you from the minute I saw you, will you go out with me? Pleeeaaseeee.
You have a death wish for me, eh?
  • #1,147
President Clinton visited us! Here are some pics i took:
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  • #1,148
PrudensOptimus said:
President Clinton visited us! Here are some pics i took:
LOL, it IS your thread.

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  • #1,149
Evo said:
May lightning strike me dead if I ever consider dating anyone again...ever.

I'm fed up.

I wouldn't mind dating your daughter, Evo.
  • #1,150
Evo said:
Depending on your definition of normal, I consider myself a normal male, if your definition is the same as mine.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #1,151
Evo said:
May lightning strike me dead if I ever consider dating anyone again...ever.

I'm fed up.

Don't lose hope. The first one is free, the second one isn't :wink:
  • #1,152
The_Professional said:
Don't lose hope. The first one is free, the second one isn't :wink:

Funny that you mentioned that. A friend of mine just got engaged to a woman he met through that eharmony site.
Personally, I have always been skeptical about those personality matching tests that the dating services tout, but heck, maybe there's something to it after all.
  • #1,153
Math Is Hard said:
Funny that you mentioned that. A friend of mine just got engaged to a woman he met through that eharmony site.
Personally, I have always been skeptical about those personality matching tests that the dating services tout, but heck, maybe there's something to it after all.

I believe that gals have more of a shot than guys. Because you do the choosing. But like in business it's a numbers game, so the more you put yourself out there, the better your chances.

I'm very skeptical of e-harmony, it would be interesting to see more info on how many couple got married and/or still happily together.
  • #1,154
Man.. your school is freaking huge!

*offtop - I shoock hands with Bill Clinton back when he was President of USA. :P
Anyone can beat that? :biggrin:
  • #1,155
masudr said:
Tell her how you feel. It has to be done. If she get's the wrong impression, you'll be digging yourself out of that hole for months.
Can't view 70+ pages :biggrin: , but that's ussualy a very bad move.
Let her go there first. If she doesn't, at least you won't ruin the possibility
for less serious relations.

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